Active Cornwall

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Our vision is for a Cornwall where inequalities are no longer a barrier to an active life.

We champion the benefits of incorporating movement and physical activity into everyday life, focusing on those facing the most significant inequalities. Sharing our unique insights, knowledge and resources, we work collaboratively with others to influence policy and help integrate activity into education, healthcare and community life.

We are one of 43 independent Active Partnerships in England, collaborating with national partners and 'Uniting the Movement' for Sport England in Cornwall, tackling inactivity and reducing inequalities.

In partnership with the NHS, Cornwall Council and local

Our vision is for a Cornwall where inequalities are no longer a barrier to an active life.

We champion the benefits of incorporating movement and physical activity into everyday life, focusing on those facing the most significant inequalities. Sharing our unique insights, knowledge and resources, we work collaboratively with others to influence policy and help integrate activity into education, healthcare and community life.

We are one of 43 independent Active Partnerships in England, collaborating with national partners and 'Uniting the Movement' for Sport England in Cornwall, tackling inactivity and reducing inequalities.

In partnership with the NHS, Cornwall Council and local delivery partners, we strategically commission and build quality-assured capacity in priority places for those who need our support the most. By connecting with communities, we tackle barriers that prevent people from leading more active lives, powering positive and sustainable change at scale, and influencing active environments.

Research shows that physical activity plays a crucial role in preventing illness and managing long term health conditions, and being active can reduce the risk of major illnesses and early death by 30%. However, 49% of children in Cornwall do not meet the recommended physical activity guidelines, especially those from less affluent families or with special educational needs and disabilities. Our ageing and minority populations are increasing, and economic disparities are growing, leading to more inequality and less activity.

With a focus on children, young people and older adults, we support those who need the most help to move more and live well for longer. Delivering national initiatives at a local level, we also deliver programmes where gaps in the market otherwise remain.

Underpinned by our beliefs of trust, equity, compassion, innovation and curiosity, our work across four strategic themes delivers long term systemic change and impact through:

  • Advocating for change and working together for movement, championing and supporting wider communication and promotion of the benefits of activity and movement – our engagement in national campaigns such as ‘We Are Undefeatable’ and ‘This Girl Can’ complements local priorities including Cornwall being ‘a brilliant place to be a child and grow up’
  • Learning through change and working locally, adopting a place-based approach informed by insight and learning to identify and overcome barriers to physical activity – our Live Longer Better programme enables healthy active aging and reduces dependency on others
  • Being the change as a strong, trusted organisation, developing the skills and capacity to ensure we become a trusted partner and the recognised authority on activity and movement – we’re enhancing safeguarding and welfare for sports and activity clubs, helping our schools in opening sports facilities outside of the school day in areas where it is most needed and upskilling others, including through our Time2Lead and Bikeability programmes
  • Building lasting change and tackling long term inequalities, working with system leaders and partners to understand and overcome systemic barriers to activity, building capacity and sustainability across providers and communities - the Holiday Activities and Food Programme known locally as the Time2Move Holiday Programme providing fun physical activity and healthy food to children aged between 5 and 16 years old in receipt of free school meals through the 3 main holiday periods and the Cornwall School Games deliver competitive school sport and activity for those young people who rarely get to represent their school

  • This survey is for providers who delivered as part of the Christmas 2024 holidays but were not taking bookings from the Playwaze site, to provide us with details on their bookings and activities. This will help towards our commitment to developing and continually improving the programme.

    If you have any questions, please email

    Privacy notice

    The information you provide in this survey will be used to help inform the delivery of the Government's Holiday Activities and Food Programme in Cornwall. The Data Controller for the information you provide in this survey is Cornwall Council, New County Hall, Treyew Road, Truro TR1 3AY. Data Protection Registration Number: Z1745294. Once the survey has closed, your data will be held within Cornwall Council’s secure network and premises for up to 2 years. Access to your information will only be made to authorised members of Cornwall Council and Active Cornwall staff who are required to process it for the purposes outlined in this privacy notice. Please visit the Active Cornwall full Privacy Policy for further information.

    Complete Form
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  • Thank you for attending our recent learning session. We would really appreciate if you could take 5 minutes to complete this form to provide us with some feedback on how they went. 

    Take Survey
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  • This delivery plan is for select providers who have been chosen to take part in an opportunity to deliver sessions as part of a national pilot during February Half Term.  Active Cornwall will be able to support your programme of delivery with a grant focusing on children in receipt of benefits-related Free School Meals during February half term.

    By completing this delivery plan, you will provide us with assurances of meeting the required standards of this programme and also give more details of what your delivery will look like.

    If you have any questions, please email or call 01872 324287

    Privacy notice

    The information you provide in this survey will be used to help inform the delivery of the Government's Holiday Activities and Food Programme in Cornwall. The Data Controller for the information you provide in this survey is Cornwall Council, New County Hall, Treyew Road, Truro TR1 3AY. Data Protection Registration Number: Z1745294. Once the survey has closed, your data will be held within Cornwall Council’s secure network and premises for up to 2 years. Access to your information will only be made to authorised members of Cornwall Council and Active Cornwall staff who are required to process it for the purposes outlined in this privacy notice. Please visit the Active Cornwall full Privacy Policy for further information.

    Complete delivery plan
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  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    This application is if you wish to deliver FUN activities during the Easter school holidays for the Holiday Activities and Food Programme. Active Cornwall will be able to support your programme of delivery with a grant focusing on children in receipt of benefits-related Free School Meals during the Easter Holidays.

    By completing this application form, you will provide us with assurances of meeting the required standards of this programme and also give more details of what your delivery will look like.

    If you have any questions, please email or call 01872 324287

    Privacy notice

    The information you provide in this survey will be used to help inform the delivery of the Government's Holiday Activities and Food Programme in Cornwall. The Data Controller for the information you provide in this survey is Cornwall Council, New County Hall, Treyew Road, Truro TR1 3AY. Data Protection Registration Number: Z1745294. Once the survey has closed, your data will be held within Cornwall Council’s secure network and premises for up to 2 years. Access to your information will only be made to authorised members of Cornwall Council and Active Cornwall staff who are required to process it for the purposes outlined in this privacy notice. Please visit the Active Cornwall full Privacy Policy for further information.

    Share Time2Move Holiday Programme application form - Easter 2025 on Facebook Share Time2Move Holiday Programme application form - Easter 2025 on Twitter Share Time2Move Holiday Programme application form - Easter 2025 on Linkedin Email Time2Move Holiday Programme application form - Easter 2025 link
  • This application is if you wish to deliver FUN activities during the Christmas for the Holiday Activities and Food Programme. Active Cornwall will be able to support your programme of delivery with a grant focusing on children in receipt of benefits-related Free School Meals during the Christmas Holidays.

    By completing this application form, you will provide us with assurances of meeting the required standards of this programme and also give more details of what your delivery will look like.

    If you have any questions, please email or call 01872 324287

    Privacy notice

    The information you provide in this survey will be used to help inform the delivery of the Government's Holiday Activities and Food Programme in Cornwall. The Data Controller for the information you provide in this survey is Cornwall Council, New County Hall, Treyew Road, Truro TR1 3AY. Data Protection Registration Number: Z1745294. Once the survey has closed, your data will be held within Cornwall Council’s secure network and premises for up to 2 years. Access to your information will only be made to authorised members of Cornwall Council and Active Cornwall staff who are required to process it for the purposes outlined in this privacy notice. Please visit the Active Cornwall full Privacy Policy for further information.

    Complete Application Form
    Share Time2Move Holiday Programme application form - Christmas 2024 on Facebook Share Time2Move Holiday Programme application form - Christmas 2024 on Twitter Share Time2Move Holiday Programme application form - Christmas 2024 on Linkedin Email Time2Move Holiday Programme application form - Christmas 2024 link
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    This survey is for providers who delivered as part of the Summer 2024 holidays but were not taking bookings from the Playwaze site, to provide us with details on their bookings and activities. This will help towards our commitment to developing and continually improving the programme.

    If you have any questions, please email

    Privacy notice

    The information you provide in this survey will be used to help inform the delivery of the Government's Holiday Activities and Food Programme in Cornwall. The Data Controller for the information you provide in this survey is Cornwall Council, New County Hall, Treyew Road, Truro TR1 3AY. Data Protection Registration Number: Z1745294. Once the survey has closed, your data will be held within Cornwall Council’s secure network and premises for up to 2 years. Access to your information will only be made to authorised members of Cornwall Council and Active Cornwall staff who are required to process it for the purposes outlined in this privacy notice. Please visit the Active Cornwall full Privacy Policy for further information.

    Share T2M Holiday Programme reporting - Summer 2024 on Facebook Share T2M Holiday Programme reporting - Summer 2024 on Twitter Share T2M Holiday Programme reporting - Summer 2024 on Linkedin Email T2M Holiday Programme reporting - Summer 2024 link
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    This survey is an opportunity for all the providers who delivered as part of the Summer 2024 holidays to help towards our commitment to developing and continually improving the programme.  We are also gathering as many case studies as possible to share the great work all providers are doing as part of this programme.  Please share as many as you can in as much information as possible without using names (i.e Initials only) to prevent identification.

