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I have lived in Cornwall nearly 60 years and being in lock down took me back to being young and living in a small village where everyone knew everyone and looked out for each other....We have lived where We are now for 13 years and although we know a fair few people but with work etc not that many but during lock down We walked the dog around the lanes and by -ways from the village as did so many other people.We got to know so many people but have noticed as work has started up we are not seeing so many out walking which is such a shame.Everyone is back to using their cars.There are so many lovely walks near by it would be nice to advertise all the footpaths locally more.More cycle/ walking trails would be lovely too...its kne think to encourage people onto their bikes but our roads are not safe, the roads are too narrow for cars and bikes...the cycle routes are often in lanes but these are very narrow, windy and actually dangerois to walk or cycle along...

I am a member of the volunteer group that was started up in the village and delivering prescriptions has made me aware of just how many very elderly people live in the village, some very frail and I do wonder how they manage on a daily basis .Our local shop has been wonderful and has also been doing deliveries with us volunteers helping out...I am wondering if this will carry on when this is all over.

I do dispair at all the building going on....where are all the people coming from who are buying these houses, where do they all work.....with Grandchildren at school down here in classes of over 30 where are all these extra children going to go to school...with a hospital almost permanently on black alert , doctors taking weeks to see and dentists as rare as..well , hens teeth,...I feel the lack of infrastructure being built is very very worrying and short sighted.Oir roads are busy all year round so throwing summer visitors into the mix is horrendous.There needs to be some control over the number of holiday lets, camp sites etc...and maybe more emphasis on advertising low season holidays, spread the load a bit.Less dependence on tourism would be rather nice.

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