Prosperous Cornwall 2050: Creating a plan for our places

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Strategic Project image

Thank you for helping us start creating a plan for our places

The Prosperous Cornwall 2050 project was developed as a way of finding out what might need to happen when we make a plan for Cornwall’s future. This included refreshing our Transport, Housing and Skills Plan and Strategies and thinking about how we might shape the places in which we live and work. It concentrated on the things that are likely to affect everyone in their daily lives and we asked for feedback on the main themes that future work should consider.

The comments we received confirmed the themes that you want us to consider in all the plans we make including:

  • Climate change
  • Homes
  • Transport
  • Jobs and skills
  • Health and wellbeing

The Local Transport Plan and the Housing Strategy were adopted at Council on 12 April 2022. The Plan for Our Places was also approved and becomes a starting point that will set the context for our work on preparing for a new Local plan for Cornwall.

Please watch this space for updates and keep telling us what is important to you and for Cornwall.

Thank you for helping us start creating a plan for our places

The Prosperous Cornwall 2050 project was developed as a way of finding out what might need to happen when we make a plan for Cornwall’s future. This included refreshing our Transport, Housing and Skills Plan and Strategies and thinking about how we might shape the places in which we live and work. It concentrated on the things that are likely to affect everyone in their daily lives and we asked for feedback on the main themes that future work should consider.

The comments we received confirmed the themes that you want us to consider in all the plans we make including:

  • Climate change
  • Homes
  • Transport
  • Jobs and skills
  • Health and wellbeing

The Local Transport Plan and the Housing Strategy were adopted at Council on 12 April 2022. The Plan for Our Places was also approved and becomes a starting point that will set the context for our work on preparing for a new Local plan for Cornwall.

Please watch this space for updates and keep telling us what is important to you and for Cornwall.

Page last updated: 08 Dec 2022, 02:54 PM