    If you have any questions, please email or call 01872 323335

    Privacy notice

    The information you provide in this survey will be used to help inform the delivery of the Government's Holiday Activities and Food Programme in Cornwall. The Data Controller for the information you provide in this survey is Cornwall Council, New County Hall, Treyew Road, Truro TR1 3AY. Data Protection Registration Number: Z1745294. Once the survey has closed, your data will be held within Cornwall Council’s secure network and premises for up to 2 years. Access to your information will only be made to authorised members of Cornwall Council and Active Cornwall staff who are required to process it for the purposes outlined in this privacy notice. Please visit the Active Cornwall full Privacy Policy for further information.

    Share Time2Move Holiday Programme Provider Feedback - Summer 2024 on Facebook Share Time2Move Holiday Programme Provider Feedback - Summer 2024 on Twitter Share Time2Move Holiday Programme Provider Feedback - Summer 2024 on Linkedin Email Time2Move Holiday Programme Provider Feedback - Summer 2024 link
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Time2Move Holiday Programme - Cornwall Holiday Activity and Food Programme

    Active Cornwall, in partnership with Cornwall Council joined forces to lead the Holiday Activity and Food Programme for Cornwall. 

    Community providers and schools accessed funding from ourselves to deliver programmes to engage all young people, but ensure it was funded for those eligible through benefits related Free School Meals. 

    We would be delighted to hear your views through this short survey which covers how you heard about the programme and the experiences your child(ren) had while at these sessions.

    This survey should only take up to 10 minutes. After you have completed this survey and you have provided your contact details, your name will be entered into a prize draw to win a micro-scooter.

    Privacy notice

    The information you provide in this survey will be used to help inform the delivery of the Government's Holiday Activities and Food Programme in Cornwall. The Data Controller for the information you provide in this survey is Cornwall Council, New County Hall, Treyew Road, Truro TR1 3AY. Data Protection Registration Number: Z1745294. Once the survey has closed, your data will be held within Cornwall Council’s secure network and premises for up to 2 years. Access to your information will only be made to authorised members of Cornwall Council and Active Cornwall staff who are required to process it for the purposes outlined in this privacy notice. Please visit the Active Cornwall full Privacy Policy for further information.

    Share Time2Move Holiday Programme - Parent/Guardian Survey Summer '24 on Facebook Share Time2Move Holiday Programme - Parent/Guardian Survey Summer '24 on Twitter Share Time2Move Holiday Programme - Parent/Guardian Survey Summer '24 on Linkedin Email Time2Move Holiday Programme - Parent/Guardian Survey Summer '24 link
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    This application is if you wish to deliver FUN activities during the Summer for the Holiday Activities and Food Programme. Active Cornwall will be able to support your programme of delivery with a grant focusing on children in receipt of benefits-related Free School Meals during the Summer Holidays.

    By completing this application form, you will provide us with assurances of meeting the required standards of this programme and also give more details of what your delivery will look like.

    If you have any questions, please email or call 01872 324287

    Privacy notice

    The information you provide in this survey will be used to help inform the delivery of the Government's Holiday Activities and Food Programme in Cornwall. The Data Controller for the information you provide in this survey is Cornwall Council, New County Hall, Treyew Road, Truro TR1 3AY. Data Protection Registration Number: Z1745294. Once the survey has closed, your data will be held within Cornwall Council’s secure network and premises for up to 2 years. Access to your information will only be made to authorised members of Cornwall Council and Active Cornwall staff who are required to process it for the purposes outlined in this privacy notice. Please visit the Active Cornwall full Privacy Policy for further information.

    Share Time2Move Holiday Programme application form - Summer 2024 on Facebook Share Time2Move Holiday Programme application form - Summer 2024 on Twitter Share Time2Move Holiday Programme application form - Summer 2024 on Linkedin Email Time2Move Holiday Programme application form - Summer 2024 link
  • Time2Move Holiday Programme – Ripple Effects Mapping

    Active Cornwall would like to measure the wider value of the Time2Move Holiday Programme and the ripples it has into the lives of its target audience, the places provision is delivered in and the impact on you as providers.

    With this in mind we would like to consider the wider ripples into the following that you may be aware of or could be more curious to find out:

    • Free School Meal Children attending provision.
    • The Parents/Guardians of Children attending provision.
    • The workforce delivering your activity.
    • You as providers 
    • The facility you use.
    • Local schools within your community.
    • Wider impact in the local locality – anti social behaviour. Transport links etc..
    • Wider additional investment you may attract.
    • Anything else?

    Privacy notice

    The information you provide in this survey will be used to help inform the delivery of the Government's Holiday Activities and Food Programme in Cornwall. The Data Controller for the information you provide in this survey is Cornwall Council, New County Hall, Treyew Road, Truro TR1 3AY. Data Protection Registration Number: Z1745294. Once the survey has closed, your data will be held within Cornwall Council’s secure network and premises for up to 2 years. Access to your information will only be made to authorised members of Cornwall Council and Active Cornwall staff who are required to process it for the purposes outlined in this privacy notice. Please visit the Active Cornwall full Privacy Policy for further information.

    Take Survey
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  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    This survey is for providers who delivered as part of the Easter 2024 holidays but were not taking bookings from the Playwaze site, to provide us with details on their bookings and activities. This will help towards our commitment to developing and continually improving the programme.

    If you have any questions, please email

    Privacy notice

    The information you provide in this survey will be used to help inform the delivery of the Government's Holiday Activities and Food Programme in Cornwall. The Data Controller for the information you provide in this survey is Cornwall Council, New County Hall, Treyew Road, Truro TR1 3AY. Data Protection Registration Number: Z1745294. Once the survey has closed, your data will be held within Cornwall Council’s secure network and premises for up to 2 years. Access to your information will only be made to authorised members of Cornwall Council and Active Cornwall staff who are required to process it for the purposes outlined in this privacy notice. Please visit the Active Cornwall full Privacy Policy for further information.

    Share T2M Holiday Programme reporting - Easter 2024 on Facebook Share T2M Holiday Programme reporting - Easter 2024 on Twitter Share T2M Holiday Programme reporting - Easter 2024 on Linkedin Email T2M Holiday Programme reporting - Easter 2024 link
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Time 2 Move Holiday Programme - Cornwall Holiday Activity and Food Programme

    Cornwall Council joined forces with Active Cornwall, to lead the Holiday Activity and Food Programme for Cornwall. 

    Community providers and schools accessed funding from ourselves to deliver programmes to engage all young people, but ensure it was free to those eligible through benefits for Free School Meals. Programmes this summer have been organised by a range of organisations from public, private, community & voluntary sectors across Cornwall.

    We would be delighted to hear the views of parents and guardians of those that have booked on to the programme through this short survey which covers how you heard about the programme and the experiences your child(ren) had while at these sessions.

    Privacy notice

    The information you provide in this survey will be used to help inform the delivery of the Government's Holiday Activities and Food Programme in Cornwall. The Data Controller for the information you provide in this survey is Cornwall Council, New County Hall, Treyew Road, Truro TR1 3AY. Data Protection Registration Number: Z1745294. Once the survey has closed, your data will be held within Cornwall Council’s secure network and premises for up to 2 years. Access to your information will only be made to authorised members of Cornwall Council and Active Cornwall staff who are required to process it for the purposes outlined in this privacy notice. Please visit the Active Cornwall full Privacy Policy for further information.

    Share Time2Move Holiday Programme - Parent/Guardian Survey Easter 24 on Facebook Share Time2Move Holiday Programme - Parent/Guardian Survey Easter 24 on Twitter Share Time2Move Holiday Programme - Parent/Guardian Survey Easter 24 on Linkedin Email Time2Move Holiday Programme - Parent/Guardian Survey Easter 24 link
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    This survey is an opportunity for all the providers who delivered as part of the Easter 2024 holidays to help towards our commitment to developing and continually improving the programme.  We are also gathering as many case studies as possible to share the great work all providers are doing as part of this programme.  Please share as many as you can in as much information as possible without using names (i.e Initials only) to prevent identification.

    If you have any questions, please email or call 01872 323335

    Privacy notice

    The information you provide in this survey will be used to help inform the delivery of the Government's Holiday Activities and Food Programme in Cornwall. The Data Controller for the information you provide in this survey is Cornwall Council, New County Hall, Treyew Road, Truro TR1 3AY. Data Protection Registration Number: Z1745294. Once the survey has closed, your data will be held within Cornwall Council’s secure network and premises for up to 2 years. Access to your information will only be made to authorised members of Cornwall Council and Active Cornwall staff who are required to process it for the purposes outlined in this privacy notice. Please visit the Active Cornwall full Privacy Policy for further information.

    Share Time2Move Holiday Programme provider feedback - Easter 2024 on Facebook Share Time2Move Holiday Programme provider feedback - Easter 2024 on Twitter Share Time2Move Holiday Programme provider feedback - Easter 2024 on Linkedin Email Time2Move Holiday Programme provider feedback - Easter 2024 link
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    This application is if you wish to deliver FUN activities during the Summer for the Holiday Activities and Food Programme.  Active Cornwall will be able to support your programme of delivery with a grant focusing on children in receipt of benefits-related Free School Meals during the Summer Holidays.

    By completing this application form, you will provide us with assurances of meeting the required standards of this programme and also give more details of what your delivery will look like.

