The following consent form must be completed by the parent or guardian of the named young person.
Student's full name:
Maximum 255 characters
Parent/Guardian's full name:
Relationship to student:
Contact phone number:
Secondary contact phone number:
Email address:
I give permission for the young person named above to take part in a volunteering placement arranged by the Time2Lead Leadership Programme and Active Cornwall.
Does the young person have any medical conditions, disabilities or additional needs that a placement provider should be aware of? If yes, please provide details below.
Do you consent to images and/or video being taken of the young person (with their permission) and being used on social medial platforms and other public materials?
Does the young person have permission to travel to and from their placement unaccompanied?
Do you give permission for information necessary for the placement to go ahead, such as contact details and medical conditions etc., to be shared with the placement provider?
Is there anything else you feel Time2Lead or the placement provider should be aware of? If yes, please provide details below.