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A better managed Cornwall

I have witnessed much destruction being done to Cornwall. Too much building, failing infrastructure. tourism dangerously over marketed and so on. This is also dramatically changing everything.

Tourism is not what it has been made out to be. David Penhaligon the late Member of Parliament knew that. Despite the hype, more of us depend on other sources of income and not tourism. In fact, I would suggest that most money raised by tourism goes on to leave Cornwall and many of those employed by it come here for the work. We end up paying to clean up after it. I read with anger the revelations made by a Cornwall Councillor regarding the £10,000 grants given to owners of second homes. The environmental damage being caused is enormous and more and more parts of Cornwall are being listed as air quality management areas due to the pollution.

Many of the houses being built are way beyond what we local people could ever afford.

We pay a massive council tax bill but sadly, the council no longer seems interested in us.

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