Start Small Dream Big: Primary Careers Project
Welcome to the new hub for primary school career leads, moderated by Careers Hub CIoS. Drop in here to quickly access key dates and documents, discover project news and useful resources and share experiences and ideas about careers-related learning in primary school.
Welcome to the new hub for primary school career leads, moderated by Careers Hub CIoS. Drop in here to quickly access key dates and documents, discover project news and useful resources and share experiences and ideas about careers-related learning in primary school.
GEL Ltd (Geothermal Engineering) Engagement Offer
Share GEL Ltd (Geothermal Engineering) Engagement Offer on Facebook Share GEL Ltd (Geothermal Engineering) Engagement Offer on Twitter Share GEL Ltd (Geothermal Engineering) Engagement Offer on Linkedin Email GEL Ltd (Geothermal Engineering) Engagement Offer linkPrimary schools can visit the Geothermal site at United Downs or members of the team can visit individual schools in Cornwall. Both are free of charge and will incorporate a talk about the United Downs Deep Geothermal Power project, feature an animation and allow children to complete a fun worksheet to help cement the information they have learnt. You can watch the animation on YouTube The animation teaches why we can’t make more fossil fuels and about all the different types of renewable energy sources. It also explains geothermal power and heat as well as why Cornwall is the best place in the UK to utilise this renewable energy source. Please contact Jane for an informal chat -
Cornish Metals Careers Engagement Offer
Share Cornish Metals Careers Engagement Offer on Facebook Share Cornish Metals Careers Engagement Offer on Twitter Share Cornish Metals Careers Engagement Offer on Linkedin Email Cornish Metals Careers Engagement Offer linkCornish Metals have a fantastic free offer for primary schools, read on to find out more...
School visits from the South Crofty Team - Typically, a member of the team will visit the school to engage children in the mining lifecycle; how we go from exploration, extraction, processing, smelting and through to the end product e.g. a smartphone. A variety of props are provided including mineral samples, core and items that highlight how mining provides the materials needed for modern life and the importance of critical metals such as tin. Cornish Metals can also sponsor an outreach session by King Edward Mine and/or Geevor outreach team – their school visits focus on the historical side of Cornish mining, and provide some context in advance of field trips.
Field Trips The team can also fully fund admission (limited places) for field trips to some great locations relating to Cornish mining history: Geevor Tin Mine Museum ( has proven to be really popular, providing an underground experience, tour of the processing facilities, winding gear, miners dry and museum. King Edward Mine Museum ( is another great option for the field trip, focusing more on the mineral processing side of things with a good museum and hands-on experience with using items such as a vanning shovel/panning.
Please contact Jody to fins out more -
Cornwall Marine Academy Engagement Offer
Share Cornwall Marine Academy Engagement Offer on Facebook Share Cornwall Marine Academy Engagement Offer on Twitter Share Cornwall Marine Academy Engagement Offer on Linkedin Email Cornwall Marine Academy Engagement Offer linkCornwall Marine Academy have been linking careers learning and skills for work to the secondary curriculum with great success. They are now offering their workshops in sustainability, engineering and marine careers at the primary phase. Schools can book a half day or full day for a very reasonable fee. More information here Enrichment Themed Activities - Cornwall Marine Academy and feel free to contact David at CMA direct - - for a conversation about their offer or to book a session.
