More balance needed
I feel it is a terrible shame that Cornwall has gone so far down the road of reliance on tourism that it now has to put its own people at risk to be able to earn a living. Cornwall is a very beautiful place, we are all lucky to live here all year round, and we should be able to share it with others in moderation, without basically prostituting the county.
We already had our own form of annual lockdown for six weeks of the year, where our roads were gridlocked and our towns and beaches, depending on the weather, packed so we could not use them. This year this annual lockdown will probably last until the national one gets reinstated in the autumn.
It must be possible to increase the number of jobs in environmentally friendly industries, in on-line working, and improving the infrastructure in Cornwall. Ideally, it would be possible for local fishermen, meat producers and growers of vegetables etc. to sell them here in the county, rather than transport them elsewhere, so we have a degree of self sufficiency, and help the environment.
Please, please Cornwall Council, Cornwall Chamber of Commerce, and anyone else who has the power to change things, do what you can to help your people earn their livings in alternative ways, which will help the environment and improve the lives of our residents.
I agree that our Members of Parliament are not doing enough to change things for the better. I agree that Cornwall should receive additional funding for our health and policing services, to take account of the influx of tourists every year. I agree that we desperately need a lot more genuinely affordable housing. These are all things our MPs could be working on. We are every bit as much in need of levelling up as the Northern counties.
I am very much in favour of the proposed redevelopment above Pydar Street in Truro, and the current pedestrianisation of Cornish towns, which I think should be made permanent. Please, please put local people first and help them find another way.