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Safe and health environment

I would like to raise my concerns over wireless technology and the increasing amount of scientific work in this field highlighting the dangers it presents to human health and our environment which will have a direct effect on Cornwall.

Steve Double MP for St Austell and Newquay has confirmed that he is in favour of the development of the UK space sector following the treaty signed between the UK and the USA. I get the impression this is based upon the potential economic benefits this could bring to Cornwall, which I understand. However, despite the difficult circumstances we all face, I believe there is a far bigger threat to us than Coronavirus or the economic, mental health and social hardship it is causing. This is the potential health and environmental impacts of the next generation of wireless technology and the rollout of 5G. I have taken advantage of lockdown to research this area in more detail and have been shocked by what I have discovered.

The next generation of wireless technology is very different to the previous and current generations (1G, 2G, 3G and 4G). It will require the launch of an estimated 20,000 to 40,000 satellites to circle the planet; it will require additional antennae every 100m to boost the signal; it will use higher frequency technology; and it will encapsulate the entire world. This means that you, us, our children and everyone and every living thing on the planet will be subjected to Radiofrequency Radiation (RFR) and Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) 24/7 no matter where we are and irrespective of whether we are using a wireless-enabled device or not. So, when you are sleeping, when you are relaxing in the garden, or when you are out on a country walk, you will be subjected to RFR and EMFs at all times. There will be no escape, and no choice in the matter.

So you would think that this has all been safety tested to the highest standards possible just as we expect with regards to the electrical goods we purchase, the furniture we buy, the cars we drive, etc. Unfortunately, that does not appear to be the case as the only safety measures in place are a set of guidelines produced by the ICNIRP which examine the thermal effects of wireless technology. These regulations are old and outdated (even though recently updated) as they do not cover any of the non-thermal effects that hundreds of studies have now proven to be caused by RFR and EMFs.

The telecoms industry has not been able to produce any independent research that supports their case that this technology is safe. Yet, despite this, they are receiving the support and backing of the UK Government to start launching the satellites required for 5G from the UK. Why is the UK Government not investing £40 million into research to make sure this technology is safe before it invests the same amount into the UK space sector?

Some of the health effects that studies have linked to RFR and EMFs include increased childhood leukaemia, infertility, impaired embryo development, cancers, neurological damage and DNA damage that can be passed down from generation to generation. There are also studies on plants and wildlife all showing negative effects from RFR and EMFs. This can’t all be fake news - there are hundreds of scientists, researchers, academics and doctors from many countries around the globe now raising serious concerns. The Environmental Health Trust has collated a list of research showing 5G is not safe

In addition, in places in the UK, US and around the world where 5G has been launched, increasing numbers of people are reporting terrifying changes to their health and wellbeing. These are real life situations that people are experiencing and that now make the science a reality for many. This should not be ignored. The symptoms include persistent headaches, anxiety, heart palpitations, nausea and tinnitus, amongst others. I doubt many of us would choose to live with these debilitating symptoms just for the sake of faster downloads, driver-less cars or a fridge that tells us we need more milk!

In the 1950s, people were told smoking was actually good for you and it took years before the truth came out and now, no-one would question the damage smoking causes. A recent report ( ) has provided scientific evidence that Electrohypersensitivity (EHS) should be included in the World Health Organisation’s list of recognised diseases so clearly, some people at least, are already suffering the effects of exposure to RFR and EMFs. In addition, we already have years of research, including a 10 year study, that have proven that RFR and EMFs are damaging to our health so why are we still pursuing this technology? It may bring short term financial benefit to the Cornish or UK economy but how much is it going to cost the NHS in the longer term, quite apart from the overall cost to society of generations of sick people unable to function effectively?

I am not an activist or conspiracy theorist, just an ordinary, everyday person with genuine and justified concerns about this new technology and its impact on our future. This is serious enough for there to now be two legal campaigns trying to raise funds in the UK to challenge the UK government over the safety issues. I feel that, when experts at this level believe there is enough information to challenge the Government, then we need to start listening. This technology needs to have an open, honest unbiased review based on safety before it is launched. Links to their sites are here - and - and they provide a good insight into the issues.

UK and local Government have a responsibility to ensure its citizens are protected and, as I understand it, when there is clear evidence of potential harm then the precautionary principle must be applied. I am totally supportive of new safe technology and proud that the UK often leads the world in scientific and technological development. The issue here is that the deployment of such a huge network of satellites and the rollout of 5G wireless technology is not being undertaken with the safety of the population in mind. When there are realistic alternatives that can deliver improvements without the same health concerns, why would anyone support a technology that is known to be harmful and where the industry simply cannot counter the safety concerns? Obviously, there are vested interests at stake, and it seems that these are being prioritised over the health and wellbeing of the entire population.

While I recognise that a healthy regional economy is, of course, important for people’s health and wellbeing, I am genuinely terrified that, if 5G is rolled out fully, the economy will be the least of our worries. The ailments and symptoms reported by those around the world already living in 5G areas is real time proof that this technology is harmful.

I want Cornwall Council to take a stand, undertake thorough research with independent experts, examine the research and demand that the roll out is suspended until it is proven beyond all reasonable doubt that the technology is safe. Around the world people are waking up and Cornwall should not allow our the residents or this beautiful county to be damaged in this way.

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