    If you have any questions, please email or call 01872 323335

    Privacy notice

    The information you provide in this survey will be used to help inform the delivery of the Government's Holiday Activities and Food Programme in Cornwall. The Data Controller for the information you provide in this survey is Cornwall Council, New County Hall, Treyew Road, Truro TR1 3AY. Data Protection Registration Number: Z1745294. Once the survey has closed, your data will be held within Cornwall Council’s secure network and premises for up to 2 years. Access to your information will only be made to authorised members of Cornwall Council and Active Cornwall staff who are required to process it for the purposes outlined in this privacy notice. Please visit the Active Cornwall full Privacy Policy for further information.

    Share Time2Move Holiday Programme application form - Summer 2023 on Facebook Share Time2Move Holiday Programme application form - Summer 2023 on Twitter Share Time2Move Holiday Programme application form - Summer 2023 on Linkedin Email Time2Move Holiday Programme application form - Summer 2023 link
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    This application is if you wish to deliver FUN activities during the Easter for the Holiday Activities and Food Programme.  Active Cornwall will be able to support your programme of delivery with a grant focusing on children in receipt of benefits-related Free School Meals during the Easter Holidays.

    By completing this application form, you will provide us with assurances of meeting the required standards of this programme and also give more details of what your delivery will look like.

    If you have any questions, please email or call 01872 324287

    Privacy notice

    The information you provide in this survey will be used to help inform the delivery of the Government's Holiday Activities and Food Programme in Cornwall. The Data Controller for the information you provide in this survey is Cornwall Council, New County Hall, Treyew Road, Truro TR1 3AY. Data Protection Registration Number: Z1745294. Once the survey has closed, your data will be held within Cornwall Council’s secure network and premises for up to 2 years. Access to your information will only be made to authorised members of Cornwall Council and Active Cornwall staff who are required to process it for the purposes outlined in this privacy notice. Please visit the Active Cornwall full Privacy Policy for further information.

    Share Time2Move Holiday Programme application form - Easter 2024 on Facebook Share Time2Move Holiday Programme application form - Easter 2024 on Twitter Share Time2Move Holiday Programme application form - Easter 2024 on Linkedin Email Time2Move Holiday Programme application form - Easter 2024 link
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    This survey is an opportunity for all the providers who delivered as part of the Christmas 2023 holidays to help towards our commitment to developing and continually improving the programme. We are also gathering as many case studies as possible to share the great work all providers are doing as part of this programme to hopefully prolong the funding as much as possible. Please share as many as you can in as much information as possible without using names (i.e Initials only) to prevent identification.

    If you have any questions, or wish to share more in depth case studies, please email

    Privacy notice

    The information you provide in this survey will be used to help inform the delivery of the Government's Holiday Activities and Food Programme in Cornwall. The Data Controller for the information you provide in this survey is Cornwall Council, New County Hall, Treyew Road, Truro TR1 3AY. Data Protection Registration Number: Z1745294. Once the survey has closed, your data will be held within Cornwall Council’s secure network and premises for up to 2 years. Access to your information will only be made to authorised members of Cornwall Council and Active Cornwall staff who are required to process it for the purposes outlined in this privacy notice. Please visit the Active Cornwall full Privacy Policy for further information.

    Share Christmas 2023- Time2Move Holiday Programme provider feedback on Facebook Share Christmas 2023- Time2Move Holiday Programme provider feedback on Twitter Share Christmas 2023- Time2Move Holiday Programme provider feedback on Linkedin Email Christmas 2023- Time2Move Holiday Programme provider feedback link
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    This application is if you wish to deliver FUN activities during the Christmas for the Holiday Activities and Food Programme.  Active Cornwall will be able to support your programme of delivery with a grant focusing on children in receipt of benefits-related Free School Meals during the Christmas Holidays.

    By completing this application form, you will provide us with assurances of meeting the required standards of this programme and also give more details of what your delivery will look like.

    If you have any questions, please email or call 01872 323335

    Privacy notice

    The information you provide in this survey will be used to help inform the delivery of the Government's Holiday Activities and Food Programme in Cornwall. The Data Controller for the information you provide in this survey is Cornwall Council, New County Hall, Treyew Road, Truro TR1 3AY. Data Protection Registration Number: Z1745294. Once the survey has closed, your data will be held within Cornwall Council’s secure network and premises for up to 2 years. Access to your information will only be made to authorised members of Cornwall Council and Active Cornwall staff who are required to process it for the purposes outlined in this privacy notice. Please visit the Active Cornwall full Privacy Policy for further information.

    Share Time2Move Holiday Programme application form - Christmas 2023 on Facebook Share Time2Move Holiday Programme application form - Christmas 2023 on Twitter Share Time2Move Holiday Programme application form - Christmas 2023 on Linkedin Email Time2Move Holiday Programme application form - Christmas 2023 link
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    This survey is an opportunity for all the providers who delivered as part of the Summer 2023 holidays to help towards our commitment to developing and continually improving the programme.  WE are also gathering as many case studies as possible to share the great work all providers are doing as part of this programme.  Please share as many as you can in as much information as possible without using names (i.e Initials only) to prevent identification.

    If you have any questions, please email or call 01872 323335

    Privacy notice

    The information you provide in this survey will be used to help inform the delivery of the Government's Holiday Activities and Food Programme in Cornwall. The Data Controller for the information you provide in this survey is Cornwall Council, New County Hall, Treyew Road, Truro TR1 3AY. Data Protection Registration Number: Z1745294. Once the survey has closed, your data will be held within Cornwall Council’s secure network and premises for up to 2 years. Access to your information will only be made to authorised members of Cornwall Council and Active Cornwall staff who are required to process it for the purposes outlined in this privacy notice. Please visit the Active Cornwall full Privacy Policy for further information.

    Share Time2Move Holiday Programme provider feedback - Summer 2023 on Facebook Share Time2Move Holiday Programme provider feedback - Summer 2023 on Twitter Share Time2Move Holiday Programme provider feedback - Summer 2023 on Linkedin Email Time2Move Holiday Programme provider feedback - Summer 2023 link
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    This survey is an opportunity for all the providers who delivered as part of the Easter 2023 holidays to help towards our commitment to developing and continually improving the programme.

    If you have any questions, please email or call 01872 323335

    Privacy notice

    The information you provide in this survey will be used to help inform the delivery of the Government's Holiday Activities and Food Programme in Cornwall. The Data Controller for the information you provide in this survey is Cornwall Council, New County Hall, Treyew Road, Truro TR1 3AY. Data Protection Registration Number: Z1745294. Once the survey has closed, your data will be held within Cornwall Council’s secure network and premises for up to 2 years. Access to your information will only be made to authorised members of Cornwall Council and Active Cornwall staff who are required to process it for the purposes outlined in this privacy notice. Please visit the Active Cornwall full Privacy Policy for further information.

    Share T2M Holiday Programme provider feedback - Easter 2023 on Facebook Share T2M Holiday Programme provider feedback - Easter 2023 on Twitter Share T2M Holiday Programme provider feedback - Easter 2023 on Linkedin Email T2M Holiday Programme provider feedback - Easter 2023 link
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    This application is if you wish to deliver FUN activities during the Easter for the Holiday Activities and Food Programme.  Active Cornwall will be able to support your programme of delivery with a grant focusing on children in receipt of benefits-related Free School Meals during the Easter Holidays.

    By completing this application form, you will provide us with assurances of meeting the required standards of this programme and also give more details of what your delivery will look like.

    If you have any questions, please email or call 01872 323335

    Privacy notice

    The information you provide in this survey will be used to help inform the delivery of the Government's Holiday Activities and Food Programme in Cornwall. The Data Controller for the information you provide in this survey is Cornwall Council, New County Hall, Treyew Road, Truro TR1 3AY. Data Protection Registration Number: Z1745294. Once the survey has closed, your data will be held within Cornwall Council’s secure network and premises for up to 2 years. Access to your information will only be made to authorised members of Cornwall Council and Active Cornwall staff who are required to process it for the purposes outlined in this privacy notice. Please visit the Active Cornwall full Privacy Policy for further information.

    Share Time2Move Holiday Programme application form - Easter 2023 on Facebook Share Time2Move Holiday Programme application form - Easter 2023 on Twitter Share Time2Move Holiday Programme application form - Easter 2023 on Linkedin Email Time2Move Holiday Programme application form - Easter 2023 link
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Time 2 Move Holiday Camps - Cornwall Holiday Activity and Food Programme

     Cornwall Council joined forces with Active Cornwall, to lead the Holiday Activity and Food Programme for Cornwall. 

    Community providers and schools accessed funding from ourselves to deliver programmes to engage all young people, but ensure it was free to those eligible through benefits for Free School Meals. Programmes this summer have been organised by a range of organisations from public, private, community & voluntary sectors across Cornwall.

    We would be delighted to hear the views of parents and guardians of those that have booked on to the programme this Christmas holiday through this short survey which covers how you heard about the programme and the experiences your child(ren) had while at these sessions.

    Privacy notice

    The information you provide in this survey will be used to help inform the delivery of the Government's Holiday Activities and Food Programme in Cornwall. The Data Controller for the information you provide in this survey is Cornwall Council, New County Hall, Treyew Road, Truro TR1 3AY. Data Protection Registration Number: Z1745294. Once the survey has closed, your data will be held within Cornwall Council’s secure network and premises for up to 2 years. Access to your information will only be made to authorised members of Cornwall Council and Active Cornwall staff who are required to process it for the purposes outlined in this privacy notice. Please visit the Active Cornwall full Privacy Policy for further information.

