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What lies behind the "Green Mask"

As a Cornish woman unable to work during the lock up, I have been able to view the construction going on in the county and spend time thinking about what we are walking into with our eyes wide shut and indeed about the "new norms" - a phrase I hate with passion.

I would like to know how local government are listening intently to "Climate" change groups while ignoring or denouncing those who are concerned about the destruction of the environment through the more silent forms of pollution. Why on earth do we need a space port in these environmentally sensitive times? Likewise, the harm from environmental pollutants such as EMFs from 2, 3, 4g etc masts, wi-fi and smart energy. We are expected to be fine and dandy with the frequencies used by telecoms which saturate nature and the environment with cell damaging, health-harming emissions. In fact there are over 24 thousand scientific studies showing harm to health, yet none from the council will glance at these studies - why not?

Now that there has been far more usage of internet and wireless tech in our own homes, we find that we cannot do without the internet and in doing so we are feeding an addiction which studies say impacts on our mental and biological health. In doing so, we also fuel the massive carbon footprint of the so called "smart and green" digital industry. Are the council or climate change groups looking into those issues and the silent, pollutants used in green energy manufacturing such as Sulphur hexafluoride (SF6), the most potent of the seven greenhouse gasses ? No? Well, why not?

What can we do? Well encourage children, young people and adults to engage with nature and the environment, would vastly help. It's been proven that hyper and deregulated children benefit from the calming and well being effects of nature. We should be encouraging outdoor play for children (away from sources of emfs and masts) and encouraging young people to put down their gadgets, and connect with each other and with the land. It's all very well suggesting we need to cut down on pollution, but that includes the invisible EMF pollution in our homes and surrounding areas too. It means that we should not be putting up more phone masts and that we should slow down creating wi-fi hotspots else we risk having an unhealthy population that cannot connect with nature and care very little for it.

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