Camborne Town Deal Transport Schemes

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Latest news

30/01/2025 - Latest plans for Camborne Renew transport scheme published.

Visualisation - Trelowarren Street looking towards Commercial Square

The latest plans for the Camborne Renew transport scheme were published for statutory consultation on 30th January.

The scheme is designed to enhance the appearance of Camborne town centre, improve access for pedestrians and cyclists, and increase the amount of time people spend in the town and support the local economy.

The Camborne Renew and Camborne LifeCycle schemes are part of the Camborne Town Deal Transport Project, one of 10 Town Deal funded projects which are aimed at regenerating the heart of Camborne and transforming the town into a visually appealing, accessible place to live, work, shop and visit.

The plans have been developed following extensive engagement with the local community, with the project team working hard to develop a scheme that delivers change, aligns with the project budgets and provides minimum disruption during the construction phase.

The feedback received from residents and businesses during the previous consultation has been used to shape the current designs which focus on improving the environmental aspect of the town centre by adding more seating and plant greenery, better pedestrian crossings, 1 hour free parking at the top of Trelowarren Street and secure cycle parking.

While the scheme is predominantly focused on Trelowarren Street and Commercial Square, there are also proposals to enhance the character of adjoining streets to complement the overall project.

The statutory consultation, which will run for three weeks (until 21st February 2025), is being led by Cormac in partnership with the Camborne Town Deal transport team. Copies of the Site Notices will be placed around the town and PDF versions are found on the widget on the right hand side of the webpage. General Arrangement plans and details of proposed street furniture are also available in PDF format and offer a more detailed insight into the latest proposals.

Visualisation - Chapel Street looking north towards Commercial Square

Val Dalley, Chair of the Camborne Town Deal Board, said: “The Camborne Renew project is going to make a big difference to our town centre and this consultation is an important opportunity for residents and businesses to have their say on the plans. The project has generated considerable interest and, like my fellow board members, I’m now looking forward to seeing the scheme implemented.”

Louis Gardner, Portfolio Holder for Economy, Cornwall Council added: “Making town centres visually appealing, accessible and places to linger are all key steps to enhancing their vitality. I urge people to keep sharing their vision and needs for Camborne town centre with us.”

To view details of the proposals, including maps and drawings, and to take part in the consultation please visit the transport consultation section on Cornwall Council’s website : Responses can also be provided via email at

A report setting out the results of the consultation, with recommendations on the way forward for the scheme, will be considered by members of the Camborne Town Deal Board.

It is anticipated that construction will begin in August.

Information about the plans for the Renew scheme and the wider Camborne Town Deal Transport Project is also available on the Camborne Town Deal website. Please note that responses to the consultation must be submitted via Cornwall Council’s consultation site:

Camborne LifeCycle Update:

Work is also progressing well on the Camborne LifeCycle project. This project will provide 3.7km of enhanced walking and cycling routes with the aim of encouraging pedestrians and cycle usage, cutting down on car journeys and improving air quality in the town centre. There are schemes taking place at eight separate locations.

Following the completion of the designs for the scheme in October 2024, construction works started at the first location at Rosewarne Road in November and had progressed through to location 5 at Roskear Road by the end of December.

The scheme includes widening the existing footway on the east side of the road and installing a dropped crossing point with tactile paving. The aim is to improve accessibility between Rosewarne car park and the centre of the town for residents and visitors to the area, including those with wheelchairs or prams, and the partially sighted. A new streetlight is also being installed as part of the scheme.

Work has now begun along the sections of the Roskear Tramway and North Roskear Road.

The LifeCycle programme is currently on schedule, with the first portion of the construction works due to be completed before summer 2025 and the second portion of works to be delivered by early 2026.

December 2024

Camborne LifeCycle:

Work is progressing on site to deliver the Camborne LifeCycle scheme.

LifeCycle Camborne has been awarded £1.643m of Town Deal funding, with match funding of £325,500 from Cornwall Council which is leading the project. Connecting central Camborne to the Red River and the Great Flat Lode, the project will provide 3.7km of enhanced walking and cycling routes with the aim of encouraging pedestrians and cycle usage, cutting down on car journeys and improving air quality in the town centre. There are schemes taking place at eight separate locations.

Construction works started at Rosewarne Road on November 18th and have progressed along the route to Roskear Road. The scheme includes widening the existing footway on the east side of the road and installing a dropped crossing point with tactile paving. The aim is to improve accessibility between Rosewarne car park and the centre of the town for residents and visitors to the area, including those with wheelchairs or prams, and the partially sighted. A new streetlight will also be installed as part of the scheme.

