CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
Time2Lead Provider Hosting form
We are looking for providers who would be willing to host young people in Year 9 in as they undertake a volunteering placement to fulfil the requirements of the Time2Lead programme.
Volunteers will attend a minimum of 1 session for their placement. The length of a placement will vary from young person to young person and is something that can be agreed between a provider and the young person once the placement has begun.
As a placement provider we will ask you to do the following:
- Provide a brief induction for the young person so that they are confident and comfortable at their first session – this might take the form of an informal one-to-one meeting in person or online, a phone call, or a more comprehensive process if you so choose.
- Provide Active Cornwall with evidence of your public liability insurance and DBS certificate.
- Sign off the young person’s hours in their log book and provide brief comment on their participation/progress at the end of the placement in the same format.
- Keep the Time2Lead team informed as much as possible: when a young person has had their induction, if a young person does not attend placement or chooses to end their placement early, if the provider asks a young person not to reattend, and once a placement has been successfully completed are all instances where we would expect contact.
We are incredibly grateful for your support with this and are looking forward to developing our young leaders and the future work force with you!