Together We Can Toolkit
The Carbon Neutral Cornwall 'Together We Can' Toolkit brings together resources to help community groups and local councils in their response to the Climate and Ecological Emergency.
There is a huge amount happening within Cornwall that is inspirational and we can also learn from national and international efforts to mitigate and adapt to climate change.
The Carbon Neutral Cornwall 'Together We Can' Toolkit is for everyone.
If you have any resources that would be useful to share here, please contact the Council's Carbon Neutral Cornwall team by email:
Click here to go to Events section
Click here to go to News section
Funding and grants
Please see the panel on the right of the page (or below on a mobile) for information about funding available to support climate action.
If you know of funding that we can share here please get in touch
Carbon Calculators
- WWF Carbon Footprint Calculator
- Giki Zero
- Helston Footprints
- Mackay Carbon Calculator
- Carbon Footprint Ltd
- IMPACT Carbon footprint calculator
Carbon saving behaviour change pledges
Doing the things that are good for us and our planet can be hard. Here are some pledge schemes to help us commit and reduce our emissions:
Climate Change for town and parish councils
The Climate Change for parish councils leaflet has information to help councils put carbon reduction, carbon sequestration and the environment at the heart of policy and decision making.
The National Association of Local Councils (NALC) also has a wealth of resources to support parish and town councils in their response to climate change: Tackling climate change. This includes case studies showcasing practical examples of community-driven initiatives.
The Government's Act on CO2 Guide (2007) aims to help and inspire parish and town councils on ways to tackle climate change.
Environmental policy template
Based on previous work done by Wadebridge Town Council, and with the help of fellow Cornwall Association of Local Council (CALC) members, the Generic Environmental Policy Template is a comprehensive spread of ‘best’ environment policies that can help local councils clarify position, promote action, and secure positive outcomes on key issues. The template is designed to help local councils to pick and choose the policies that are relevant and/or priorities in their area and adapt them to create their own policy document, suitable for the local context.
Climate Change online library resources
Cornwall’s libraries offer books and resources containing some of the latest thinking and writing on climate change. The collection will appeal to people wishing to increase their awareness of environmental issues, and those looking to make practical lifestyle changes.
To view the collection use the search term 'climatechange' (without a space) on the online library catalogue available online, on Borrowbox and in local libraries.
Carbon Neutral Cornwall presentation
Our film of Cllr Martyn Alvey - Cabinet Member for Environment and Climate Change - giving the Carbon Neutral Cornwall presentation, is available for Community Network Panels, Town and Parish Councils and Community Action Groups to download and show at meetings.
You can view and download the film, presentation slide deck and speakers' notes below:
- Cllr Martyn Alvey film
- Carbon Neutral Cornwall presentation
- Carbon Neutral Cornwall presentation speakers' notes
Please see the infographics panel on the right of the page (or below on a mobile), with links to graphics you can download and use. If you use one of the graphic images, please credit Cornwall Council.
If you have graphics or charts that you would like us to share here, please get in touch
Films and videos
- Cornwall leading the way
- Cornwall's communities leading the way
- How we move around
- How we grow things and what we eat
- How we heat and power things
- How we buy and use things
- How we adapt and improve things
- Action planning
- The future is in your hands
- The future is in your hands (Climate Commitments version)
- Cornwall Climate Care films
- BBC How 1.5°C degrees of global warming could change the world
Schools resources
- Dive Project Cornwall
- My2050 Carbon Calculator
- Our Climate Our Future: COP26 Schools resources
- Schools Eco Pledges
- The MacKay Carbon Calculator
- Together for Our Planet
- University of Exeter SPIDAS project
- University of Reading information for schools
- University of Reading Climate Activity Pack
Support for schools and colleges with energy efficiency: The Department for Education (DfE) has published guidance for schools and colleges to help educational settings reduce energy usage and improve energy efficiency this winter and beyond.