The scheme is being constructed by Cormac, with traffic lights in use during the duration of the works to enable the team to work safely

Construction delivery for Camborne LifeCycle is on programme, with the first portion of the construction works due to be completed before summer 2025 and the second portion of works to be delivered by early 2026.

You can find out more on the Camborne Town Deal website :

Camborne Renew:

This scheme aims to enhance the appearance of the town centre, improve access for pedestrians and cyclists, and increase the amount of time people spend in the town, supporting the high street economy. It is not about pedestrianisation and banning cars, or reducing the number of car parking spaces available to high street users.

Following feedback from the public consultation held in 2023, which raised objections to proposals to alter existing traffic flow within the town centre, revised plans were drawn up. These focus on improving the environmental aspect of the town centre by adding more seating and plant greenery, better pedestrian crossings and providing up to 60 minutes of free parking at the top of Trelowarren Street and secure cycle parking.

Camborne Renew is in the final stages of the detailed design. The project team are working hard to develop a scheme that delivers change, aligns with the project budgets and provides minimum disruption during the construction phase.

The underground utility survey has posed a number of engineering challenges to the scheme with alternative solutions required. Further traffic speed surveys have been undertaken as well as accessibility audits. Road coring and utility trial pits will be undertaken in the new year to confirm some of the more challenging aspects of the design and to confirm the pavement calculations.

The project team are aiming to complete design shortly. The scheme will then undergo the public statutory consultation in the new year.

Once the materials and designs have been agreed, work will take place to carry out the technical construction design and finalise the traffic management arrangements to support the construction phase.

The project team are very aware of concerns over the potential impact of some elements of the Renew scheme on businesses in the town centre and are working closely with partners and local stakeholders to ensure that any disruption is kept to a minimum.

While some diversions will need to be put in place during the construction period, these will be carefully planned in consultation with the local community during the coming months.

2024 Online Public Exhibition

Camborne residents were asked for their views on revised proposals to improve public spaces and the way people travel around the town centre. The consultation concluded on the 15th May 2024.

The Camborne Renew project has been amended to reflect the views of those who took part in a public consultation last year and the plans are now available to view online and at Council Offices, Dolcoath Ave, Camborne TR14 8SX .

Changes made as a result of previous resident feedback include:

  • there will be more seating and plant greenery in the town centre;
  • additional zebra crossings will be installed on Trelowarren Street and Commercial Street ;
  • 125 spaces within close proximity to Trelowarren Street will offer free parking for up to an hour, and;
  • there will be secure cycle parking in the town.

Earlier proposals for altering the flow of traffic along Trelowarren Street will now no longer take place.

2023 Exhibition Feedback

Thank you to everyone who took the time to view and comments the designs presented at the end of May. The survey results can be viewed here (or you can download a copy in the document section on this page)

Following review of the survey results, the proposals aiming to improve public spaces and the way people travel around Camborne Town Centre were amended to reflect the views of local residents.

Changes made as a result of feedback from the consultation include:

  • proposals for altering the flow of traffic along Trelowarren Street will now no longer take place;
  • there will be more seating and plant greenery in the town centre;
  • additional pedestrian crossings will be installed;
  • the parking bays at the top of Trelowarren Street will offer free parking for up to an hour, and;
  • there will be secure cycle parking in the town.

You can view a short video on YouTube here:

About the Project

The aim of the Camborne Town Deal transport schemes is to enhance the appearance of the town centre and provide benefits for walking and cycling within the town.

LifeCycle Camborne scheme – connecting central Camborne to the Red River and the Great Flat Lode, this scheme will provide 3.7km of enhanced walking and cycling routes with the aim of encouraging pedestrians and cycle usage, cut down on car journeys and improve air quality in the town centre. These also include connections to Park Gerry (a Town Deal project) and improved links to Roskear School.

Camborne Renew scheme - this forms part of the Camborne Town Deal Board’s vision to regenerate the heart of Camborne and transform it into a visually appealing, accessible place to live, work, shop and visit.

The Camborne Renew project is about:

  • Enhancing the appearance of the Town Centre
  • Encouraging longer dwell time thereby supporting high street economy
  • Providing a welcoming and safe environment for all users of the town
  • Supporting and adding value to the other Town Deal projects

The Camborne Renew is not about:

  • Pedestrianisation and banning cars
  • Reducing the number of car parking spaces available to high street users

Delivered by Cornwall Council, the team leading on the Camborne Renew project, are working with community groups through 2024 to finalise the project designs.

