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Humans - Either drunk on hubris, stoned on hopium, or in some coma of faith and mostly oblivious to oblivion.

The lockdown has been a wake-up call for many. Not so for me, who has been active in the research and promulgation of global environmental issues for decades. Battling with climate science deniers or those who erroneously believe that technology will save us from imminent environmental catastrophy (what we call 'hopium addicts').

The facts are now well documented and the data is becoming more readilly available on a daily basis, for those who choose to seek the facts. Which, let us face it, most don't. Most people shy away from the truth. They don't want their bubble burst and carry on living in the paradigm of 'business as usual'. A paradigm that cannot be sustained.

People place the Brexit debacle on a higher priority than imminent climate chaos or worse, they see 'immigration' as more of an issue than extinction. They place economy on a higher ranking than sustainablilty or addressing the climate crisis. The SARS2 COV pathogen that has lead to the COVID19 pandemic is merely the tip of a rapidly melting iceberg.

Mostly, people do not have a clue as to what is coming down the pipe over the next decade. You think this pandemic is bad? You ain't seen nothing yet. The manifest of the 'vectors of doom' is vast. Most people don't even realise that there is a mass extinction event underway, all driven by our greed and hubris. And underpinning that is human population expansion - the 'elephant standing in the middle of the room'.

Then there is the way that people generally treat each other. People talk of how we all pull together to help one another during this current crisis, I've seen very little of that in my community. Where people on the lowest rungs of society are treated with impunity, bullied and scammed.

The park-home site where I live is run by criminals. That isn't hyberbole, these 'Robber Barons' who live hundreds of miles to the north, repeatedly and flagrantly disregard the tenancy act. The so-called 'site manager' is totally complicit and cares nothing about the current COVID restrictions and her mendacity is only equalled by her mean-spirited attitude. And the council do nothing. And the local MP does nothing. And the police do nothing.

When the lockdown restrictions came into force, this council informed everyone that the government had placed a moratorium on energy increases. What did our Robber Barons do? Increased our electricity charges (that is not energy usuage...btw) by a factor of £38 per month. We are forced to obtain our energy via expansive, disposable plastic cards, not even allowed to pay for our energy by bank transfer. And we are never informed by writing of any such changes.

And the council turn a blind eye. We live in substandard 'housing' - aluminium caravans, with zero insulation or double glazing, in reality, old holiday-park units, unfit for perpetual all-year habitation.

So what do I want for Cornwall? Certainly not more tourism. We no longer have that luxury. I want to see a Cornwall Council support its citizens, especially the disenfranchised, over unscrupulous landlords. This council announced (when forced) a climate emergency. Barely six months later it orderd the cutting down of a whole row of trees down our road, trees that afforded a vital windbreak against the ever increasing intensity of the prevailing winds. And don't get me started on the so-called 'eco-village' development at Carclaze. Where a whole intact ecosystem has been decimated. During the lockdown the construction crews with their heavy and very noisy earth moving equipment, were at it everyday. Who gets to live in that 'eco-village' then? Certainly not us.

The current global paradigm has to change. It will change anyway, because the forces of nature, now exacerbated by anthropogenic activity will force that change. Our species is facing unprecedented - certainly within the last twenty thousand years - changes to both our climate and habitats. Life is going to get a lot tougher everywhere on Earth, no less so, here in Kernow.

This so-called opinion poll, canvassed around 500 people. that is 0.1% of the population of Cornwall as a whole. Not exactly a good basis to form any statistic upon.

People have to realise that life has to change and that starts with the mindset and lifestyles. We cannot carry on with 'business as usual'... We cannot carry on making babies without thought to their futures, such as they are or the impact on the biosphere that it represents. We have to get used to the fact that extinction events are a real fact of life on Earth and that humans are not exempt from such events.

Remember - the age of the reptiles (the period of the dinosaurs) lasted almost 200 million years and they were all made extinct by the double-whammy of both climate change and asteroid impact, 65 million years ago... Humans have only been around a mere 200 thousand years - (0.000099999r%), yet already are facing through their actions, accelerated and irreversible global warming... Humans will not survive on a planet that is heading for a 'hot-house' state of biospheric equilibrium. In fact, humans will likely not survive this century, along with most other species.

So maybe its time to start rethinking the way we are living and doing. And brace for impact, for I can assure you, things are not going to get any easier, or safer. As the Arctic continues to warm at an alarming rate, as methane continues to percolate from the Siberian sediments and the permafrost continues to thaw, expect more COVID like pandemics. As the world continues to bake, expect more migration of species and yes... humans.

Anyone here who thinks I'm just another alarmist conspiracy theorist. Don't take my word for it, go and check the facts from the coal-face science and prepare yourself for a real wake-up call.

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