We expect this survey will take around 10 minutes to complete.
Your response will help us understand how taking part in the Live Longer Better programme, facilitated by Active Cornwall in partnership with Public Health, may have impacted physical activity, community connections, and wellbeing. By comparing responses from before and after participation, we'll explore any changes over time.
We'll also ask about your experience of the activity to learn what worked well and how we can improve future programmes.
This survey is completely confidential and all data is collected and processed in compliance with data protection laws and the Market Research Society Professional Code of Conduct. Providing information to these questions is entirely voluntary and the answers that you provide will be presented in aggregate form, and will not be linked back to you in any way. The responses will be analysed and shared with our partners. We may make use of quotes from answers provided within the survey, however, you will remain anonymous.
If you have any questions before completing, please get in touch with the project contact at the organisation that shared this survey.