    Share Time2Move Holiday Programme - Parent/Guardian Survey on Facebook Share Time2Move Holiday Programme - Parent/Guardian Survey on Twitter Share Time2Move Holiday Programme - Parent/Guardian Survey on Linkedin Email Time2Move Holiday Programme - Parent/Guardian Survey link
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Thank you for delivering your programme during the recent holiday period.  For providers unable to complete their reporting using the central booking system, please complete the survey below to provide us with the details required to share back to DfE.

    Privacy notice

    The information you provide in this survey will be used to help inform the delivery of the Government's Holiday Activities and Food Programme in Cornwall. The Data Controller for the information you provide in this survey is Cornwall Council, New County Hall, Treyew Road, Truro TR1 3AY. Data Protection Registration Number: Z1745294. Once the survey has closed, your data will be held within Cornwall Council’s secure network and premises for up to 2 years. Access to your information will only be made to authorised members of Cornwall Council and Active Cornwall staff who are required to process it for the purposes outlined in this privacy notice. Please visit the Active Cornwall full Privacy Policy for further information.

    Share T2M Holiday Programme reporting - Easter-(copy) on Facebook Share T2M Holiday Programme reporting - Easter-(copy) on Twitter Share T2M Holiday Programme reporting - Easter-(copy) on Linkedin Email T2M Holiday Programme reporting - Easter-(copy) link
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    This survey is an opportunity for all the providers who delivered as part of the Christmas 2022 holidays.  This will help towards our commitment to developing and continually improving the programme.

    If you have any questions, please email or call 01872 323335

    Privacy notice

    The information you provide in this survey will be used to help inform the delivery of the Government's Holiday Activities and Food Programme in Cornwall. The Data Controller for the information you provide in this survey is Cornwall Council, New County Hall, Treyew Road, Truro TR1 3AY. Data Protection Registration Number: Z1745294. Once the survey has closed, your data will be held within Cornwall Council’s secure network and premises for up to 2 years. Access to your information will only be made to authorised members of Cornwall Council and Active Cornwall staff who are required to process it for the purposes outlined in this privacy notice. Please visit the Active Cornwall full Privacy Policy for further information.

    Share T2M Holiday Programme reporting - Christmas on Facebook Share T2M Holiday Programme reporting - Christmas on Twitter Share T2M Holiday Programme reporting - Christmas on Linkedin Email T2M Holiday Programme reporting - Christmas link
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Thank you for delivering your programme during the recent holiday period.  For providers unable to complete their reporting using the central booking system, please complete the survey below to provide us with the details required to share back to DfE.

    Privacy notice

    The information you provide in this survey will be used to help inform the delivery of the Government's Holiday Activities and Food Programme in Cornwall. The Data Controller for the information you provide in this survey is Cornwall Council, New County Hall, Treyew Road, Truro TR1 3AY. Data Protection Registration Number: Z1745294. Once the survey has closed, your data will be held within Cornwall Council’s secure network and premises for up to 2 years. Access to your information will only be made to authorised members of Cornwall Council and Active Cornwall staff who are required to process it for the purposes outlined in this privacy notice. Please visit the Active Cornwall full Privacy Policy for further information.

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  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    This survey is for providers who delivered as part of the Christmas 2023 holidays but were not taking bookings from the Playwaze site, to provide us with details on their bookings and activities. This will help towards our commitment to developing and continually improving the programme.

    If you have any questions, please email

    Privacy notice

    The information you provide in this survey will be used to help inform the delivery of the Government's Holiday Activities and Food Programme in Cornwall. The Data Controller for the information you provide in this survey is Cornwall Council, New County Hall, Treyew Road, Truro TR1 3AY. Data Protection Registration Number: Z1745294. Once the survey has closed, your data will be held within Cornwall Council’s secure network and premises for up to 2 years. Access to your information will only be made to authorised members of Cornwall Council and Active Cornwall staff who are required to process it for the purposes outlined in this privacy notice. Please visit the Active Cornwall full Privacy Policy for further information.

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  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    This survey is an opportunity for all the providers who delivered as part of the Summer 2023 holidays.  This will help towards our commitment to developing and continually improving the programme.

    If you have any questions, please email or call 01872 323335

    Privacy notice

    The information you provide in this survey will be used to help inform the delivery of the Government's Holiday Activities and Food Programme in Cornwall. The Data Controller for the information you provide in this survey is Cornwall Council, New County Hall, Treyew Road, Truro TR1 3AY. Data Protection Registration Number: Z1745294. Once the survey has closed, your data will be held within Cornwall Council’s secure network and premises for up to 2 years. Access to your information will only be made to authorised members of Cornwall Council and Active Cornwall staff who are required to process it for the purposes outlined in this privacy notice. Please visit the Active Cornwall full Privacy Policy for further information.

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  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    This survey is an opportunity for all the providers who delivered as part of the Summer 2022 holidays.  This will help towards our commitment to developing and continually improving the programme. We will also be holding learning sessions within different localities as well as the Time2Move Holiday Programme Celebration event on Friday 09th September which we would love for you to join. Please RSVP separately by Wednesday 31st August.

    If you have any questions, please email or call 01872 323335

    Privacy notice

    The information you provide in this survey will be used to help inform the delivery of the Government's Holiday Activities and Food Programme in Cornwall. The Data Controller for the information you provide in this survey is Cornwall Council, New County Hall, Treyew Road, Truro TR1 3AY. Data Protection Registration Number: Z1745294. Once the survey has closed, your data will be held within Cornwall Council’s secure network and premises for up to 2 years. Access to your information will only be made to authorised members of Cornwall Council and Active Cornwall staff who are required to process it for the purposes outlined in this privacy notice. Please visit the Active Cornwall full Privacy Policy for further information.

    Share T2M Holiday Programme reporting - Summer on Facebook Share T2M Holiday Programme reporting - Summer on Twitter Share T2M Holiday Programme reporting - Summer on Linkedin Email T2M Holiday Programme reporting - Summer link
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    This survey is an opportunity for all the providers who delivered as part of the Christmas 2022 holidays.  This will help towards our commitment to developing and continually improving the programme.

    If you have any questions, please email or call 01872 323335

    Privacy notice

    The information you provide in this survey will be used to help inform the delivery of the Government's Holiday Activities and Food Programme in Cornwall. The Data Controller for the information you provide in this survey is Cornwall Council, New County Hall, Treyew Road, Truro TR1 3AY. Data Protection Registration Number: Z1745294. Once the survey has closed, your data will be held within Cornwall Council’s secure network and premises for up to 2 years. Access to your information will only be made to authorised members of Cornwall Council and Active Cornwall staff who are required to process it for the purposes outlined in this privacy notice. Please visit the Active Cornwall full Privacy Policy for further information.

    Share T2M Holiday Programme provider feedback - Christmas 2022 on Facebook Share T2M Holiday Programme provider feedback - Christmas 2022 on Twitter Share T2M Holiday Programme provider feedback - Christmas 2022 on Linkedin Email T2M Holiday Programme provider feedback - Christmas 2022 link
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    This survey is an opportunity for you as coaches, who delivered as part of the Summer 2023 holidays, to provide us with honest and open feedback. This will help towards our commitment to developing and continually improving the programme.

    If you have any questions, please email or call 01872 323335

    Privacy notice

    The information you provide in this survey will be used to help inform the delivery of the Government's Holiday Activities and Food Programme in Cornwall. The Data Controller for the information you provide in this survey is Cornwall Council, New County Hall, Treyew Road, Truro TR1 3AY. Data Protection Registration Number: Z1745294. Once the survey has closed, your data will be held within Cornwall Council’s secure network and premises for up to 2 years. Access to your information will only be made to authorised members of Cornwall Council and Active Cornwall staff who are required to process it for the purposes outlined in this privacy notice. Please visit the Active Cornwall full Privacy Policy for further information.

    Share T2M Holiday Programme Workforce feedback - Summer 2023 on Facebook Share T2M Holiday Programme Workforce feedback - Summer 2023 on Twitter Share T2M Holiday Programme Workforce feedback - Summer 2023 on Linkedin Email T2M Holiday Programme Workforce feedback - Summer 2023 link
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    This survey is an opportunity for you as coaches, who delivered as part of the Summer 2022 holidays, to provide us with honest and open feedback.  This will help towards our commitment to developing and continually improving the programme. We will be holding a Time2Move Holiday Programme Celebration event on Friday 09th September which we would love for you to join. Please RSVP separately by Wednesday 31st August.

    If you have any questions, please email or call 01872 323335

    Privacy notice

    The information you provide in this survey will be used to help inform the delivery of the Government's Holiday Activities and Food Programme in Cornwall. The Data Controller for the information you provide in this survey is Cornwall Council, New County Hall, Treyew Road, Truro TR1 3AY. Data Protection Registration Number: Z1745294. Once the survey has closed, your data will be held within Cornwall Council’s secure network and premises for up to 2 years. Access to your information will only be made to authorised members of Cornwall Council and Active Cornwall staff who are required to process it for the purposes outlined in this privacy notice. Please visit the Active Cornwall full Privacy Policy for further information.

