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CC feedback ?

So far we have this CC statement wrt The Cornwall We Want ... "Only one in ten of Cornwall’s residents want things to go back to the way they were before the Coronavirus pandemic. We want to develop a shared vision for the future of Cornwall so that Cornwall’s recovery leads to a ‘better normal’ than before the crisis."

What I would ask is how CC is intending to turn the above statement into a real dialogue going into the future !? Who is reviewing all of our input, what will happen to that review and who will be tasked with making sure that this community feedback is taken account of through the course of CC business and policy making?

All these inputs - we just need to know that somehow, somewhere, someone will actually be tasked with analysing our input to feed into the policy area of CC and then that CC will corporately listen/discuss and feedback to us the Council's response to the many many consistent themes on the Cornwall we want into the future and whether CC agrees or disagrees and what they are or not going to do in response to our comments, suggestions, feelings, concerns, pie-in-the-sky ideas about how CC should take us towards The Cornwall We (the resident community of Cornwall) Want.

(Phew, that was a long sentence - apologies if I messed up punctuation.)

Not withstanding queries above re CC feedback, I reckon the "The Cornwall We Want" portal is a great idea. Thank you CC.

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