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Swanvale Open space, Falmouth

This open space forms part of the Falmouth Green Corridor linking Tregoniggie Woodland with Swanpool.

 As part of the Making Space for Nature project, we would like to introduce new trees, wildflower meadow and improve the wooded area beside the informal football pitch.  This should increase its value for wildlife and visitors.  Our aims are to improve urban green spaces increasing their wildlife value, accessibility and community enjoyment.  We are hoping to deliver this in autumn 2021.  

The survey closed on 19 March 2021.  Results from this survey and postal survey received will be posted at the site once completed.  This is likely to be in mid April 2021.

Please have a look at the draft landscape plan on the main page which will be amended to take account of comments received in the survey.  

Alongside the planting plans, the Transport team is considering laying a pedestrian and cycle path alongside the woodland area.   This would be subject to a separate consultation as part of a planning application but we would welcome your initial views on this proposal.

Privacy Notice

We will use the information you provide to inform the final plan for the Swanvale open space in Falmouth.

The Data Controller for the information you provide in this survey is Cornwall Council, New County Hall, Treyew Road, Truro TR1 3AY. Data Protection Registration Number: Z1745294. Once the survey has closed, your data will be held within Cornwall Council’s secure network and premises for up to 2 years. Access to your information will only be made to authorised members of staff who are required to process it for the purposes outlined in this privacy notice.