    Share T2M Holiday Programme Workforce feedback - Summer 2022 on Facebook Share T2M Holiday Programme Workforce feedback - Summer 2022 on Twitter Share T2M Holiday Programme Workforce feedback - Summer 2022 on Linkedin Email T2M Holiday Programme Workforce feedback - Summer 2022 link
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Additional SEND support for Christmas 2022 will need to be requested by the provider leading the session.  If you have a young person who has booked on to your session who you feel requires additional support, please complete this form with as much detail as possible.  This information will then be sent direct to the teaching bank to source the best support for that particular child and the session you are running.

    Parent Carers Cornwall will contact the parent/guardian of all children that disclose thier child has SEND requirements. This information will shared with you as a provider direct from Parents Carers Cornwall.  It is suggested that you wait for this information before you request additional support.

    If you have any questions, please email or call 01872 323335

    Privacy notice

    The information you provide in this survey will be used to help inform the delivery of the Government's Holiday Activities and Food Programme in Cornwall. The Data Controller for the information you provide in this survey is Cornwall Council, New County Hall, Treyew Road, Truro TR1 3AY. Data Protection Registration Number: Z1745294. Once the survey has closed, your data will be held within Cornwall Council’s secure network and premises for up to 2 years. Access to your information will only be made to authorised members of Cornwall Council and Active Cornwall staff who are required to process it for the purposes outlined in this privacy notice. Please visit the Active Cornwall full Privacy Policy for further information.

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  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    This survey is designed to allow anyone who delivers as part of the Time2Move Holiday Programme the opportunity to continue professional development.  

    If you have any questions, please email or call 01872 323332

    Privacy notice

    The information you provide in this survey will be used to help inform the delivery of the Government's Holiday Activities and Food Programme in Cornwall. The Data Controller for the information you provide in this survey is Cornwall Council, New County Hall, Treyew Road, Truro TR1 3AY. Data Protection Registration Number: Z1745294. Once the survey has closed, your data will be held within Cornwall Council’s secure network and premises for up to 2 years. Access to your information will only be made to authorised members of Cornwall Council and Active Cornwall staff who are required to process it for the purposes outlined in this privacy notice. Please visit the Active Cornwall full Privacy Policy for further information.

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  • You are receiving this short survey as you are a school that has received funding that is part of the national Opening School Facilities programme.

    As a condition for this award, you are required to complete this short survey to demonstrate the impact this investment has had on your school and pupils and the learning achieved from it.

    Please complete this short survey by end of play Friday 27th May 2022.

    Privacy notice

    The information you provide in this survey will be used to help inform the impact of the Opening School Facility programme.

    The Data Controller for the information you provide in this survey is Cornwall Council, New County Hall, Treyew Road, Truro TR1 3AY. Data Protection Registration Number: Z1745294. Once the survey has closed, your data will be held within Cornwall Council’s secure network and premises for up to 2 years. Access to your information will only be made to authorised members of Cornwall Council and Active Cornwall staff who are required to process it for the purposes outlined in this privacy notice. For the Active Cornwall full Privacy Policy, please visit:

    Take Survey
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  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Following the initial Microsoft Teams Meeting we would like to gather further information, from what we have learnt, from our leisure providers during the first roll out phases of this project. We have decided to approach this through a number of learning themes:

    • Process
    • Reach to Target Audience
    • Delivery
    • Sustainability

    This feedback will enable us to review the project and understand any lessons to be learnt.

    Share COMF Time2Swim Support Project - Leisure Providers Survey-(copy) on Facebook Share COMF Time2Swim Support Project - Leisure Providers Survey-(copy) on Twitter Share COMF Time2Swim Support Project - Leisure Providers Survey-(copy) on Linkedin Email COMF Time2Swim Support Project - Leisure Providers Survey-(copy) link

  • By completing this form you are registering for the above event to be delivered on Thursday 10th March from 4:00pm to 5:30pm where you will hear from Ali Oliver, CEO Youth Sport Trust, an update on the Time2Move framework and how it can support you and finally hear about a programme of pre-recorded T2M Bitesize Webinars. If you have a pre event question for Ali please include below and once registered a Microsoft Teams link will be emailed to you to join the session.

    Privacy notice

    The information you provide in this survey will be used to help inform the delivery of Time2Move in Cornwall. The Data Controller for the information you provide in this survey is Cornwall Council, New County Hall, Treyew Road, Truro TR1 3AY. Data Protection Registration Number: Z1745294. Once the survey has closed, your data will be held within Cornwall Council’s secure network and premises for up to 2 years. Access to your information will only be made to authorised members of Cornwall Council and Active Cornwall staff who are required to process it for the purposes outlined in this privacy notice. Please visit the Active Cornwall full Privacy Policy for further information.

    Complete Form
    Share Time2Move PE, SS and PA Live Learning Session Registration on Facebook Share Time2Move PE, SS and PA Live Learning Session Registration on Twitter Share Time2Move PE, SS and PA Live Learning Session Registration on Linkedin Email Time2Move PE, SS and PA Live Learning Session Registration link
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Active Cornwall has been commissioned to lead on the Government’s Holiday Activities and Food Programme on behalf of Cornwall Council.  The holiday activities and food programme 2021 will enable local authorities to coordinate free holiday provision for eligible children who are currently eligible for Free School Meals. Due to the scale and the challenges which Coronavirus currently poses, we are offering FREE wellbeing packs to coincide with the food support currently on offer for the Easter Holidays.

    Further offers will take place in the Summer holidays and during Christmas Holidays.  We will be in touch in the future with what this will look like.

    Privacy notice

    The information you provide in this survey will be used to help inform the delivery of the Government's Holiday Activities and Food Programme in Cornwall.

    The Data Controller for the information you provide in this survey is Cornwall Council, New County Hall, Treyew Road, Truro TR1 3AY. Data Protection Registration Number: Z1745294. Once the survey has closed, your data will be held within Cornwall Council’s secure network and premises for up to 2 years. Access to your information will only be made to authorised members of Cornwall Council and Active Cornwall staff who are required to process it for the purposes outlined in this privacy notice. For the Active Cornwall full Privacy Policy, please visit:

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  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Thank you for registering to attend this T2M Active Travel Bitesize Webinar. We have put this together to provide schools with information on how making some small changes around Active Travel can have positive impacts on your school.

     Due to Covid-19, more and more people have had to change the way in which they travel, whether that is to work, doing the drop off and pick up at school, or just changed behaviour and using cars less.

    • Active Travel is NOT a new campaign but one which started before the Pandemic hit. IT is……
    • Looking to encourage schools to look at the benefits of changed behaviour amongst the school community, on how families and staff travel to and from school. SO …….Cornwall Council and Active Cornwall have teamed up with Modeshift Stars to give all schools in Cornwall the opportunity to develop a sustainable Active Travel plan 
    • We have been working with Sustrans to demonstrate to schools that this is an opportunity to progress what they may already be doing around Active Travel or for other schools this may be a start of a NEW focal point on Active Travel
    • The webinar will cover:
    • Introduction to Active Travel
    • Who are Modeshift Stars & What do they offer!
    • Why focus on Schools?
    • What is a Travel Plan?
    • How to become Accredited!
    • Benefits & Links to other programmes and initiatives!
    • Linked promotions Bike Week

     If you are unable to make either of the 2 sessions, then there will be a recording of the webinar that can be sent.

    Privacy notice

    The information you provide in this survey will be used to help inform the delivery of the Government's Holiday Activities and Food Programme in Cornwall. The Data Controller for the information you provide in this survey is Cornwall Council, New County Hall, Treyew Road, Truro TR1 3AY. Data Protection Registration Number: Z1745294. Once the survey has closed, your data will be held within Cornwall Council’s secure network and premises for up to 2 years. Access to your information will only be made to authorised members of Cornwall Council and Active Cornwall staff who are required to process it for the purposes outlined in this privacy notice. Please visit the Active Cornwall full Privacy Policy for further information.


    Share Time 2 Move Active Travel Bitesize Webinar on Facebook Share Time 2 Move Active Travel Bitesize Webinar on Twitter Share Time 2 Move Active Travel Bitesize Webinar on Linkedin Email Time 2 Move Active Travel Bitesize Webinar link
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    This application is if you wish to deliver activities during the Easter Holidays for the Holiday Activities and Food Programme.  Active Cornwall will be able to support your programme of delivery with a grant of up to £22.50 per child eligible for benefits-related Free School Meals per day.  

    If you are looking to run activity across multiple venues, please ensure that you complete a new application for each venue.

    By completing this application form, you will provide us with assurances of meeting the required standards of this programme and also give more details of what your delivery will look like.

    If you have any questions, please email or call 01872 323332

    Privacy notice

    The information you provide in this survey will be used to help inform the delivery of the Government's Holiday Activities and Food Programme in Cornwall. The Data Controller for the information you provide in this survey is Cornwall Council, New County Hall, Treyew Road, Truro TR1 3AY. Data Protection Registration Number: Z1745294. Once the survey has closed, your data will be held within Cornwall Council’s secure network and premises for up to 2 years. Access to your information will only be made to authorised members of Cornwall Council and Active Cornwall staff who are required to process it for the purposes outlined in this privacy notice. Please visit the Active Cornwall full Privacy Policy for further information.

