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A Green way forward

I am concerned that things may return to the way they were before the lockdown. Already thaee has been a big rise in traffic and many people who were out and about walking and cycling are saying that it has stopped being safe to do these things.

Of course, people want the ability to travel further afield in their cars/ using public transport, but this should not be at the expense of those using non-motorised methods of getting around.

Remember that Cornwall declared a Climate emergency and we have witnessed how quickly air quality was improved and noise levels reduced when people were leaving their cars at home. Cornwall council should consider ways to make it easier, safer and more pleasant to walk and cycle.

Reduce fuel miles by encouraging more local markets for independent growers to sell their goods.

promote the active transport maps for every town.

Replace all those tricky stiles with kissing gates so that people with slightly less mobility can still access the countryside. (at least on footpaths close to villages and towns)

Seek permission from landowners to install permissive paths so that connections can be made with existing rights-of-way to create an integrated countryside network of routes..

Get bus companies to install bike carriers. (i remember when some of the buses in Cornwall had these)

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