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A new normal

I feel that fewer cars and vehicles on the roads, people working from home, more quality of life patterns for families should be all be maintained post covid. Roads need to be made safer for cyclists, one way systems explored, and the pedestrianisation of town centres realised, to enable people to walk safely. The quality of life, the clean air, and the quiet environment need to be maintained.

I would like to see a 4 day week and a Universal basic Income for all.

The developments in Communities to deal with the crisis should be supported with funding - eg my village set up a food bank, volunteers fetched shopping, prescriptions etc., the local shop sourced difficult to obtain foods. Groups are researching community growing. Most of these either by retirees or because people were working from home, so not sustainable, albeit necessary, post covid.

Food security is an issue now and in the future - there needs to be support for community growing schemes, in terms of grants and sustainable rural groups like co operatives and co housing groups, need to be supported by changes in planning regulations. We need to be more self sufficient in food and we also therefore reduce pollution by cutting down transport for food deliveries.

Covid 19 was a consequence of actions like deforestation that are accelerating climate breakdown, and has deflected attention from the need to work towards carbon neutrality asap.We need, as a county, to look at housing ( new builds must be passive, existing buildings retrofitted), supporting a green economy - developing renewable industries, rewilding the land, regenerating the soil, which is depleted, planting trees, flood protections (including beavers), and transport see above. We need to seriously consider the future of Newquay airport in terms of its contribution to CO2 and to cancel the spaceport project, which will take up most of the county's reserves. Money allocated to this should be spent on the NHS, education and the other projects listed above.

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