SEND Local Offer

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The SEND Local Offer is the support available for children and young people (aged 0 to 25 years) with special educational needs and / or disabilities in Cornwall.

The SEND Local Offer web pages are under review and we want to hear from those who use or might use these webpages. We want to improve the Local Offer webpages making them easier to use and information simpler to find. We want to give you the opportunity to tell us what you think and ask any questions that you have. We want you to help shape its future content and layout.

The SEND Local Offer is the support available for children and young people (aged 0 to 25 years) with special educational needs and / or disabilities in Cornwall.

The SEND Local Offer web pages are under review and we want to hear from those who use or might use these webpages. We want to improve the Local Offer webpages making them easier to use and information simpler to find. We want to give you the opportunity to tell us what you think and ask any questions that you have. We want you to help shape its future content and layout.

What can I do?

There are several ways to get involved. As part of the review, we want to hear the voice of children and young people with SEND in Cornwall, as well as the views of parents and carers. If you currently use services, what works well and what doesn't work so well?

We want to hear from those with the confidence and support to speak out independently. We also want to hear from those who have really important life experiences but do not normally speak out or think that what they have to say is important. We want to hear from you.

Why might I want to get involved?

  • What you have to say matters. You have the right to be heard and to be involved in decisions made about your life

  • Getting involved gives you power as well as being likely to improve your self-confidence

  • What you have to say can influence what decisions are made about lots of areas of your life now and in the future, such as education, housing, jobs and the environment

How you can get involved are:

  • Use the What matters to you post-it note tool (below) to tell us other things you think we are currently missing from our top priorities for children and young people with SEND

  • Talk with friends, with your family and feedback your thoughts, ideas, solutions, views and needs using the Is there anything you'd like to tell us form (below)

  • Complete the Local Offer Feedback form

Our data protection and confidentiality statement

How will you protect my information?

Your data will be stored securely and will only be accessible by members of Together for Families. Your consent for your data to be used in the evaluation will be assumed from you starting the survey.

Who am I giving my information to?

The evaluation is being carried out by Together for Families. You can view our privacy notice at link).

How will you store my personal data?

Survey responses will be collected using the Let’s Talk Cornwall survey software. By completing this survey, you consent to this transfer of your information. This includes any information which may represent your personal data. All the information you share with Together for Families will be stored safely for the duration of the evaluation. It will be destroyed one year after it has finished.

Let’s Talk Cornwall is the system used to collate the data and create reports from it. You can view the privacy statement on the Let’s Talk Cornwall website.

Page last updated: 06 Feb 2025, 11:04 AM