Postponed information gathering event in Newlyn to take place on Friday, 25 February.t

The ‘information gathering’ event planned for local residents and businesses in Newlyn which had to be cancelled last week as a result of Storm Eunice will now take place in Trinity Church on Friday, 25 February
The aim of the event is to enable the local community to share their views on current traffic issues in the town and put forward their ideas for developing future sustainable transport projects.
As before the informal drop in event, which is taking place between 3pm and 6.30 pm, will be hosted by local Cornwall Councillor Thalia Marrington and members of Penzance Town Deal Team, with support from Cornwall Council’s highways department.
As part of the Town Deal funding for Penzance and surrounding areas £1m has been allocated to deliver sustainable transport projects in Newlyn, subject to Government approval of the final business case. The aim of this event is to give the local community the opportunity to help shape how this money should be spent.
“We are very sorry that last week’s event had to be cancelled at such short notice and hope that local people will come to this rescheduled event can come and share their concerns about transport issues in the town and feed in their ideas and suggestions for how to resolve them.” explained Councillor Marrington.
“We know that there are some real concerns about traffic congestion, parking and the impact of potential future phases of the Healthy Streets scheme on Newlyn. We want to meet with the local community, both residents and businesses, face to face so we can hear how they feel and what they would like to see happen, rather than ask for their views on ideas already drawn up by professionals”.
“While we will have members of the Council’s highways team on hand to answer questions, their role is to listen to what the community thinks so their ideas can be used to shape the emerging Town Deal transport projects for Newlyn. “
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