St Lawrence Concept Masterplan

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Aerial image of Bodmin showing the St Lawrence urban extension area

St Lawrence Urban Extension is an allocated housing sites for Bodmin, expected to deliver approximately 780 dwellings. Part of ‘Policy Bd-UE3 St Lawrence’s Urban Extension’ states that any planning permission for development on the site will not be granted unless it is in accordance with a masterplan/concept plan for the entire site.

Set within this context, JTP were commissioned by Cornwall Council to produce an overarching concept masterplan to guide future planning applications. The aim is to provide a clear, coherent vision for the site, ensuring there is a comprehensive strategy for the future development of this new neighbourhood. The document identifies the:

• Vision and Concept Masterplan
• Green Infrastructure Strategy and Supporting Local Infrastructure
• Movement and Connections
• Land Equalisation and Technical Studies
• Cornish Townscape

The emerging proposals have been informed by a consultation process with Cornwall Council, Landowners, Bodmin Town Council and Bodmin Vision Group throughout 2020-early 2021; with refinements made to the draft concept masterplan to address key concerns and local aspirations for the site.

An important part of the developing the Concept Masterplan was providing the opportunity for the public to review and provide feedback regarding the proposed vision for the allocated site. A 12-week online public consultation was held 7 September - 30 November 2021. In response to the collective feedback received from the consultation, along with the technical surveys conducted, the proposed concept masterplan has been refined to address key concerns and local aspirations for the site.

The St Lawrence, Bodmin Concept Masterplan was adopted 3rd May 2023 by Cornwall Council (Issue details - Individual Decision - St Lawrence Urban Extension - Concept Masterplan - Cornwall Council.) as a key material planning consideration.

St Lawrence Urban Extension is an allocated housing sites for Bodmin, expected to deliver approximately 780 dwellings. Part of ‘Policy Bd-UE3 St Lawrence’s Urban Extension’ states that any planning permission for development on the site will not be granted unless it is in accordance with a masterplan/concept plan for the entire site.

Set within this context, JTP were commissioned by Cornwall Council to produce an overarching concept masterplan to guide future planning applications. The aim is to provide a clear, coherent vision for the site, ensuring there is a comprehensive strategy for the future development of this new neighbourhood. The document identifies the:

• Vision and Concept Masterplan
• Green Infrastructure Strategy and Supporting Local Infrastructure
• Movement and Connections
• Land Equalisation and Technical Studies
• Cornish Townscape

The emerging proposals have been informed by a consultation process with Cornwall Council, Landowners, Bodmin Town Council and Bodmin Vision Group throughout 2020-early 2021; with refinements made to the draft concept masterplan to address key concerns and local aspirations for the site.

An important part of the developing the Concept Masterplan was providing the opportunity for the public to review and provide feedback regarding the proposed vision for the allocated site. A 12-week online public consultation was held 7 September - 30 November 2021. In response to the collective feedback received from the consultation, along with the technical surveys conducted, the proposed concept masterplan has been refined to address key concerns and local aspirations for the site.

The St Lawrence, Bodmin Concept Masterplan was adopted 3rd May 2023 by Cornwall Council (Issue details - Individual Decision - St Lawrence Urban Extension - Concept Masterplan - Cornwall Council.) as a key material planning consideration.

Page last updated: 18 Apr 2024, 03:14 PM