Harassment, Disturbance and Wildlife Crime

    Disturbance is a big pressure on marine wildlife potentially leading to stranding, damage to habitats and other unforeseen circumstances. 

    Disturbance of creatures such as cetaceans (dolphins, porpoises and whales), basking sharks, nesting seabirds, and seals should be reported to the Police on 999 if in actively progress or 101 otherwise. You can also report to Crimestoppers(External link) and the Disturbance Hotline(External link)0345 201 2626 

    Live birds and marine animals in need of rescue

    Sometimes animals need help. If you see a seal entangled in fishing gear, a whale or dolphin that is stranded, animals caught in an oil spill, call British Divers Marine Life Rescue 24-hour hotline, 01825 765 546

    Dead marine animals

    Unfortunately dead marine mammals can wash up on shore. If you find a dead marine animal washed up on shore, please call Cornwall Wildlife Trusts 24-hour Marine Strandings Network hotline, 0345 201 2626 immediately.

    Environmental damage and pollution incidents in UK waters

    Incidents such as spilled oil, sewage, or other pollutants can have significant impact on our seas. If you see an incident, call the   Coastguard and/or contact the Marine Management Organisation Pollution Response(External link)You can also email plymouthmo@mcga.gov.uk(External link) or call 0300 123 1032.

    Fisheries management issues and illegal fishing activity within 6 nautical miles of the coast and in tidal rivers and estuaries up to tidal limit

    Off the Cornish coast, contact the Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority(External link) or 01872 324 284. For the Isles of Scilly, click here(External link) or call 0300 1234 105. 

    Contact the Environment Agency 24hr hotline 0800 80 70 60 where salmon or sea trout might be involved. Issues occurring 6-12 nautical miles from the coast, contact the Marine Management Organisation(External link) on 0208 026 9052. 

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