What are you doing to increase space for pedestrians?

    Within the proposed scheme areas, wherever possible, footways are being widened, crossing points enhanced, seating provided and space reallocated to improve the environment for pedestrians.

    What are you doing to address the problem of parking on narrow footways?

    Within the scheme areas, waiting and other parking restrictions could be implemented as deemed required to prevent footway and other types of obstructive parking. Addressing this in the wider town area is beyond the scope of this scheme.

    What are you doing to decrease levels of traffic and are you considering timed or limited access to the town centre?

    A low traffic environment, in the form of a Pedestrian Zone between 11am and 4pm, is proposed that aims to reduce traffic in the town centre during busy periods, freeing up more space for other roads users. This will look to utilise a rising bollard in peak season to enforce the restriction. This is subject to further development.

    Further, improved signage will be provided to reinforce the existing signed visitor traffic route to St Ives via Halsetown, decreasing the likelihood of traffic entering the town centre. Car park signage will also be rationalised and new live parking signs are proposed to reduce the occurrence of errant vehicles entering the town centre.

    What are you doing to improve signage for visitors?

    Improved signage will be provided to reinforce the existing signed route to St Ives via Halsetown, decreasing the likelihood of traffic entering the town centre.

    Wayfinding improvements for pedestrians within the scheme areas will be provided.

    Will implementing a rising bollard and low traffic environment in the Downalong area be detrimental to business traffic and residents?

    The aim of the proposed low traffic environment is to reduce the volume of traffic in the town centre, encouraging walking and cycling and creating a more pleasant environment for pedestrians. The proposed time period 11am-4pm aims to facilitate loading/deliveries and other methods to facilitate legitimate access will be included.

    Are Cornwall Council legally permitted to restrict loading and other access to the town centre, when it would restrict deliveries to businesses and residents?

    Cornwall Council as the local highway authority does have powers to implement such restrictions under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984

    Will the rising bollard block emergency access?

    A rising bollard would not block access for emergency vehicles. Rising bollards in other towns in Cornwall have methods of allowing emergency access and similar would be implemented for St Ives.

    What are you doing to address businesses on the harbour front blocking footways with signage?

    This issue is not within the town deal project scope. This is to be determined by others through enforcement or licencing by appropriate means. It should be noted signage at the sea front is managed by a Public Spaces Protection Order:https://stivestowncouncil-cornwall.gov.uk/info-page/public-spaces-protection-orders-in-st-ives/

    Why are you implementing a one-way system when it will make navigating through town difficult/complicated and will also increase traffic speeds?

    The one-way system’s aim is to improve traffic flow through the town centre, reducing the dwell time incurred by vehicles who currently have to navigate oncoming traffic. With only one direction of traffic to negotiate it is intended this will make it a safer space for pedestrians and other road users. The one-way system is also aimed to facilitate easier passage for buses and other larger vehicles which routinely get stuck at narrow points and corners along the route. Given the 20mph speed limit and the restrictive nature of the roads we are satisfied there will likely not be an increase in traffic speed.

    Why are you routing more traffic through Halsetown when it could have a potentially detrimental effect on the village which already has problems with lack of footways and road safety?

    The implementation of improved signage to reinforce the existing signed route to St Ives via Halsetown is intended to reduce the level of visitor traffic entering St Ives town centre. While we would not expect a major shift in traffic patterns, it is acknowledged there could be some level of visitor traffic increase through Halsetown and this will be assessed throughout the development of the interventions. 

    Can you provide red surface treatment, average speed cameras or other interventions at Halsetown?

    Average speed cameras are beyond the scope of the town deal schemes, however the possibility of providing other small-scale interventions (such as traffic calming) to mitigate the traffic impact are being considered.

    Will the rerouting of traffic through Halsetown effectively make the Co-op roundabouts at The Stennack the gateway to St Ives, and consequently cause traffic congestion?

    It is proposed that the roundabouts in this area are removed and are replaced with a more conventional priority junction layout that gives greater space and priority to pedestrians. It is not anticipated that this scheme area would see major traffic congestion, given the layout and signage proposed.

    Can you expand park and ride provision for visitor parking? Why are you locating a Park and Ride near Halsetown? Can you use Lelant Saltings car park instead?

    Proposals for additional park and ride facilities are not within the scope of town deal and are being investigated by others.

    Can you provide live parking signs to illustrate remaining spaces?

    Live parking signs are proposed to enable easier location of open car parking spaces for visitors and to reduce errant vehicles entering the town centre. Locations of the signs will be positioned to provide the optimum solution.

    Can you require cyclists to dismount in the town centre to avoid conflict with pedestrians?

    The recently revised highway code gives greater priority to pedestrians over all other road users. Cyclists should follow this and give way to pedestrians whenever necessary.