Application Form
Please use this form to apply for a free landmark tree for your community.
You can use this online form to apply for your landmark tree to plant in the winter 2022-23. If you wish to plant in 2023/2024 we ask that you apply in spring 2023
(To view and prepare for all the questions asked, you can download this sample form in pdf format; however please use only the online & interactive version of it to send your application).If you are successful with your application for a landmark tree, it should be planted by the end of February 2023.
Before completing your application please read carefully the Guidance and FAQs, found elsewhere on this page.
Please complete all relevant sections - if your application is incomplete we won’t be able to assess it. Please do contact us if you need assistance with completing the application - you can also state 'to be confirmed'.
We will assess all the applications following the closing date of 9am on 30th June 2022 and successful applicants will be notified by the end of July.
If you have any problems completing or submitting the application form please use the Clarification Questions section above
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