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Cycling in North Cornwall during lockdown

I'm an enthusiastic cyclist. Cycling during lockdown was great. The reduced traffic levels meant that I could take my exercise on virtually traffic free roads. It was a really good experience and one that I think would encourage more people to get out on their bikes. Traffic levels have now (27 June 2020) returned to almost pre-lockdown levels.

I have spoken to people who own bikes but who don't ride them on the road because they are fearful of sharing the space with motor vehicles, especially on the narrow lanes that characterise the Cornish countryside. My experience is that most drivers are respectful of cyclists and only a small minority are careless in their attitude to vulnerable road users. Less traffic and a bit of organisation and publicity would, I think, go a long was to increasing the number of cyclists on our roads.

The standard of repair of our roads, though, is something that I'd like to mention. I live in Launceston and here even the main roads have areas of heavy wear, potholes and poor surfaces. Resurfacing of the A388 in the Newport area has improved one of the worst stretches, but other areas of poor surface exist in the town. Some of the lanes in the area of North Cornwall that I cycle in are in very poor condition with potholes, loose gravel, eroded verges, vegetation growing in the centre strip, and excessive wear. All this means that riding a road bike (fast, dropped bars, thin high pressure tyres) is virtually impossible on all but major roads.

Finally, thanks for the opportunity to comment. I'm a recent incomer to Cornwall and I love it here.

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