Partnerships for People and Place

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This is a project page for the Partnerships for People and Place.

This is a project page for the Partnerships for People and Place.

  • In November 2021 the Government announced that Cornwall Council had been chosen as one of 13 pilot areas to work with the Department of Levelling Up Housing and Communities (DLUHC) on their Partnerships for People and Place (PfPP) programme. The pilot programme is aiming to test a new collaborative approach to policy design and delivery with Central Government and Local Places. The long-term vision for the programme is to: ‘see local communities empowered to develop and deliver solutions to the problems that matter to them, whilst being supported in an efficient and joined up way by both Central and Local Government’. 

     Using existing and emerging evidence we have identified that there are missed opportunities to make a positive impact on the lives of residents of some of the more disadvantaged communities in Cornwall due to skills interventions not being as integrated as they could be. Currently, we receive multiple nationally allocated and managed streams of funding, each aligned to specific national solutions/skills programmes. These funding arrangements and the powers available mean that skills solutions are not joined up, with several different providers targeting different elements of an issue. 

    We aim, through our pilot project, to test a range of solutions merging individual assessments and cutting across national and local criteria. We want to work with Bodmin to pilot our proposed approach, to a more joined up and locally defined, employment and skills programme in anticipation of Shared Prosperity Fund. In particular we want to test:

    • Devolved control over an integrated budget.
    • Deliver proactive co-ordination of support to those living in the most deprived areas of Bodmin
    • Better understand skills and employment needs now; but also to identify upskilling or progression opportunities so that we are able to start to grow the workforce required for our Bodmin Vision aspirations. 
    • Pilot the use of an innovative ‘flexible fund’ enabling local employers to employ people into training (kickstart) opportunities for key roles. 

    As a valued partner, delivering employment programmes in Cornwall, we are keen to gather information from you to feed into our delivery plan submission. We would be grateful if you could complete this short survey and return to us no later than the 15th February 2022.

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Page last updated: 09 Feb 2022, 09:50 AM