Developing independence and confidence with Travel Training

Year 10 students at Poltair School have recently taken part in a programme known as Travel Training, which sees them learning how to travel independently to Plymouth and around Cornwall using either a bus or train.

This group of students was identified as needing additional support to navigate public transport and explore opportunities related to post-16 education providers and the world of work. Many were apprehensive about traveling independently, often relying on family for transportation, which limited their options for work experience placements.

The Travel Training programme aimed to raise aspirations, promote independence, and empower students to make informed decisions about their post-16 pathways.

Through the programme, students gained valuable experience in understanding local travel routes and building their confidence in using public transport. Sessions included discussions about road safety and identifying potential risks when traveling independently.

Rebecca Rodgers, Learning Centre Coordinator and Deputy Pupil Premium Lead at Poltair, shared:
“The students learned how to read timetables, plan their journeys, and purchase the most cost-effective tickets, ensuring they could replicate this for return trips.”

She continued:
“This programme has underscored the importance of equipping children and young people with life skills alongside academic learning, aligning with our school vision to foster confidence and character.”

“Beyond building resilience and independence, it has inspired greater aspirations and provided motivation for their future goals.”

The programme included several in-school sessions and four off-site visits to locations such as Treliske Hospital in Truro, the National Maritime Museum in Falmouth, the City Bus Depot in Plymouth, and Newquay Orchard. Additionally, students participated in first aid training, earning a certificate upon completion.

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