Repair Cafes
Repair Cafes offer a place where people can get together to alter or mend clothes, and fix broken furniture, electrical gadgets, bikes, toys, crockery and more - and reduce waste
- Cornwall Repair Cafe Network and on Facebook
- Cornwall Recycles
- Upcycle Kernow
- Bude Repair Cafe
- Falmouth and Penryn Repair Cafe and on Facebook
- Penzance Repair Cafe
- St Austell Repair Cafe
- Truro Repair Cafe
Call to action discussion sheets
The Carbon Neutral Cornwall Call to Action sets out a vision for where Cornwall needs to be, while making sure that we all have access to the things we need to stay connected, healthy and thriving.
The documents below breakdown the areas of the Carbon Neutral Cornwall Call to Action, offering ideas for actions we can all take together.
- How we use energy
- How we travel
- How we consume
- How we live
- How we enhance our environment
- How we work
- How we reduce waste
- Prosperity for one and all
Cornwall Climate Emergency DPD
The Cornwall Climate Emergency Development Plan Document was formally adopted on 21 February 2023.
The plan impacts how places grow and change, whilst sitting alongside Government legislation. The policies will help to protect and shape the future of Cornwall by adding detail to the Cornwall Local Plan (2016).
The aim is to address the impacts of climate change with flexible policies that can keep up with changes in technology.
View and download the Climate Emergency DPD
What we can all do to help with climate change
There are lots of websites and apps with ideas for how we can all reduce our carbon impact. Here are a few:
- Carbon Neutral Cornwall Hive: Ideas Bank
- Coast project: Resources
- BBC: Ten simple ways to act on climate change
- BBC: Climate change - How to be more eco-friendly in everyday life
- David Suzuki Foundation: Top 10 things you can do about climate change
- Devon Climate Emergency: Top tips for everyone
- Imperial College London: Nine things you can do about climate change
- United Nations: 10 ways you can help fight the climate crisis
- University of Reading: What you can do
- WWF: 10 tips to eat more sustainably
If there is a website or app that you would like us to share here, please get in touch
Climate Action Plans
Cornwall Council declared a Climate Emergency and produced the Cornwall Climate Change Action Plan in 2019.
In addition Cornwall Council commissioned the University of Exeter to produce the Greenhouse Gas Inventory for Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly, 2009 to 2017 report and the Cornwall Climate Emergency: Pathways to “Net Zero” report.
Many town and parish councils and other organisations have declared a Climate and developed a Climate Change Action Plan, here are a few which we hope are helpful.
- Bude Climate Action Plan
- Camborne Climate Emergency Action Plan
- Cornwall Council Climate Change Action Plan
- Council of the Isles of Scilly Climate Change Action Plan
- Diocese of Truro Environment Vision and Strategy
- Helston Climate Action Plan
- Landulph Parish Council Climate Change Statement of Intent
- Portreath Parish Council Climate Action Plan
- Penzance Council Climate Emergency Action Plan
- St Austell Bay parish Council Climate Crisis Action Plan 2021
- Sustainable Penzance - Your Personal Action Plan
- Volunteer Cornwall Climate and Ecological Emergency Plan
If you would like your climate action plan listed here, please get in touch
Climate Action Groups
There are a number of community climate action groups in Cornwall.
The Cornwall Climate Action Network and Cornwall Climate Action Coalition bring many of them together. Visit the Cornwall Climate Action Network website to learn how they are working to create resilient and empowered communities across Cornwall.
Here are links to some other groups:
- Bude Climate Partnership
- Chacewater Energy Group
- Climate Action St Austell and Facebook
- Climate and Ecological Emergency Cornwall
- Constantine - Transition Constantine
- Cornwall WI Climate Ambassadors
- Falmouth - Community Climate Cafe Falmouth
- Falmouth - Transition Falmouth and Transition Falmouth Facebook
- Hayle - Sustainable Hayle
- Helston Climate Action Group and HCAG Facebook
- Penzance - Sustainable Penzance
- Porthleven - Climate Action Porthleven
- Portreath Climate Action Network and LovePortreath Facebook
- South East Cornwall Climate Action Network and SECcan
- St Austell - Climate Action St Austell
- St Day and Carharrack Climate action Group
- Truro - Transition Truro and Transition Truro Facebook
- University of Exeter SWECAN
If you would like your climate action group listed here, please get in touch
Sustainable Food Cornwall
Cornwall’s food partnership, Sustainable Food Cornwall, is working to make Cornwall a place where there is Good Food for One and All. The partnership brings together people, organisations and groups from all parts of that system, with wide-ranging perspectives, expertise and insights.
