Communities can breathe and thrive.
With the total absence of incomers, reduced traffic and congestion It was like going back to the sweet days of childhood when it was safe, and relatively uncrowdead. I believe this was felt by many and the wonderful (and old fashioned) support networks had room to thrive. We have had a long period of push for growth, greed and materialism, which I think has given a greater gap between those seen to be winners, but only financially, where the real winners are those who have a great sense of community and care for others.
My wish would be to restrict those coming to Cornwall to ‘ invest’ in a second home and nurture Cornwall for those who live and work here, Cornwall Council should support to keep our communities thriving, keep traffic down and start to care for the law abiding decent people who live here. Incomers bring nothing but trouble for our Police and the residents who live here.