About the Camborne Town Deal

Camborne has been allocated up to £23.7 million from the Government's Town Deal Fund to support 11 capital projects that will improve the town’s prosperity, infrastructure and sustainable economic growth.

The Camborne Town Deal programme is supported by a group of volunteers who help to lead the process of preparing and implementing the Town Investment Plan.

The board is composed of a mix of representatives from the private, public and community sectors who are committed to improving their local area. Members of the boards include local businesses, community stakeholders, Councillors from Cornwall Council and Town Council, and the area’s MP.

For more information about the 11 Town Deal funded projects please visit: Camborne Town Deal website

You can also follow the Camborne Town Deal programme on social media.





Latest news

30/01/2025 - Latest plans for Camborne Renew transport scheme published.

Visualisation - Trelowarren Street looking towards Commercial Square

The latest plans for the Camborne Renew transport scheme were published for statutory consultation on 30th January.

The scheme is designed to enhance the appearance of Camborne town centre, improve access for pedestrians and cyclists, and increase the amount of time people spend in the town and support the local economy.

The Camborne Renew and Camborne LifeCycle schemes are part of the Camborne Town Deal Transport Project, one of 10 Town Deal funded projects which are aimed at regenerating the heart of Camborne and transforming the town into a visually appealing, accessible place to live, work, shop and visit.

The plans have been developed following extensive engagement with the local community, with the project team working hard to develop a scheme that delivers change, aligns with the project budgets and provides minimum disruption during the construction phase.

The feedback received from residents and businesses during the previous consultation has been used to shape the current designs which focus on improving the environmental aspect of the town centre by adding more seating and plant greenery, better pedestrian crossings, 1 hour free parking at the top of Trelowarren Street and secure cycle parking.

While the scheme is predominantly focused on Trelowarren Street and Commercial Square, there are also proposals to enhance the character of adjoining streets to complement the overall project.

The statutory consultation, which will run for three weeks (until 21st February 2025), is being led by Cormac in partnership with the Camborne Town Deal transport team. Copies of the Site Notices will be placed around the town and PDF versions are found on the widget on the right hand side of the webpage. General Arrangement plans and details of proposed street furniture are also available in PDF format and offer a more detailed insight into the latest proposals.

Visualisation - Chapel Street looking north towards Commercial Square

Val Dalley, Chair of the Camborne Town Deal Board, said: “The Camborne Renew project is going to make a big difference to our town centre and this consultation is an important opportunity for residents and businesses to have their say on the plans. The project has generated considerable interest and, like my fellow board members, I’m now looking forward to seeing the scheme implemented.”

Louis Gardner, Portfolio Holder for Economy, Cornwall Council added: “Making town centres visually appealing, accessible and places to linger are all key steps to enhancing their vitality. I urge people to keep sharing their vision and needs for Camborne town centre with us.”

To view details of the proposals, including maps and drawings, and to take part in the consultation please visit the transport consultation section on Cornwall Council’s website : Responses can also be provided via email at

A report setting out the results of the consultation, with recommendations on the way forward for the scheme, will be considered by members of the Camborne Town Deal Board.

It is anticipated that construction will begin in August.

Information about the plans for the Renew scheme and the wider Camborne Town Deal Transport Project is also available on the Camborne Town Deal website. Please note that responses to the consultation must be submitted via Cornwall Council’s consultation site:

Camborne LifeCycle Update:

Work is also progressing well on the Camborne LifeCycle project. This project will provide 3.7km of enhanced walking and cycling routes with the aim of encouraging pedestrians and cycle usage, cutting down on car journeys and improving air quality in the town centre. There are schemes taking place at eight separate locations.

Following the completion of the designs for the scheme in October 2024, construction works started at the first location at Rosewarne Road in November and had progressed through to location 5 at Roskear Road by the end of December.

The scheme includes widening the existing footway on the east side of the road and installing a dropped crossing point with tactile paving. The aim is to improve accessibility between Rosewarne car park and the centre of the town for residents and visitors to the area, including those with wheelchairs or prams, and the partially sighted. A new streetlight is also being installed as part of the scheme.

Work has now begun along the sections of the Roskear Tramway and North Roskear Road.

