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A cornwall for my children

Lockdown for us has seen all my kids being homeschooled which has been very challenging especially not having a working computer everything was online and impossible to do via mobile phones, has since been addressed and iPads have been given to the kids via the school to help the children learn at home.
My partner has been working 70+hrs a week as a Covid security guard helping the many homesless from our streets and those dumped down here from upcountry during lockdown which I think could of been handled a lot better many of these have now been moved on from the holiday parks they were staying at to make room for holiday makers, I also think the holiday companies that have charged 900 a week for housing them should be ashamed of themselves. I hope they are not thrown back onto the streets in the next coming months.

The main things I’d like to see our changes to traffic levels in towns etc I loved not having busy roads, seeing the wildlife back in the garden and having cleaner air.

I’d also like to see the second homes and the thousands of holiday homes reduced these could easily provide housing all year round to family’s that live locally I think anyone buying a house in cornwall should have ties or lived here and worked here for at least 5 yrs and live here permanently. Any holiday homes should pay double the council tax as they charge ludicrous charges per week and should be taxed for the profits they make.

Theres such a demand for larger houses 4-5 bedroom homes that local families could live in atm they have to cram into 3bed houses while these houses are empty. The village community needs to come back I’ve seen it in the last couple of months and I want this to stay I had this growing up everyone helping each other out not for payment just because they can help.

I’d also like to see more of the hedgerows and verges turned into flower meadows they look beautiful encourage wildlife and would save the council thousands not having to cut them ie roundabouts, verges.

Would also be a great idea to be free from england like wales and Scotland so we can decide when to come off lockdown etc

Maybe even add toll roads coming into cornwall for people who don’t live here and relax it for business that have to commute between counties for work.

Help the locals afford to buy there own homes many can’t save enough to have 5,10% mortgages we would love to afford to buy a house as the rent we pay is more than what mortgage payments would be, so maybe this could be looked at.

It would also be nice to see cornwall folklaw and language taught in schools as this is dying out from our villages.

I’d like there to be money sent to helping youth clubs, Scots beavers girl guide clubs, to keep children from getting bored and into trouble.

Money needs also needs to go to help those with complex mental health issues and drug dependence.

I also echo what others have said keep cornwall special, keep its history in tacked, and our future generations in their communities ,

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