Free 1 Hour PSHE Association Training - May Update
Share Free 1 Hour PSHE Association Training - May Update on Facebook Share Free 1 Hour PSHE Association Training - May Update on Twitter Share Free 1 Hour PSHE Association Training - May Update on Linkedin Email Free 1 Hour PSHE Association Training - May Update linkOnline workshop: Teaching career-related learning through PSHE for Start Small Dream Big Schools
Want to know the best ways to approach career-related learning through PSHE? This workshop will explore:
• The importance of career-related learning, informed by key research
• Teaching about career stereotypes and how to support pupils to challenge them
• How to ensure safe and effective practice
• A whole-school approach to career-related learning
• How to make use of assessment including tips and strategies
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Workshop includes:
• 1 hour of high quality, interactive training led by a member of our Subject Specialist team, the leading national experts in PSHE education
• Practical ideas and guidance to support you to effectively deliver career-related learning through PSHE
Dates and times (you need to register for your chosen session by the 31st May):
Wednesday 5th June: 2pm - 3pm-
Thursday 6th June: 3:45pm - 4.45pm -
Wednesday 12th June: 2pm - 3pm -
Thursday 13th June: 3:45pm - 4.45pm -
Monday 17th June: 2pm - 3pm -
Cornwall Heritage Trust School Workshops Programme
Share Cornwall Heritage Trust School Workshops Programme on Facebook Share Cornwall Heritage Trust School Workshops Programme on Twitter Share Cornwall Heritage Trust School Workshops Programme on Linkedin Email Cornwall Heritage Trust School Workshops Programme linkWe recently met with Caroline Davey from the Cornwall Heritage Trust. She is running free workshops at Cornish Heritage Sites for primary school pupils that you may be interested in exploring as they may be useful in addressing some of your wider ‘careers’ skills foci (e.g., teamwork, resilience, problem solving). Please see flyer for details. For more information or to book, please contact Caroline Davey, Education and Outreach Manager, on 01209 707008 or by email Caroline's team are also able to deliver outreach workshops in schools for a small fee (£2 per student). Workshops include:
Historic Landscape Art Taking inspiration from Cornwall’s unique landscape and heritage, create your own artistic masterpiece. Prehistoric Jewellery Making Taking inspiration from examples of Bronze Age and Iron Age jewellery create your own hoard.
Medieval Marvels Taking inspiration from the Medieval Bestiary and combining Cornish folklore, learn the art of book binding and produce your own bestiary full of Cornish marvels.
Plagues and Potions Investigate ideas about causes of the Black Death and Plague and discover cures offered by practitioners of medicine in the past. Create your own herbal remedy or potion, and set up your own Tudor Apothecary.
Minerals and Mining Cornwall Rocks! Explore Cornwall’s geology. Discover surprising facts, such as how many Cornish minerals there are in a mobile phone and create your own mining landscape diorama.
Teach First's Fast Track Catch Up Guides
Share Teach First's Fast Track Catch Up Guides on Facebook Share Teach First's Fast Track Catch Up Guides on Twitter Share Teach First's Fast Track Catch Up Guides on Linkedin Email Teach First's Fast Track Catch Up Guides linkTeach First have put together a guide for Lead Teachers who are keen to make progress on the programme but are currently feeling behind with online learning content. Module by module, it will guide you through priority learning and activities so that you can still make progress and complete the programme. Please find the Catch up Guides for Wave 1 and 2 under Useful Resources in the CPD Support File. Please also feel free to contact Sarah at the Careers Hub ( to fast-track through a specific module/module task together.
28th February - Save the Date: Community of Practice 2
Share 28th February - Save the Date: Community of Practice 2 on Facebook Share 28th February - Save the Date: Community of Practice 2 on Twitter Share 28th February - Save the Date: Community of Practice 2 on Linkedin Email 28th February - Save the Date: Community of Practice 2 linkAfter a wonderful Community of Practice meet in November, we have a date for our next event in which we'll bring together both of our project 'waves'. It will take place on Wednesday 28th February, at the Venton Conference Centre from 09.30-14.30. We have two guest speakers booked in to talk about the Space and Data Sector and Parental Engagement. The Eventbrite registration link and further information will be sent out in the fortnightly newsletter in the week commencing 8th January
Seasons Greetings!
Share Seasons Greetings! on Facebook Share Seasons Greetings! on Twitter Share Seasons Greetings! on Linkedin Email Seasons Greetings! linkIt has been a real pleasure to work with our network of project schools this year and we are looking forward to seeing you all in 2024. We would like to extend our very best wishes to you and your loved ones at Christmas.
