Davidstow, Treneglos, Warbstow

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Consultation has concluded

During 2019 and 2020 we undertook a review of the whole of Cornwall. The review had to be paused temporarily due to the Coronavirus Pandemic. When the review resumed, Cornwall Council was able to make final decisions in respect of most Towns and Parishes. Due to the complexity of the issues for the whole of Penzance Parish and the time constraints Cornwall Council agreed that the decisions about proposals for Penzance be deferred until after the May 2021 elections.

Since we last consulted on these deferred proposals (between December 2019 and March 2020) a considerable length of time had passed and some of the circumstances that are relevant to these proposals may have changed since then. We therefore provided a further opportunity to provide feedback on these proposals.

As no final decisions were made with regards to these proposals, we were seeking opinions on:

  • the Council’s draft recommendations from December 2019 that were the subject of the last public consultation; and/or
  • any subsequent recommendations that were made following the consideration of the outcome of the public consultation.

Boundary between Davidstow and Treneglos - Hallworthy Village

Boundary between Treneglos and Warbstow parish


Cornwall Council received a submission from Davidstow Parish Council that it wished to change the boundary with Treneglos Parish so that all of the village of Hallworthy would be within Davidstow Parish, in line with Map 1.0. Representatives of Treneglos parish indicated a wish for Hallworthy village to be entirely within the boundary of a single parish. Treneglos considered joining up with Warbstow and preferred to adjust the boundary so that all of Hallworthy would be within a united Treneglos and Warbstow parish.

At the time, Cornwall Council did not consider that a Boundary change in line with Map 1.0 was likely to better reflect the identity and interests of the area and secure more effective and convenient community governance and its draft recommendation was for no change.

Following the public consultation, the Electoral Review Panel could see the benefits of uniting all of Hallworthy village within the single parish of Davidstow and Treneglos parish joining with Warbstow parish (Map 1.1), as it could lead to improvements in local governance arrangements that better reflect the identity and interests of the area. However, the Panel was of the view that due to the lack of agreement between the parishes concerned (the views of Warbstow Parish were unknown at the time), the complexity of the issues raised and the time constraints, that the decision on any boundary change should be deferred. The decision made at full Council was to defer this decision until after the May 2021 elections for the reasons given by the Electoral Review Panel.

It is now known that all three parishes support a change in line with Maps 1.0 and 1.1.


To help inform the Council’s final decision on the changes under consideration, we asked for any additional views and information about these proposals, particularly with regards to any relevant changes that may have taken place in the area since March 2020 that impact on the proposals under consideration. People did not need to re-submit any views that they had already provided to us during the original consultation, as these would still be considered.

To provide their additional views, feedback or evidence with regards to these draft proposals, people were invited complete a feedback form, which was available online on this page or as hard copy on request. A printable reference copy is provided on this page. People were also able to email or post their response to us. The deadline for responses was 29 April 2022.


The feedback from this public consultation was considered at Constitution and Governance Committee meetings on 6th September 2022, 1st November 2022 and 12th January 2023 and informed their recommendations, which were raised and discussed at an Extraordinary meeting of the Council held on 31st January.

View the decision with regards to the proposals for these parishes.

During 2019 and 2020 we undertook a review of the whole of Cornwall. The review had to be paused temporarily due to the Coronavirus Pandemic. When the review resumed, Cornwall Council was able to make final decisions in respect of most Towns and Parishes. Due to the complexity of the issues for the whole of Penzance Parish and the time constraints Cornwall Council agreed that the decisions about proposals for Penzance be deferred until after the May 2021 elections.

Since we last consulted on these deferred proposals (between December 2019 and March 2020) a considerable length of time had passed and some of the circumstances that are relevant to these proposals may have changed since then. We therefore provided a further opportunity to provide feedback on these proposals.

As no final decisions were made with regards to these proposals, we were seeking opinions on:

  • the Council’s draft recommendations from December 2019 that were the subject of the last public consultation; and/or
  • any subsequent recommendations that were made following the consideration of the outcome of the public consultation.

Boundary between Davidstow and Treneglos - Hallworthy Village

Boundary between Treneglos and Warbstow parish


Cornwall Council received a submission from Davidstow Parish Council that it wished to change the boundary with Treneglos Parish so that all of the village of Hallworthy would be within Davidstow Parish, in line with Map 1.0. Representatives of Treneglos parish indicated a wish for Hallworthy village to be entirely within the boundary of a single parish. Treneglos considered joining up with Warbstow and preferred to adjust the boundary so that all of Hallworthy would be within a united Treneglos and Warbstow parish.

At the time, Cornwall Council did not consider that a Boundary change in line with Map 1.0 was likely to better reflect the identity and interests of the area and secure more effective and convenient community governance and its draft recommendation was for no change.

Following the public consultation, the Electoral Review Panel could see the benefits of uniting all of Hallworthy village within the single parish of Davidstow and Treneglos parish joining with Warbstow parish (Map 1.1), as it could lead to improvements in local governance arrangements that better reflect the identity and interests of the area. However, the Panel was of the view that due to the lack of agreement between the parishes concerned (the views of Warbstow Parish were unknown at the time), the complexity of the issues raised and the time constraints, that the decision on any boundary change should be deferred. The decision made at full Council was to defer this decision until after the May 2021 elections for the reasons given by the Electoral Review Panel.

It is now known that all three parishes support a change in line with Maps 1.0 and 1.1.


To help inform the Council’s final decision on the changes under consideration, we asked for any additional views and information about these proposals, particularly with regards to any relevant changes that may have taken place in the area since March 2020 that impact on the proposals under consideration. People did not need to re-submit any views that they had already provided to us during the original consultation, as these would still be considered.

To provide their additional views, feedback or evidence with regards to these draft proposals, people were invited complete a feedback form, which was available online on this page or as hard copy on request. A printable reference copy is provided on this page. People were also able to email or post their response to us. The deadline for responses was 29 April 2022.


The feedback from this public consultation was considered at Constitution and Governance Committee meetings on 6th September 2022, 1st November 2022 and 12th January 2023 and informed their recommendations, which were raised and discussed at an Extraordinary meeting of the Council held on 31st January.

View the decision with regards to the proposals for these parishes.