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Understanding Universal Credit workshop evaluation

Many thanks for joining our workshop this afternoon. Please would you take a few minutes to complete our evaluation and give some feedback on the learning and experience of attending. This helps us and our partners to reflect and plan other useful sessions that will appropriately meet your needs as social care providers.

It should take no more than 10 minutes to complete the questions.

Thanks again.


Prior to the workshop, had you experienced any challenges with the benefits/earning dynamic of your employees?

* required

Prior to the workshop, how confident were you at supporting employees with their benefits/earnings balance?

* required

How useful did you find the content of the presentation?

* required

Did you feel there was enough opportunity to ask questions?

* required

Do you feel that the workshop addressed the specific challenges you face, as an employer, around the benefits/earnings balance?

* required

Following the workshop, how confident do you now feel at supporting employees with their benefits/earnings balance?

* required