Maximum 255 characters
Which of the below best describes level of customer service you have received during the 2023/24 SLA?
Which of these best describes the value that the school has received from the service during the 2023/24 SLA?
If you have received a visit from the mobile library this academic year, please rate how satisfied you were with it (0 extremely dissatisfied – 10 extremely satisfied). Please also add a comment below
If you have received in-school support this year, i.e. a stock weed/library tidy, please rate how satisfied you were with it (0 extremely dissatisfied – 10 extremely satisfied). Please also add a comment below.
Which of these best describes the communication your school has received from the service during the 2023/24 SLA?
We are looking to drive the service forward and innovate our product to increase membership. Rank these parts of the service in order (1 essential – 10 non-essential):
If you are withdrawing from the service, or purchasing a lower level than this year, please select any of the reasons that apply:
If you are remaining with the service at the same level of buy in, please select any of the reasons that apply:
Please write below anything that would make you consider increasing your level of service.
Please write a comment below that sums up your experience of the ELS SLA for the year 23/24.
Please comment, add a photo or poem that describes your experience.