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For our children

The lockdown has been difficult in many ways, we have seen how fragile and precarious so many aspects of our society are; our health service is understaffed and under-funded, our food system is insecure, our communities are often disconnected. We need strong social and health services for the good of everybody in this country, we need local and resilient food production, we need to build-back communities supporting each other.

The pandemic has been a dry-run for the multiple and far more severe challenges we will be facing in the next few years due to climate change and ecological breakdown. We need a county council that recognises that this is a unique moment for us to build-back better, with a forward-looking greener economy. This is not a "lefty" issue, it's not an "environmentalist's crusade". This is a question of protecting the future and the future of our children. Because if recent events have taught us anything, it's that life is vulnerable, and precious, and not to be taken-for-granted.

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