The Time is Now. No Going Back. Green Recovery Necessary.
Thank you for listening to the well informed and affected by your choices populace.
I lost the first rambling comment on here, so I will save my time and yours and add a part of a talk I do with references and hope that those in the eco/environmental departments as even XR are not focusing on this matter.
I'm aware this is difficult reading but we have to have the courage to make the changes needed to avoid the 4 degrees C temperature increase that the Commitee on Climate Change suggest we parepare for and suggested to National Governance.
14.5% of anthropogenic GHGs are due to animal farming and fishing, but other estimates range up to 51%.
These statistics change depending how you analyze the situation and what you include. For example the 51% figure is so much higher because:-it uses a more accurate number of animals currently in our food system
-accounts for other processes such as refrigeration, transport, prolonged cooking of animal products, and the carbon intensive medical treatments, including antibiotic use, for the trillions of animals currently in our food system, and
-incorporates greenhouse gases emitted through deforestation for farming.
But let’s take the most conservative figure of 14.5%. That still means that animal farming and fishing account for more of the greenhouse gases than the whole of the transport sector, which contributes an estimated 13%.
Also if we look at what specific gases are being released you can see that two of the more potent ones: methane (56 times more powerful than CO2) and nitrous oxide (280 times more powerful than CO2) are released considerably more from animal farming and fishing industries.
(Goodland &Anhang, 2009) -
(FAO: Livestock’s Long Shadow, 2006) -
Global Warming Potentials (GWP) -
Transport Nitrous Oxide Emissions - Wallington &Wiesen, 2014 -
Transport Methane Emissions -
Animal Ag Methane and Nitrous Oxide -
Many thanks.
I'd greatly appreciate a response and argument.