High Streets, Greedy Landlords and Shared Ownership properties
Why not look at investing in our high streets and deal with the greedy landlords who charge extortionate rent for the privilege of renting them. No wonder why so many of the shops are so empty not only do you get charged stupidly high rents but you also have all the taxes and rates to cover before you can even think about making a living. And make the towns pedestrianised with more outdoor eating areas stopping unnecessary congestion and making them nicer places to visit, think about the locals, offer them free parking.
There are so many new houses going up which is much needed, but with lower incomes in Cornwall there is still a shortage of affordable/shared ownership properties, the latter being the ones that young buyers are able to afford, yet only a very small percentage are submitted on each planning application , push this up to nearer 50% and make this viable for all low income families in Cornwall to be able to afford their own property. Any second home purchasers or large businesses who live out of the county should also have to pay higher council taxes on the property and also an additional tax on the purchase price, put this money back into dealing with the roads, sewage and drainage issues that we hear about every day.