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Business Regulatory Support from Cornwall Council

Public Protection Customer Survey 2022+

Cornwall Council's Public Protection's aim is to deliver consistent and fair regulatory services to you. We recently had contact with you and would like to know what you thought of the service you received. We have a short survey of 7 questions which we would appreciate 10 minutes of your time to complete please for the purpose of helping us to improve the service we deliver to you. This survey relates to Environmental Health, Trading Standards and Licensing and we ask please that the feedback you provide relates to these services only.

If you would like to read our privacy policy, please click here.

Select option

how professional we were?
how fairly you were treated?
how helpful we were?
how well you were kept informed?
how easy you found it to use our service?

Considering your responses to question 3 above; how satisfied overall were you with the way the service was provided?

* required
Use a scale of 1 – 5, where 1 = not at all likely and 5 = extremely likely