Treviglas Secondary School Hosts Successful Faraday Challenge

Team Work

The Education Business Partnership (EBP) recently held a successful Faraday Challenge at Treviglas Secondary School, supported by the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET). This exciting STEM event aimed to inspire young minds by giving them a taste of what it’s like to be part of an engineering team, offering a glimpse into the engineering field as a potential career. The day was filled with enthusiasm and creativity, as pupils engaged in the challenge and worked together to create prototypes.

Though the details of the challenge remain confidential, it’s clear that all participating teams showcased exceptional problem-solving and collaboration skills. The pupils worked tirelessly, producing innovative prototypes that demonstrated their ability to apply engineering principles in a practical setting. Each team displayed impressive teamwork, determination, and ingenuity throughout the day.

While there could only be one winning team, all groups were commendable in their efforts, each demonstrating the key attributes necessary for success in engineering. The EBP is proud of all the pupils involved, and we hope this event has sparked an interest in pursuing STEM careers.

A big thank you to Treviglas Academy for hosting the event, and we would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to IET for making the day possible. We look forward to continuing our work with IET to support the next generation of engineers in the years ahead.

Problem Solving

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