Royal Cornwall Farm and Country Days - March 20th-21st 2024
Share Royal Cornwall Farm and Country Days - March 20th-21st 2024 on Facebook Share Royal Cornwall Farm and Country Days - March 20th-21st 2024 on Twitter Share Royal Cornwall Farm and Country Days - March 20th-21st 2024 on Linkedin Email Royal Cornwall Farm and Country Days - March 20th-21st 2024 linkDo you know about the Farm & Country Days? An annual event held in March at the Royal Cornwall Events Centre specifically aimed at Cornish primary schools and Years 3 & 4. Children enjoy a hands-on, interactive learning journey to see how their food travels from field to plate. More than 50 exhibits illustrate each aspect of the local farming and food production industry, and more than 200 volunteers kindly give up their time to make this event happen. If you’d like to book a place, please fill out the registration form in the Farm and Country File (under Useful resources) and send to and find out more here. You could alternatively register your interest in the Farm and Country Roadshow, in which the wonderful Education Officer, Jo Perry, will bring her educational trailer to your school, engage with children of all ages and even add in a little talk around careers in agriculture. Please also find the form for this option in the Farm and Country File and return to the same email address.
Skills Builder - Funded Accelerator Programme: Register your interest now for next academic year
Share Skills Builder - Funded Accelerator Programme: Register your interest now for next academic year on Facebook Share Skills Builder - Funded Accelerator Programme: Register your interest now for next academic year on Twitter Share Skills Builder - Funded Accelerator Programme: Register your interest now for next academic year on Linkedin Email Skills Builder - Funded Accelerator Programme: Register your interest now for next academic year linkSkills Builder Partnership is a world group of businesses, schools, and non-profits that work together to make sure that one day, everyone has the skills they need to be successful. Essential skills help people learn in school, do better in school, earn more money, and be happier in life. The Universal Framework, which breaks eight highly transferable skills into a series of steps, is at the heart of the method. It starts at the very beginning and goes all the way up to mastery, putting logic behind soft skills. They have 200 funded places for schools (of all phases) on the Accelerator programme for September 2024 - a great way to continue the Careers work you have been doing with Start Small, Dream Big. You need to sign up early; the first batch of applications opens on 19th February 2024. If you register your interest here - The Skills Builder Accelerator - you will be given an 'early bird' opportunity to apply a week before the application is open to all.
Useful Resources
Key Employer Contacts.docx (64.7 KB) (docx)
Employer Encounters Best Practice Guide.pdf (4.48 MB) (pdf)
Employer Engagement
Approaching Employers (139 KB) (pdf)
Teacher-Visitor Planner .docx (194 KB) (docx)
School Request for Hub Support (Form).docx (93.8 KB) (docx)
Priority Project Support Slide.pptx (85 KB) (pptx)
Call out for Careers Volunteers Parent and Carer Survey.docx (84.4 KB) (docx)
Call Out for Careers Volunteers Governor Survey.docx (84.8 KB) (docx)
Meaningful Employer Encounters.pdf (244 KB) (pdf)
Tips_Embedding Career-Related Learning.pdf (1.01 MB) (pdf)
Module 2 Audit Tools
Careers in the curriculum audit.docx (140 KB) (docx)
Training needs analysis for staff .docx (141 KB) (docx)
Classroom Interaction Analysis Tool.pdf (107 KB) (pdf)
Display Analysis Tool OPTIONAL.pdf (169 KB) (pdf)
External Employer Audit OPTIONAL.xlsx (18.2 KB) (xlsx)
EYFS Gender Audit 1.pdf (142 KB) (pdf)
EYFS Gender Audit 2 Optional.pdf (137 KB) (pdf)
EYFS KS1 Aspiration and Gender Task.pdf (128 KB) (pdf)
KS2 Aspiration and Gender Task (1).pdf (109 KB) (pdf)
Pupil Survey Baseline.pdf (233 KB) (pdf)
Parent and Carer Engagement Audit.xlsx (18.2 KB) (xlsx)
Gender and Careers Content Analysis Tool.pdf (158 KB) (pdf)
LMI Folder
Strategy and Planning
CPD Support
Key Dates Wave 1
04 June 2024
Key Dates Wave 2
04 June 2024