The SAR Subgroup has representatives from All partner agencies in CIOS who are engaged and sufficiently senior to proactively get things done?
How can we improve our representation/membership?
Partner agencies in CIOS understand the relevant legislation regarding the referral process and commissioning of SARs?
How can we improve partners understanding of legislation and local procedures relating to SARs?
SAR referrals and decision making are timely, and meeting minutes and reviews clearly note reasons for decisions made and positive or negative delays?
How can we improve our decision making and recording/minutes?
The SAR subgroup involves and shares learning from experiences involving the individual and/or their family in SARs through local/regional and national networks?
How can we improve our sharing of learning and engagement with Individuals and families?
The SAR subgroup clearly ensures SARs identify the types of abuse, neglect and themes within cases being reviewed?
How can we improve our analysis and reporting of SARs?
The SAR subgroup meetings are frequent enough, well-structured, chaired and planned to ensure that new SAR referrals, existing cases and ongoing work streams are well managed.
How can we improve the management of the SAR Subgroup meetings?
The SAR subgroup effectively reports back and is able to escalate any concerns to the SAB and SAB exec group?
How can we improve reporting/escalation to the SAB?
Is there anything else you would like feedback? What do we do well? What can we do better?
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