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  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Time 2 Move Holiday Camps - Cornwall Holiday Activity and Food Programme

     Cornwall Council have joined forces with Active Cornwall, to lead the DfE Holiday Activity and Food Programme for Cornwall. This programme is aimed at countering the triple inequalities facing Cornwall's most disadvantaged young people:

    1.  Holiday hunger
    2. Low levels of physical inactivity
    3. Increased levels of social isolation. 

    Community providers and schools can access funding to deliver programmes to engage young people in receipt of free school meals. Programmes can be led by a range of organisations from public, private, community & voluntary sectors across Cornwall throughout the Summer and Christmas holidays, 

     We would be delighted to welcome prospective delivery organisations to attend a Bitesize Time 2 Move Holiday Camps Webinar to understand more about the programme and how you can get involved to offer opportunities for connection, exploration and celebration through physical activity and food that is interconnected with your local community.

     The webinars will take place on the following two dates, please use this form to reserve your place:

    •  Tuesday 27th April (2pm-3pm) 
    • Thursday 29th April (6pm-7pm)  

    For anyone unable to attend the live webinars a recording will be available along with an FAQ list. For more information please contact or visit

    Privacy notice

    The information you provide in this survey will be used to help inform the delivery of the Government's Holiday Activities and Food Programme in Cornwall. The Data Controller for the information you provide in this survey is Cornwall Council, New County Hall, Treyew Road, Truro TR1 3AY. Data Protection Registration Number: Z1745294. Once the survey has closed, your data will be held within Cornwall Council’s secure network and premises for up to 2 years. Access to your information will only be made to authorised members of Cornwall Council and Active Cornwall staff who are required to process it for the purposes outlined in this privacy notice. Please visit the Active Cornwall full Privacy Policy for further information.


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  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    This application is if you wish to deliver activities during the Summer for the Holiday Activities and Food Programme.  Active Cornwall will be able to support your programme of delivery with a grant of up to £25.00 per child eligible for benefits-related Free School Meals per day during the Summer Holidays.

    By completing this application form, you will provide us with assurances of meeting the required standards of this programme and also give more details of what your delivery will look like.

    If you have any questions, please email or call 01872 323335

    Privacy notice

    The information you provide in this survey will be used to help inform the delivery of the Government's Holiday Activities and Food Programme in Cornwall. The Data Controller for the information you provide in this survey is Cornwall Council, New County Hall, Treyew Road, Truro TR1 3AY. Data Protection Registration Number: Z1745294. Once the survey has closed, your data will be held within Cornwall Council’s secure network and premises for up to 2 years. Access to your information will only be made to authorised members of Cornwall Council and Active Cornwall staff who are required to process it for the purposes outlined in this privacy notice. Please visit the Active Cornwall full Privacy Policy for further information.

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  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Time 2 Move Holiday Camps - Cornwall Holiday Activity and Food Programme

     As part of our ongoing desire to improve this programme, we are inviting all providers who supported the Time2Move Holiday programme to one of 2 learning sessions which are taking part across the county.

    The sessions are both 18:00-20:00 and food will be provided as part of a celebration of what we have collectively achieved over the summer of 2021.

    We look forward to seeing you at one of these sessions

    Privacy notice

    The information you provide in this survey will be used to help inform the delivery of the Government's Holiday Activities and Food Programme in Cornwall. The Data Controller for the information you provide in this survey is Cornwall Council, New County Hall, Treyew Road, Truro TR1 3AY. Data Protection Registration Number: Z1745294. Once the survey has closed, your data will be held within Cornwall Council’s secure network and premises for up to 2 years. Access to your information will only be made to authorised members of Cornwall Council and Active Cornwall staff who are required to process it for the purposes outlined in this privacy notice. Please visit the Active Cornwall full Privacy Policy for further information.


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  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    This application is if you wish to deliver activities during the Summer Holidays for the Holiday Activities and Food Programme.  Active Cornwall will be able to support your programme of delivery with a grant of up to £18.40 per child eligible for benefits-related Free School Meals per day.  

    By completing this application form, you will provide us with assurances of meeting the required standards of this programme and also give more details of what your delivery will look like.

    If you have any questions, please email or

    Privacy notice

    The information you provide in this survey will be used to help inform the delivery of the Government's Holiday Activities and Food Programme in Cornwall. The Data Controller for the information you provide in this survey is Cornwall Council, New County Hall, Treyew Road, Truro TR1 3AY. Data Protection Registration Number: Z1745294. Once the survey has closed, your data will be held within Cornwall Council’s secure network and premises for up to 2 years. Access to your information will only be made to authorised members of Cornwall Council and Active Cornwall staff who are required to process it for the purposes outlined in this privacy notice. Please visit the Active Cornwall full Privacy Policy for further information.

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  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    This application is if you wish to deliver activities during the Christmas Holidays for the Holiday Activities and Food Programme.  Active Cornwall will be able to support your programme of delivery with a grant of up to £28.40 per child eligible for benefits-related Free School Meals per day.  

    By completing this application form, you will provide us with assurances of meeting the required standards of this programme and also give more details of what your delivery will look like.

    If you have any questions, please email 

    Privacy notice

    The information you provide in this survey will be used to help inform the delivery of the Government's Holiday Activities and Food Programme in Cornwall. The Data Controller for the information you provide in this survey is Cornwall Council, New County Hall, Treyew Road, Truro TR1 3AY. Data Protection Registration Number: Z1745294. Once the survey has closed, your data will be held within Cornwall Council’s secure network and premises for up to 2 years. Access to your information will only be made to authorised members of Cornwall Council and Active Cornwall staff who are required to process it for the purposes outlined in this privacy notice. Please visit the Active Cornwall full Privacy Policy for further information.

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  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
    Share T2M Holiday Programme reporting - Easter 2022 on Facebook Share T2M Holiday Programme reporting - Easter 2022 on Twitter Share T2M Holiday Programme reporting - Easter 2022 on Linkedin Email T2M Holiday Programme reporting - Easter 2022 link
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
    Share T2M Holiday Programme reporting - Christmas 2021 on Facebook Share T2M Holiday Programme reporting - Christmas 2021 on Twitter Share T2M Holiday Programme reporting - Christmas 2021 on Linkedin Email T2M Holiday Programme reporting - Christmas 2021 link
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
    Share T2M Holiday Programme reporting - Summer 2021 on Facebook Share T2M Holiday Programme reporting - Summer 2021 on Twitter Share T2M Holiday Programme reporting - Summer 2021 on Linkedin Email T2M Holiday Programme reporting - Summer 2021 link
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    This application is if you wish to deliver activities during Easter for the Holiday Activities and Food Programme.  Active Cornwall will be able to support your programme of delivery with a grant of £7.08 per child eligible for benefits-related Free School Meals per day.  

    By completing this delivery plan, you will provide us with assurances of meeting the required standards of this programme and also give more details of what your delivery will look like.

    If you have any questions, please email or

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  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
    Share T2M Holiday Programme provider feedback - Summer 2021 on Facebook Share T2M Holiday Programme provider feedback - Summer 2021 on Twitter Share T2M Holiday Programme provider feedback - Summer 2021 on Linkedin Email T2M Holiday Programme provider feedback - Summer 2021 link
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
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  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Active Cornwall are in the process of gathering information about the capacity of sports coaches in Cornwall to support a return to play through an active recovery for all children. This insight could lead to the potential for coaches to support delivery within schools and community environments. If you are a qualified sports coach please complete the following questions and share your CV by attaching to the survey/emailing in to

    Privacy notice

    The information you provide in this survey will be used to help Active Cornwall to map the capacity of coaches in Cornwall. The Data Controller for the information you provide in this survey is Cornwall Council, New County Hall, Treyew Road, Truro TR1 3AY. Data Protection Registration Number: Z1745294. Once the survey has closed, your data will be held within Cornwall Council’s secure network and premises for up to 2 years. Access to your information will only be made to authorised members of Cornwall Council and Active Cornwall staff who are required to process it for the purposes outlined in this privacy notice. Please visit the Active Cornwall full Privacy Policy for further information.

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  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    This survey is designed to allow anyone who delivers as part of the Time2Move Holiday Programme the opportunity to continue professional development.  

    If you have any questions, please email or call 01872 323332

    Privacy notice

    The information you provide in this survey will be used to help inform the delivery of the Government's Holiday Activities and Food Programme in Cornwall. The Data Controller for the information you provide in this survey is Cornwall Council, New County Hall, Treyew Road, Truro TR1 3AY. Data Protection Registration Number: Z1745294. Once the survey has closed, your data will be held within Cornwall Council’s secure network and premises for up to 2 years. Access to your information will only be made to authorised members of Cornwall Council and Active Cornwall staff who are required to process it for the purposes outlined in this privacy notice. Please visit the Active Cornwall full Privacy Policy for further information.

