Final MS4N Site Proposed for Camborne
As part of the small funding extension awarded to MS4N the project has been able to develop one final public green space. After being approached by a local Councillor on behalf of residents, MS4N has put forward plans to develop the Mount Pleasant Close Public Open Space in Camborne.
The park is a very small green space made up of two grassy areas with an old Cornish Hedge with gaps in it running through the middle. The site comes to about 0.2 hectares and is used by local dog walkers and residents as a cut through between Mount Pleasant Close and Pentalek Road.
The plan to transform this site into a better place for people and wildlife includes adding two wildflower meadows, fruiting and ornamental trees, a pollinator shrub bed, improved access and a couple of benches so people can sit down and enjoy the park. This will be a fantastic final site for MS4N and will take us up to a grand total of 60 sites across all of Cornwall!
If you live locally and would like to share any comments or ask any questions please get in touch with Alex MS4N project advisor.
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