Community seat Registration of Interest
Please complete this survey if you are interested in a Community Seat with Cornwall Youth Council
One of the Youth Council main aims is to work with and represent our minority communities to bring the voices of children and young people together. We have identified some underrepresented groups we would like to have representation of in Cornwall Youth Council. We appreciate that this will not be representative of all of the children and young people who live in Cornwall. Please do get in touch if you would like to be involved in helping to make our Youth Council a representative and inclusive voice for children and young people.
As a Youth Council, we have identified a number of groups we would like representation of on the Youth Council. If you do not feel represented on this list, please let us know.
- Representation from underrepresented ethnic groups
- Lived/living Experience of Physical disability or long term health condition
- Gypsy Roma and Traveller community
- Lived or living experience of being a Young Carer
- Care experienced (‘Experience of care’ is anyone with experience of being in children’s social care at any point in their lives.)
- Not in Education or Employment (NEET)
- Separated children seeking Asylum/ Refugees
- Lived or living experience of being a Young Parent
- Lived or living experience of being a member of Cornwall’s faith communities
- Lived or living experience of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
- Forces experienced (e.g. have a family member in the Armed Forces or are a member of the Cadets)
- Lived or living experience of Cornwall’s Farming Community
- Lived or living experience of Adoption
- Lived or living experience of homelessness or experience of insecure and unsafe housing
- Lived or living experience of LGBTQ+
- Current experience of being a student/pupil at a Secondary School
- Current experience of being a student/pupil at a College or University
- Lived or living experience of being Home Educated
- Lived or living experience of Mental health condition
After you have registered your interest, we will get in contact to discuss this further. If you have any questions please email youthcouncil@cornwall.gov.uk
Our data protection and confidentiality statement
How will you protect my information?
Your data will be stored securely and will only be accessible by members of Together for Families. Your consent for your data to be used in the evaluation will be assumed from you starting the survey.
Who am I giving my information to?
The evaluation is being carried out by Together for Families. You can view our privacy notice at www.cornwall.gov.uk/tffprivacynotice(External link)(External link).
How will you store my personal data?
Survey responses will be collected using the Let’s Talk Cornwall survey software. By completing this survey, you consent to this transfer of your information. This includes any information which may represent your personal data. All the information you share with Together for Families will be stored safely for the duration of the evaluation. It will be destroyed one year after it has finished.
Let’s Talk Cornwall is the system used to collate the data and create reports from it. You can view the privacy statement on the Let’s Talk Cornwall website.