Rapid Community Testing Business Survey
If you registered on the national site to order lateral flow device (LFD) tests for staff to use at home prior to midnight on 12th April then you should in time receive the following:
- Registration number
- Unique Organisation Number and Link to Egress ordering site – to allow you to place an order of kits
Apologies but we have no way of checking or following up the position on your registration. If you need to access kits elsewhere before your order is received, or you were not able to register on the site then please look at the options below.
• Community testing: Cornwall Council are offering local community testing sites, where you can go to take a supervised test. To book a test visit: https://getatest.vdt.app/login
• Community Collect - NHS Test & Trace sites across the country operate as symptomatic testing sites in the morning but are currently providing an afternoon collect option, where you can pick up a kit to use at home. To find your nearest site visit: Find a test centre (test-and-trace.nhs.uk)
• Pharmacy collect: Thousands of pharmacies across England have signed up to offer pharmacy collect. You will be able to go to a participating pharmacy and pick up a a kit to use at home. NHS England’s site finder allows you to search pharmacies near you that offer pharmacy collect. Over the coming weeks more and more pharmacies will be signing up. https://maps.test-and-trace.nhs.uk/
• Education: Secondary and college students are already being given tests to use at home twice a week, throughout term time and the holidays.
• LFD Direct: For people who can’t access tests through the other routes, you can order a kit online or through 119, which will be delivered to your home.
• Workplace testing ‘on premises’ If you are interested in setting up a test site at your workplace which your staff manage and run then please make contact with the Cornwall Council Community Testing Team – mary.dawe@Cornwall.gov.uk
If you are a Cornwall Council Department/Service or Partner get in touch with the Cornwall Council Community Testing Team – mary.dawe@Cornwall.gov.uk to discuss appropriate testing support and distribution of kits.