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Environmentally friendly and an end to Council corruption

Everyday I look out my living room window to a beautiful view of fields. Only a small number of the fields are actually used to grow produce. The lockdown has shown many things and one that stands out to me is how little Cornwall provides for itself. Within days of the lockdown the fresh produce in stores was at ridiculously low levels. Something that really shouldn't happen when we live in the countryside and could produce so much more to ensure we don't run low. such a waste of space and no doubt at some point in the future it will be built over like many other places in Cornwall. We need to become more self-sufficient instead of relying on produce from other counties or countries. I do understand that our climate isn't always great for many items of fruit and veg but modern greenhouses can be extremely environmentally friendly and many different climates can be achieved so the range of fruit and veg that can be grown is amazing.

I also believe that Cornwall should be the hub for the countries environmental issues and renewable energy. We have sea, sun and plenty of wind, I feel its absurd that we do not produce a lot more renewable energy. Every new build, be it housing or business should be fitted with solar panels as standard. We have one of the most powerful elements in the world, the sea, on our doorstep and all we do is pollute it, so much natural energy ignored for decades. Time for Cornwall to stop making the energy companies rich and show the corrupt fools in government what environmentally friendly actually means. We owe it to the next generations to ensure they have a planet to live on before we irreversibly change it and possibly end the human race.

There are many changes that could be made within Cornwall but unfortunately things will never change here unless we replace the self-serving Cornwall Council with a new and uncorrupted council. A peoples council that works for the benefit of Cornwall and its residents instead of its own selfish greed.

I live in a part of Cornwall that has been unofficially renamed by Royal Mail, we are now called 'the campus' due to the corruption between Cornwall Council and the University of Exeter. Before anyone thinks I have a problem with students I actually intend to be one very soon while I retrain and undertake a Masters Degree in Environmental Science. I believe that everyone should be entitled to the same quality of education no matter what, it shouldn't cost a fortune to pass on information to the next generations. We are meant to provide a good foundation for the next generations to carry on from and at current we have failed terribly. I don't agree that nearly all the building sites in Falmouth are for student accommodation while residential properties are being built on the outskirts and further out. One of the many reasons the Council need to be removed, especially as many of the Cornwall Council properties themselves are falling apart and very badly maintained or not maintained at all.

We have streets covered in rubbish and glass that's been there for months due to the serious lack of street cleaning in certain areas. Some of the glass was reported to a so called safety inspector at the beginning of the year, its still there now. Cornwall council don't care about us or Cornwall.

The BBC recently posted some info online regarding Cornwall Council wages. 13 members of the Council earnt over £100,000 last year and 2 members actually earnt over £200,000. Not one single person in Cornwall Council has actually done anything that deserves £100,000 a year in wages. Where is the £100,000 a year for the cleaner that keeps the communal area in our flats clean? he provides a real public service. Where are the £100,000 wages for all healthcare staff, shop staff, military and all the other careers that have risked their lives to provide us with essentials and necessary services during a deadly pandemic? We could save over £1,500,000 a year in wages if we sacked just 15 unnecessary members of Cornwall Council. I currently rent a Cornwall Council property that's falling apart due to an illegal lack of maintenance as money is short yet they corruptly spend the counties money on their own selfish greed. Public servants that publicly serve only themselves.

Cornwall needs serious change and the public need to start standing together to ensure it happens.

I would also be aware of the very possible reason Cornwall Council is running 'the Cornwall we want'. The government have recently released details of their plans to develop even more of this country and to build thousands of new homes. The government want all local councils to ask the residents what they want their areas to be like in the future so they can get an idea of the best areas for building these homes. Your answers to this could mean the end of our countryside and ensure the council and government continue to destroy Cornwall and its communities. This destruction of Cornwall needs to stop and we are the only ones that can stop it.

We are lucky to be here and its time we ensure we use the time we have to make Cornwall the best it can be for the future generations to come

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