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More industry and less tourism

The pandemic has highlighted Cornwall's over dependence on tourism and second homes. Continuing to promote these is not sustainable and Cornwall Council should take a lead in moving our economy away from low wage, hospitality jobs towards high skilled, high wage jobs in creative and manufacturing industries.

Peter Parker has already voiced many of the problems which accompany a continued reliance on tourism and second homes and I endorse what he has said.

Several things have changed which should be seized upon by Cornwall Council to move our economy in the right direction. The most significant change is that technology now allows people to work outside the major conurbations. Also we now have a University in Falmouth many of whose graduates want to continue to work in the area.

Silicon Valley flourished because it was based around a university (Stanford) and was in a part of the US which has a climate which was attractive to people. Cornwall is similarly placed.

What should the Council do?

Firstly the Council should stop incentivising second home ownership and the creation of more holiday homes many of which are owned by people who do not live in Cornwall. A start might be to increase significantly the Council charge on properties what are not permanently lived in by their owners. A test might be that the home has to be the individual's principal residence as recorded by HMRC. Do we really want every town to be like Salcombe; completely dead in the winter. Arwenack street in Falmouth is well on the way; filled with eateries which struggle to make a living even in the summer and change hands frequently.

Secondly the Council should work with the university to target industries and companies to encourage them to move to Cornwall. There are already a surprising number of world class companies based here, talking to these may suggest others that might be enticed to Cornwall.

Carefully choose a few appropriate trade fairs and set up a stand to encourage companies to consider relocating. Employees want a better live work balance and we can offer a very attractive lifestyle.

The tourism business in Cornwall shows that people love what we have. We need to sell this to wealth creators who can move their businesses and staff here permanently. Stop promoting Cornwall as a place to take a summer holiday and start promoting it as a place to live, work and grow.

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