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  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
    Share Time2Move Holiday Programme - Christmas Training Programme on Facebook Share Time2Move Holiday Programme - Christmas Training Programme on Twitter Share Time2Move Holiday Programme - Christmas Training Programme on Linkedin Email Time2Move Holiday Programme - Christmas Training Programme link
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Please complete the following questions to book onto either of these Online Training sessions

    The session will be approximately 1 hour with another 30mins for you to ask questions


    You only need to attend one of the sessions listed below:


    Tuesday 18th January 2022 @ 15:30-17:00


    Wednesday 26th January 2022 @ 15:30-17:00

    Share TPAT - Deep Dive into PE Training on Facebook Share TPAT - Deep Dive into PE Training on Twitter Share TPAT - Deep Dive into PE Training on Linkedin Email TPAT - Deep Dive into PE Training link
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Please complete the following questions to book onto either Training Course 

    The sessions will be about 30mins with another 30mins for you to ask questions around admin functions on the wheel


    You only need to attend one of the sessions listed below:


    Tuesday 11th January 2022 @ 10:30-11:30


    Thursday 13th January 2022 @ 15:30-16:30

    The training will cover:

    • Resetting colleague’s login details
    • Editing a pupil’s account
    • Changing a pupil’s name
    • Adding and removing pupils
    • Moving pupils between classes or schools
    • Question and answer session (optional)
    Share TPAT - CD Wheel Admin Training on Facebook Share TPAT - CD Wheel Admin Training on Twitter Share TPAT - CD Wheel Admin Training on Linkedin Email TPAT - CD Wheel Admin Training link
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
    Share TPAT - Penwith Festivals & Competitions (Spring Term) on Facebook Share TPAT - Penwith Festivals & Competitions (Spring Term) on Twitter Share TPAT - Penwith Festivals & Competitions (Spring Term) on Linkedin Email TPAT - Penwith Festivals & Competitions (Spring Term) link
  • As a funded partner of Active Cornwall through the Together Fund, it would be greatly appreciated if your organisation took some time to complete this feedback regarding your project.

    Please note that information provided in this form will be shared with our system partners and the funding providers Public Health & Sport England. All information will be kept confidential and will only be used for monitoring and evaluation purposes.

    Complete Form
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  • As a funded partner of Active Cornwall through the Together Fund, it would be greatly appreciated if your organisation took some time to complete this feedback regarding your project.

    Please note that information provided in this form will be shared with our system partners and the funding providers Public Health & Sport England. All information will be kept confidential and will only be used for monitoring and evaluation purposes.

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  • Thank you in advance for your participation in this survey. We are asking you to complete this survey because you have recently been involved in an activity funded by Sport England's Together Fund.

    This survey is completely confidential and all data is collected and processed in compliance with all data protection laws and the Market Research Society Professional Code of Conduct.

    Providing information to these questions is entirely voluntary and the answers that you provide will be presented in aggregate form, and not be linked back to you in any way. Responding to this survey will help us improve future funding programmes and to maximise benefit, results will be shared between Sport England, the organisation that delivered the activity and relevant partners.

    This survey should take no longer than five minutes to complete. If you have any questions before completing, please contact the project contact at the organisation which provided the activity you took part in.

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  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Time2Move Holiday Programme

    Thank you for attending the holiday programme over the recent Easter holidays. Programmes have been organised by a range of organisations from public, private, community & voluntary sectors across Cornwall and we would love to get some feedback from your child(ren) on how they found the sessions.

    Privacy notice

    The information you provide in this survey will be used to help inform the delivery of the Government's Holiday Activities and Food Programme in Cornwall. The Data Controller for the information you provide in this survey is Cornwall Council, New County Hall, Treyew Road, Truro TR1 3AY. Data Protection Registration Number: Z1745294. Once the survey has closed, your data will be held within Cornwall Council’s secure network and premises for up to 2 years. Access to your information will only be made to authorised members of Cornwall Council and Active Cornwall staff who are required to process it for the purposes outlined in this privacy notice. Please visit the Active Cornwall full Privacy Policy for further information.

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  • Thank you in advance for your participation in this survey. We are asking you to complete this survey because you have recently been involved in an activity funded by Sport England's Together Fund.

    This survey is completely confidential and all data is collected and processed in compliance with all data protection laws and the Market Research Society Professional Code of Conduct.

    Providing information to these questions is entirely voluntary and the answers that you provide will be presented in aggregate form, and not be linked back to you in any way. Responding to this survey will help us improve future funding programmes and to maximise benefit, results will be shared between Sport England, the organisation that delivered the activity and relevant partners.

    This survey should take no longer than five minutes to complete. If you have any questions before completing, please contact the project contact at the organisation which provided the activity you took part in.

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  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Thank you to everyone who came along to the Time2Move Holiday Programme engagement event at Gwealan Tops on Thursday 23rd March, we really appreciate your time and input, as well as your dedication to the programme.
    We have put together a short survey to gather some feedback from those who attended, it would be great if you are able to complete this to let us know your thoughts and feelings on the day and it's content.
    Please be honest and open with your answers, we really appreciate your feedback.

    The deadline for completing this survey is Friday 31st March.

    Thank you   

    T2M Team

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  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    This application is if you wish to deliver activities during the Christmas for the Holiday Activities and Food Programme.  Active Cornwall will be able to support your programme of delivery with a grant of up to £30.00 per child eligible for benefits-related Free School Meals per day during the Christmas Holidays.

    By completing this application form, you will provide us with assurances of meeting the required standards of this programme and also give more details of what your delivery will look like.

    If you have any questions, please email or call 01872 323335

    Privacy notice

    The information you provide in this survey will be used to help inform the delivery of the Government's Holiday Activities and Food Programme in Cornwall. The Data Controller for the information you provide in this survey is Cornwall Council, New County Hall, Treyew Road, Truro TR1 3AY. Data Protection Registration Number: Z1745294. Once the survey has closed, your data will be held within Cornwall Council’s secure network and premises for up to 2 years. Access to your information will only be made to authorised members of Cornwall Council and Active Cornwall staff who are required to process it for the purposes outlined in this privacy notice. Please visit the Active Cornwall full Privacy Policy for further information.

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  • Please provide us with your name and email address if you are interested in attending the Time2Move holiday activities. We will then get in touch when we are live for bookings with a link to find programmes near you and further information on what is available. 

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  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    As a previous participant in the Time2Move Holiday Programme, we would like to understand your reasons for not booking any activities during Easter. Your response is greatly appreciated and will be reviewed by the team. Upon completion of the survey you will be entered into a prize draw to win one of two Micro Scooters. Thank you for your participation.  

    Privacy notice

    The information you provide in this survey will be used to help inform the delivery of the Government's Holiday Activities and Food Programme in Cornwall. The Data Controller for the information you provide in this survey is Cornwall Council, New County Hall, Treyew Road, Truro TR1 3AY. Data Protection Registration Number: Z1745294. Once the survey has closed, your data will be held within Cornwall Council’s secure network and premises for up to 2 years. Access to your information will only be made to authorised members of Cornwall Council and Active Cornwall staff who are required to process it for the purposes outlined in this privacy notice. Please visit the Active Cornwall full Privacy Policy for further information.


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  • Your NHS Parkinson’s Service and Active Cornwall are excited to be working together again to bring you:

     CONNECT and CONQUER  - Parkinson’s Activity Event West

    Wednesday 26th February 2025, 13:30-16:30 at Penzance Leisure Centre, St Clare, Penzance, TR18 3QW.

    This event aims to bring together individuals living with Parkinson’s and Exercise & Activity Providers that have a special interest in Parkinson’s. It is aimed at those living in the west of the county, but everyone is welcome.

    Please note there will be physical activity opportunities to participate in on the day.

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  • Free - Parkinson Awareness Training for Physical Activity Providers on Wednesday 16th October 2024, 14:30-17:00 – Online Classroom, once you have completed the form, you will be sent joining instructions.

    Privacy Policy - Active Cornwall uses any personal information that we collect about you. Our privacy notice is underpinned by the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act. Active Cornwall is a hosted organisation, by Cornwall Council, and not a legal entity in it’s own right, as such we also adhere to Cornwall Council Privacy Policies. 

    We use your personal data to help us provide a better service experience for you. This includes tailoring the information we share to make sure you find it relevant, useful and timely. We respect your privacy and work hard to meet strict regulatory requirements.

    We never sell your personal data to third parties.

    We’ll always protect your personal data and, as part of this, we regularly review our privacy notice so that you can see how we use your data and what your options are. If there are any changes to the General Data Protection Regulation (or GDPR) or related laws, we may need to amend this statement in the future.

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  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    We need your help to improve our holiday activity programme offer for young people aged 12 - 16 years old! This survey is the first step in the co-design process that we really hope you will be a part of. 

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  • Thank you for registering with Active Cornwall for the Goss Moor Wellbeing Walk starting on 14th Aug 2024 at 10:30. 

    This wellbeing walk are being run for anyone interested to meet new people and get out in nature. 

    Walks will last for up to 90min and roughly 2 miles in distance.

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  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    We are looking for people living with Parkinson’s to take part in our 16-week Virtual Reality exercise program (8 weeks VR / 8 weeks physical exercise). We are interested to learn what it is like to exercise with VR and what affect this may have on the intensity of exercise achieved. 

    All classes are FREE, will be seated and tailored to everyone’s needs to make sure people are exercising at the right level for them.  

    You will be invited to participate in an exercise study, looking at the effect of VR in people with Parkinson’s, if you do not wish to be part of the study that is not a problem as these sessions are open to all. 

    We are aiming to recruit 36 volunteers with a diagnosis of Parkinson's - 12 in each cohort.

    If you would like to be involved, you would be invited to attend Morgan's Gym in Truro, once a week for 16 weeks to participate in the seated exercise training programme. Training will take place on non-consecutive days. The training programme will start on 3rd November each training session will start at 14:00 and last no longer than 45 minutes. 

    Morgan's Gym has wheelchair and level access and accessible toilets located close to the rooms that we will use.

    Please complete this survey and one of the team will be in touch 

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  • Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility. 

    Thank you for showing an interest in booking a place on the UK Coaching Safeguarding and Protecting Children and Young People in Physical Activity and Sport training session. 

