Report Issues on Land
Water Pollution and flooding.
Have you spotted polluted water in a stream, river or pond? Can you see dead or distressed fish and other wildlife? Is the pond, river or lake covered in green algae? Is there water where there shouldn’t be, like on a road? Has a watercourse suddenly stopped flowing or water levels dropped significantly? Is there evidence of someone abstracting from or blocking a watercourse that you do not think looks right?
Pollution and flooding at any level should be reported.
Water Pollution - Report water quality issues and suspected pollution of rivers, canals, ponds and lakes to the Environment Agency 24hr Incident hotline 0800 80 70 60.
If you think this might involve sewage or water company asset, also contact South West Water on 0344 346 2020 or click here(External link).
Flooding - Report flooding of roads, flooding from sewers, from rivers and muddy run-off from fields click here(External link) or call the Environment Agency Incident hotline on 0800 80 70 60. If life is at risk call the Police on 999.
Water levels - If you suspect that someone is illegally abstracting water from or blocking up and impeding a water course or water body, which presents a risk to fish, wildlife and other users, please contact the Environment Agency Incident hotline on 0800 80 70 60.
Trees and hedges
Trees and hedges are an important part of our environment and are often protected. If you witness damage to trees or hedgerows that doesn’t look right, then report it and help protect these vital natural features.
Trees - Trees in built-up areas may be protected by a Tree Preservation Order or a Conservation Area; you can check if a tree is protected here(External link).
To report unauthorised works to trees in Cornwall, contact Cornwall Council 0300 1234 151 or click here(External link)
On the Isles of Scilly, please contact the Council of the Isles of Scilly on 01720 424 450 or click here(External link).
Tree felling in the countryside – Felling larger trees and woodlands in the countryside usually requires a Felling Licence. Check licences and report by calling 0300 067 4960 or link).
Hedgerow Damage/Removal – Cutting of countryside hedgerows is banned from 1 March to 31 August (inclusive), except in specific circumstances such as highway safety. To learn more about these rules and exemptions, click here.(External link)
To report hedgerow damage or removal in Cornwall, contact Cornwall Council 0300 1234 202 or click here.(External link). On the Isles of Scilly, contact the Council of the Isles of Scilly on 01720 424 450
Wildlife and nature
Our wildlife is a special part of our region. You can report crimes against wildlife and nature such as poaching or suspected wildlife poisoning and check for valid pest control licences by contacting those who can help.
Wildlife Crime - Learn more about what constitutes wildlife crime here (External link)
For incidents in progress (e.g. poaching, disturbance of nesting birds, bat roosts or badger setts, bird of prey crime) call Police on 999. For all other non-urgent reports please phone 101 or report anonymously to Crimestoppers(External link) on 0800 555 111. You can also follow this link(External link).
Report illegal fishing (poaching) to Police (as above) and Environment Agency 24hr hotline 0800 80 70 60.
Suspected Poisoning – Wildlife, pets or livestock – Call Wildlife Incident Investigation Scheme (WIIS) on 0800 321600 and report to Police on 101.
Wildlife Licensing – Licences are required for control of certain pest species and any disturbance of protected wildlife including nesting birds, badgers and bats - see Wildlife Licensing(External link) or contact Natural England 0300 06
Other issues in the environment
Maybe you’ve seen something that doesn’t look quite right but you’re not 100% sure? Is a protected site under threat from nearby activity or has someone tipped waste where they shouldn’t? Is someone camping where they probably shouldn’t? Even if you’re unsure, report it and someone can check it out.
Protected Sites - Threats to Sites of Special Scientific Interest & National Nature Reserves(External link), contact Natural England on 0300 060 3900.
Site clearance, building work, groundworks including raising ground level – Check for Planning Permission(External link) and report unauthorised activity to Cornwall Council 0300 1234 151 or Cornwall Council - Planning Enforcement(External link). For the Isles of Scilly, call the Council of the Isles of Scilly on 01720 424 450 or click here(External link)
Illegal waste activity – those transporting, processing or depositing waste (including soil and rubble) need appropriate authorisation. You can report fly-tipping on Council land and highways to Cornwall Council(External link) or Council of the Isles of Scilly 01720 424 450. For larger-scale or hazardous waste; when there is current activity, call Police on 999, otherwise report to Environment Agency hotline 0800 80 70 60 and/or Crimestoppers(External link) on 0800 555 111.
Environmental Damage and Illegal Camping – Report illegal camping and environmental damage on Cornwall Council land to Environmental Crime - Cornwall Council(External link) or if on the Isles of Scilly, call 01720 424 450.