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Children and Young People feedback survey

Thank you for attending our programme. The following questions will help us to understand your experience of the sessions.

We will use the information you provide to inform our future training. 

The Data Controller for the information you provide in this survey is Cornwall Council., New County Hall, Treyew Road, Truro, TR1 3AY. Data Protection Registration Number: Z1745294. Once the survey has closed, your data will be held within Cornwall Council's secure network and premises for up to 2 years. Were we ask you to supply personal data on this form, we will only make to this data available to authorised members of staff who are required to process it for the purposes outlined in this privacy notice. Please note that other information you provide, such as responses to open questions, may be published in full. 

All fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required


How satisfied are you with the programme?

* required
The programme increased my knowledge of healthy lifestyle behaviours
The programme increased my confidence to make healthy lifestyle changes for my family
I would recommend the programme to other families
Since the start of the programme, have you made any healthy lifestyle changes as a family?
Thinking about change and setting a family challenge
Portion sizes
Healthy eating on a budget
Reading food labels
Sugar and the roller coaster effect
Promoting positive behaviour around food (e.g. styles of feeding and non-food rewards)
Food scanner app
Better Health Healthier Families
10 minute Shake Ups
Healthy Cornwall website