    The course will be from 6-9pm, arrival from 5:30 for some dinner and to grab a drink. Also you will have the chance to meet your Sport Welfare Officer and hear how they can support you.

    To book your place, please complete this form and Active Cornwall will email you with a link to pay £10 to confirm your place. You will then receive a confirmation email once you have been booked onto the course. Please note, we will do this as soon as possible but may not be immediately.

    Contact with any issues or questions. 

    NB: This is for people involved in sports clubs, or providing physical activity in Cornwall or Devon.

    We look forward to seeing you there!

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  • Thank you for showing an interest in booking a place on the UK Coaching Safeguarding and Protecting Children and Young People in Physical Activity and Sport training session. Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility. 

    To book your free place, please complete this form and Active Cornwall will email you confirmation once you have been booked onto the course. Please note, we will do this as soon as possible but may not be immediately. Contact with any issues or questions. NB: This is only for people involved in sports clubs, or providing physical activity in Cornwall.

    Thank you.

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  • Thank you for showing an interest in completing a Free Safeguarding Adults in Physical Activity and Sport online e-learning training session. Safeguarding adults is everyone’s responsibility. 

    On this newly-updated online course you will learn how you can effectively and appropriately support and promote the welfare of adults.

    To get your free access code please complete the below form, please note this is for Cornwall residents only and to support clubs within Cornwall. 

    Thank you.

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  • Thank you for showing an interest in the Cornwall Ramblers Wellbeing Walk Leader Training, by completing this survey you will be registering your interest and added to the Ramblers volunteer online portal.

    Before booking face to face training you will be given access to Ramblers online portal where you will be able to complete the reading and e learning:

    - Introduction to Wellbeing Walks 
    - Walk Leader Handbook 
    - Walk Leadership Foundation (approx. 90 min)
    - Preventing and Managing Incidents (approx. 30 min)
    - Safeguarding module 1 (approx. 30 min, optional if already done Safeguarding training)
    Face 2 Face:
    - Face 2 Face session 
    - Shadow Walk 
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  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    We look forward to welcoming you to this years engagement event for the Time2Move Holiday Programme. Please ensure that you complete one form for each person attending the day. We'll be looking back over the last year, sharing learning and insights on what we've jointly achieved - and we'll be looking ahead to the next year to ensure we engage children and families that need this support the most.
    You can expect to hear from guest speakers, sharing insight into the programme and target audience - and there will be plenty of opportunity to network with others sharing your passion and drive!

    If you are local community organisation/charity where your staff are not on a salary, we can fund organisations a one off grant of £100 to attend, please do get in touch with us to arrange this ahead of the day. 

    Please also ensure that you complete the dietary requirements section as lunch will be provided. There is very minimal parking at this site, so please ensure that you are car sharing, and using public transport where possible. The train station is an 8 minute walk from the venue. We also suggest using Flowerpot car park which is also an 8 minute walk from the venue, as well as local street parking. Please let us know if you have any additional mobility needs. 

    We will be sending out a task for completion ahead of the day, so please keep an eye out for this!

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  • It is important that Active Cornwall receive your feedback on workshops so that we can improve our services to you.

    Please do not feel compelled to answer favourably, if there is a problem – no matter how small – please tell us. All feedback will assist us to improve.

    Thank you 

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  • Thank you for attending our 'Advocating for Change: The Role of Physical Activity in Mental Health and Wellbeing' conference.

    We value your feedback and invite you to complete this short survey to share your experience. Your feedback will help us evaluate the value of the conference and will shape future events. 

    We expect this survey will take up to 5 minutes to complete.

    If you have any questions, please email Abbie Dennison on

    Prize Draw

    To thank you for your time fully completing the survey, you will have the option to enter your school into a prize draw to win a 3-month kickstart subscription to Teach Active. The winning school will receive full access to their resources for a whole term as well as online school staff training on active learning. The prize draw closes on Monday 9th December and the winning school will be notified by email. 

    Privacy notice

    This survey is completely confidential and all data is collected and processed in compliance with data protection laws and the Market Research Society Professional Code of Conduct. Providing information to these questions is entirely voluntary and the answers that you provide will be presented in aggregate form, and will not be linked back to you in any way. The responses will be analysed and shared with our partners. We may make use of quotes from answers provided within the survey, however, you will remain anonymous.

    The Data Controller for the information you provide in this survey is Cornwall Council, New County Hall, Treyew Road, Truro TR1 3AY. Data Protection Registration Number: Z1745294. Once the survey has closed, your data will be held within Cornwall Council’s secure network and premises for up to 2 years. Access to your information will only be made to authorised members of Cornwall Council and Active Cornwall staff who are required to process it for the purposes outlined in this privacy notice. Please visit the Active Cornwall full Privacy Policy for further information.

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  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    We have scheduled in a Learning Event for 2025; please save the date of Friday 24th January 9am-3pm. This will be held at The Space – KBSK’s new venue in Bodmin! We’d love to get your views on what you feel would make the day most beneficial and support you the most. We have created an online survey and would appreciate if you could take 2 minutes to leave us any suggestions to help us shape the day.

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  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    The Time2Move Holiday Programme - Cornwall Holiday Activity and Food Programme

     Cornwall Council joined forces with Active Cornwall, to lead the Holiday Activity and Food Programme for Cornwall. 

    We would be delighted to hear the views of parents and guardians of those that have booked on to the programme during Easter, Summer or Christmas holidays through this short survey.

    Privacy notice

    The information you provide in this survey will be used to help inform the delivery of the Government's Holiday Activities and Food Programme in Cornwall. The Data Controller for the information you provide in this survey is Cornwall Council, New County Hall, Treyew Road, Truro TR1 3AY. Data Protection Registration Number: Z1745294. Once the survey has closed, your data will be held within Cornwall Council’s secure network and premises for up to 2 years. Access to your information will only be made to authorised members of Cornwall Council and Active Cornwall staff who are required to process it for the purposes outlined in this privacy notice. Please visit the Active Cornwall full Privacy Policy for further information.

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  • Ahead of our upcoming engagement event, we would appreciate if you could take 5 minutes to answer these two questions regarding your provision. This will help with conversations and networking on the day. We look forward to seeing you on the 25th February!

    The Time2Move Team.

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  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Please complete this form if you have undertaken or will be undertaking a volunteering placement that meets the requirements of the Time2Lead Gold Award, but that has not been arranged by Time2Lead and Active Cornwall. 

    Please be aware this placement must take place outside of school hours and, ideally, with an outside organisation. i.e. not within a school sports club. 

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  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    All volunteering placements will be taking place between Monday 29th July - Friday 30th August

    Whilst we cannot guarantee a placement will be available in everyone’s preferred area, we will do our best to source placements in locations accessible for all young people who wish to participate. 

    Please contact if you have any queries.   

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  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    All volunteering placements will be taking place in either the Easter or Summer school holidays 2025. 

    Whilst we cannot guarantee a placement will be available in everyone’s preferred area, we will do our best to source placements in locations accessible for all young people who wish to participate. 

    Please contact if you have any queries.   

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  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    We are looking for providers who would be willing to host young people in Year 9 in as they undertake a volunteering placement to fulfil the requirements of the Time2Lead programme. 

    Volunteers will attend a minimum of 1 session for their placement. The length of a placement will vary from young person to young person and is something that can be agreed between a provider and the young person once the placement has begun.

    As a placement provider we will ask you to do the following:

    • Provide a brief induction for the young person so that they are confident and comfortable at their first session – this might take the form of an informal one-to-one meeting in person or online, a phone call, or a more comprehensive process if you so choose.
    • Provide Active Cornwall with evidence of your public liability insurance and DBS certificate.
    • Sign off the young person’s hours in their log book and provide brief comment on their participation/progress at the end of the placement in the same format. 
    • Keep the Time2Lead team informed as much as possible: when a young person has had their induction, if a young person does not attend placement or chooses to end their placement early, if the provider asks a young person not to reattend, and once a placement has been successfully completed are all instances where we would expect contact. 

    We are incredibly grateful for your support with this and are looking forward to developing our young leaders and the future work force with you!

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  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Please may you complete the following regarding the young leader you have recently hosted as part of the Time2Lead programme. 

    We are incredibly grateful for your participation in this project and thank you for your support in developing our young leaders and the future work force.

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  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Please may you complete the following regarding the young leader you have recently hosted as part of the Time2Lead programme. 

    We are incredibly grateful for your participation in this project and thank you for your support in developing our young leaders and the future work force.

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  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    The following consent form must be completed by the parent or guardian of the named young person. 

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  • The Time2Lead Programme is a leadership programme developed by Active Cornwall to support the development of the future workforce and instil young people across the county with the skills, competencies and confidence to be effective physical activity leaders. 

    We are looking for Time2Move Holiday Programme providers who would be willing to host young people as they undertake a volunteering placement to fulfill the requirements of the Time2Lead programme.

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  • We are so pleased that you are applying for a volunteering placement so that you can earn your Gold Time2Lead award!   

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  • This consent form must be completed by the parent or guardian of the young person undertaking a volunteering placement.

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  • This form should be completed for any volunteering placement organised outside of the Time2Lead Leadership Programme and Active Cornwall. 

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  • This survey should be completed by the organisation that hosted the Time2Lead volunteer once their placement has been completed. 

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Page last updated: 06 Mar 2025, 09:58 AM