Early Help Customer Feedback Survey | Parents / Carers

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We really want to know what you think about the work that we did with you and your family. This is so we can improve the service we provide to other children, young people and their families who may be going through a similar experience to you.

How to provide feedback

You can provide feedback when we are no longer working with you at any time by completing our survey.

By asking parents and carers what they think when we finish working with them, we can see if what our managers find is the same or different to the experience’s families report. We want to understand if families feel listened to by us, understand why we are involved and feel that their wishes and feelings were respected and acted on. The feedback we get allows us to improve practice and improve the way we deliver our services in the future. We will always talk to you about your feedback if you would like us to, but we won’t share you feedback with anyone else.

We keep the feedback that you give us for one year.

As you are providing feedback through the Let’s Talk Cornwall webpage your information will be recorded anonymously.

If you wish to make a complaint about any of the services you have received from the Children and Family Service you can complete our Listening and Learning form - if you print this leaflet yourself you will need to seal the edges. Alternatively, you can email tfffeedback@cornwall.gov.uk and tell us what your complaint is.

Our data protection and confidentiality statement

How will you protect my information?

Your data will be stored securely and will only be accessible by members of Together for Families. Your consent for your data to be used in the evaluation will be assumed from you starting the survey.

Who am I giving my information to?

The evaluation is being carried out by Together for Families. You can view our privacy notice at www.cornwall.gov.uk/tffprivacynotice.

How will you store my personal data?

Survey responses will be collected using the Let’s Talk Cornwall survey software. By completing this survey, you consent to this transfer of your information. This includes any information which may represent your personal data. All the information you share with Together for Families will be stored safely for the duration of the evaluation. It will be destroyed one year after it has finished.

Let’s Talk Cornwall is the system used to collate the data and create reports from it. You can view the privacy statement on the Let’s Talk Cornwall website.

We really want to know what you think about the work that we did with you and your family. This is so we can improve the service we provide to other children, young people and their families who may be going through a similar experience to you.

How to provide feedback

You can provide feedback when we are no longer working with you at any time by completing our survey.

By asking parents and carers what they think when we finish working with them, we can see if what our managers find is the same or different to the experience’s families report. We want to understand if families feel listened to by us, understand why we are involved and feel that their wishes and feelings were respected and acted on. The feedback we get allows us to improve practice and improve the way we deliver our services in the future. We will always talk to you about your feedback if you would like us to, but we won’t share you feedback with anyone else.

We keep the feedback that you give us for one year.

As you are providing feedback through the Let’s Talk Cornwall webpage your information will be recorded anonymously.

If you wish to make a complaint about any of the services you have received from the Children and Family Service you can complete our Listening and Learning form - if you print this leaflet yourself you will need to seal the edges. Alternatively, you can email tfffeedback@cornwall.gov.uk and tell us what your complaint is.

Our data protection and confidentiality statement

How will you protect my information?

Your data will be stored securely and will only be accessible by members of Together for Families. Your consent for your data to be used in the evaluation will be assumed from you starting the survey.

Who am I giving my information to?

The evaluation is being carried out by Together for Families. You can view our privacy notice at www.cornwall.gov.uk/tffprivacynotice.

How will you store my personal data?

Survey responses will be collected using the Let’s Talk Cornwall survey software. By completing this survey, you consent to this transfer of your information. This includes any information which may represent your personal data. All the information you share with Together for Families will be stored safely for the duration of the evaluation. It will be destroyed one year after it has finished.

Let’s Talk Cornwall is the system used to collate the data and create reports from it. You can view the privacy statement on the Let’s Talk Cornwall website.

Page published: 09 Feb 2024, 09:23 PM