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Cornwall Live

Firstly thank you for everyone who attended and contributed to the discussion light, regarding follow on Cornwall Live discussion. I have written previously on this thread and feel more strongly following a taster of vision discussed by the panel.

I have just returned home from visiting an elderly friend in Penzance, who lives opposite a Victorian house development: I am shocked this planning was allowed. Bolt-on additions with post-build planning granted has displaced a significant adjoining road and on street parking reduced for up to four local vehicles. This development is intended for immediate holiday lettings. Four 'luxury' flats which will not be available to local people.

Sadly I have had to pull away for a little while following the panels discussion, to further support the councils vision. Primarily because I have recently joined the social housing list (attempted years ago but sadly I wasn't considered vulnerable enough-I was homeless) and no feedback regarding support and welfare assessment is forthcoming. I know there are thousands of local residents desperate for homes and to see development, by out of county moguls is frankly, upsetting.

What I want for Cornwall now is an immediately cease all development planning whilst Cornwall Council review its priorities for local homes, which must include small scale environmental projects, lease-hold, part-buy and fully affordable rent schemes to become available. Second homes and holiday homes purchases by anyone who has not and do not live in Cornwall must stop, NOW. Not subsidised which is maddening.

This isn't just some outsider-go-home rhetoric, it is a massive issue and it is rendering working people unstable, vulnerable people further threatened and this type of stress is shortening the lives of people in the here-and-now. It burdens our mental health services and medical services hugely. I have been a health worker for ten years and I cannot believe it has taken a crisis to review what has been happening for over twenty years in this gorgeous county.

Charge and fine any construction which is not green/environmentally supporting and plan for green space with any future granted new buildings. Panic purchasing is happening now and it needs to stop. Give Cornwall and Cornish peoples their county back. STOP all corporate builds, Prevent second homeownership and holiday developments in the imediate and address the needs of people who live here. Cornwall Council have been sat on an eco-build Survey for over two years, (I know because I completed it) and they need to devolve from Westminster and stand up to the needs of those who like me, are on the verge of incredibly challenging and threatening circumstances.

Support newly independent businesses run by locals, (no chains) financially in town centres and fine/rates increase any business who chooses not to be plastic free. We haven't got any more time to waste. NONE. People can be considered for secondary purchases when and after we have sorted priorities for those who live and work here and not a moment before. This isn't just a question of ownership, it's a question of health, longevity and sustainability of a county close to collapse, suffering hidden vulnerabilities and exploitation. All in the name of saving face and glamour. ENOUGH is enough

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