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Power closer to the people of Cornwall

The government is too far away to care about Cornwall and no matter the political party, the voices of our six MPs are lost. We need more accountable and democratic power right here in Cornwall and when we want to change something, we have a direct say.

Yes, sadly the tourists are arriving and our lives will go on hold for many weeks. We weren't able to get out of our gateway today because cars were parked across it ignoring the signs and requests. Apart from the holiday homes, no one else here depends on this trade. Their voices seem to count more than ours and that's something else which needs changing. So, as with every other year, we stay in because although tourism is not as big a money spinner as the more traditional industries, the young entrepreneurs and so on, there is much evidence of vested interest which will place it above anything we ever say. Sometimes, I wonder why we bother paying our council tax but there, we are very much 'low hanging fruit' as they put it - here for the plunder.

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