Find out more on their website: Sustainable Food Cornwall or Facebook site
IPCC Reports
- IPCC AR6 Climate Change 2022: Mitigation of Climate Change
- IPCC AR6 Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability
- IPCC AR6 Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis
- All IPCC Reports
Cornwall Council has produced a summary briefing paper of the IPCC Climate Change 2021 Report.
The Chatham House Climate change risk assessment 2021 Summary of research findings report summarises climate risks and their consequences for people, food and water security.
The UK Universities Climate Network Climate Papers podcasts offer an insight and introduction to climate risk and why it is so important to understand, quantify and mitigate it as far as possible.
John Lang, of the Energy and Climate Intelligence Unit (ECIU), has produced infographics to help explain the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report (AR6): The science of climate change and Stopping climate change.
Cornwall Council schemes and initiatives
- Cornwall Climate and Nature Fund: Supporting projects and activities
- Cycling: Public e-bikes for hire
- Drive EV2: Electric vehicle charge points on Cornwall Council owned land
- Forest for Cornwall: The right tree in the right place, for the right purpose
- Housing: Council social housing retrofit programme
- Local Nature Recovery Strategy: Conserving and growing nature
- Love Where You Are: Crowdfunder public donation fund | Love Where You Are Poster
- Making Space for Nature: Supporting wildlife and people
- Making Space for Sand: Sustainable sand dune systems
- Planning: Cornwall's Climate Emergency Development Plan Document (DPD)
- Renewable energy: Cornwall's first smart grid connected wind turbine
- Solar PV: Cornwall Council owned installations for organisations
We are also working in Cornwall with partners on world leading initiatives:
- Geothermal energy: United Downs deep geothermal power project and Eden geothermal energy project
- Clean energy: Bennamann clean energy revolution, turning methane into renewable fuel
Useful websites / information
- Another Way
- BBC - How to be more eco-friendly
- BeFloodReady
- Carbon Brief - clear on climate
- Carbon Buddy Project
- Carbon Copy
- Carbon Literacy - Talking Climate
- CDP Worldwide
- Climate Action Resource Hub
- Climate Change Committee (CCC)
- Climate Lab Book - visualisation resources
- Climate Outreach
- Coast - good change for one and all!
- Cool Earth
- Cornwall Climate Care
- Cornwall Council - Carbon Neutral Cornwall
- Cornwall Wildlife Trust
- Climate Outreach - Britain talks Climate
- Eden Project pledges
- Freegle - don't throw it away, give it away
- Geothermal Engineering Ltd and Cornish Lithium Ltd - Direct lithium extraction (website issues)
- Inclusion Cornwall - Winter Wellbeing
- Life Recycle - recycled bicycles of all sizes
- MSC / MSC certified contractors
- National Lottery Community Fund Climate Action Hub
- Scientists Warning Europe
- SW Net Zero Hub
- SWMAS - Make it Net Zero
- Take the Jump - six shifts to protect our earth and live with joy
- UCL Climate Action Unit
- University of Reading - Partnering for the planet
- WWF - 22 ways to help the planet
- Centre for Sustainable Energy (CSE) - home energy advice
- Community Energy Plus (CEP) - energy advice for householders
- Community Power Cornwall
- Cornwall Council
- Energy and Climate Intelligence Unit (ECIU)
- Energy Saving Trust
- Inclusion Cornwall 'greener heating - sustainable warmth'
- REACT - Roseland Environment Action Community Team
- Simple Energy Advice
- Western Power Distribution - guides and information
- Western Power Distribution - useful information
- WREN - Wadebridge Renewable Energy Network
If you would like us to include links to information, resources, groups, websites, or events on the Together We Can Toolkit, please get in touch:
Visit the News and Events Board below for information about what community groups and local councils are doing to respond to Climate Change and events.
If you have an event that you would like us to list please get in touch