The LifeCycle programme is currently on schedule, with the first portion of the construction works due to be completed before summer 2025 and the second portion of works to be delivered by early 2026.

December 2024

Camborne LifeCycle:

Work is progressing on site to deliver the Camborne LifeCycle scheme.

LifeCycle Camborne has been awarded £1.643m of Town Deal funding, with match funding of £325,500 from Cornwall Council which is leading the project. Connecting central Camborne to the Red River and the Great Flat Lode, the project will provide 3.7km of enhanced walking and cycling routes with the aim of encouraging pedestrians and cycle usage, cutting down on car journeys and improving air quality in the town centre. There are schemes taking place at eight separate locations.

Construction works started at Rosewarne Road on November 18th and have progressed along the route to Roskear Road. The scheme includes widening the existing footway on the east side of the road and installing a dropped crossing point with tactile paving. The aim is to improve accessibility between Rosewarne car park and the centre of the town for residents and visitors to the area, including those with wheelchairs or prams, and the partially sighted. A new streetlight will also be installed as part of the scheme.

The scheme is being constructed by Cormac, with traffic lights in use during the duration of the works to enable the team to work safely

Construction delivery for Camborne LifeCycle is on programme, with the first portion of the construction works due to be completed before summer 2025 and the second portion of works to be delivered by early 2026.

You can find out more on the Camborne Town Deal website :

Camborne Renew:

This scheme aims to enhance the appearance of the town centre, improve access for pedestrians and cyclists, and increase the amount of time people spend in the town, supporting the high street economy. It is not about pedestrianisation and banning cars, or reducing the number of car parking spaces available to high street users.

Following feedback from the public consultation held in 2023, which raised objections to proposals to alter existing traffic flow within the town centre, revised plans were drawn up. These focus on improving the environmental aspect of the town centre by adding more seating and plant greenery, better pedestrian crossings and providing up to 60 minutes of free parking at the top of Trelowarren Street and secure cycle parking.

Camborne Renew is in the final stages of the detailed design. The project team are working hard to develop a scheme that delivers change, aligns with the project budgets and provides minimum disruption during the construction phase.

The underground utility survey has posed a number of engineering challenges to the scheme with alternative solutions required. Further traffic speed surveys have been undertaken as well as accessibility audits. Road coring and utility trial pits will be undertaken in the new year to confirm some of the more challenging aspects of the design and to confirm the pavement calculations.

The project team are aiming to complete design shortly. The scheme will then undergo the public statutory consultation in the new year.

Once the materials and designs have been agreed, work will take place to carry out the technical construction design and finalise the traffic management arrangements to support the construction phase.

The project team are very aware of concerns over the potential impact of some elements of the Renew scheme on businesses in the town centre and are working closely with partners and local stakeholders to ensure that any disruption is kept to a minimum.

While some diversions will need to be put in place during the construction period, these will be carefully planned in consultation with the local community during the coming months.

2024 Online Public Exhibition

Camborne residents were asked for their views on revised proposals to improve public spaces and the way people travel around the town centre. The consultation concluded on the 15th May 2024.

The Camborne Renew project has been amended to reflect the views of those who took part in a public consultation last year and the plans are now available to view online and at Council Offices, Dolcoath Ave, Camborne TR14 8SX .

Changes made as a result of previous resident feedback include:

  • there will be more seating and plant greenery in the town centre;
  • additional zebra crossings will be installed on Trelowarren Street and Commercial Street ;
  • 125 spaces within close proximity to Trelowarren Street will offer free parking for up to an hour, and;
  • there will be secure cycle parking in the town.

Earlier proposals for altering the flow of traffic along Trelowarren Street will now no longer take place.

2023 Exhibition Feedback

Thank you to everyone who took the time to view and comments the designs presented at the end of May. The survey results can be viewed here (or you can download a copy in the document section on this page)

Following review of the survey results, the proposals aiming to improve public spaces and the way people travel around Camborne Town Centre were amended to reflect the views of local residents.

Changes made as a result of feedback from the consultation include:

  • proposals for altering the flow of traffic along Trelowarren Street will now no longer take place;
  • there will be more seating and plant greenery in the town centre;
  • additional pedestrian crossings will be installed;
  • the parking bays at the top of Trelowarren Street will offer free parking for up to an hour, and;
  • there will be secure cycle parking in the town.

You can view a short video on YouTube here:

About the Project

The aim of the Camborne Town Deal transport schemes is to enhance the appearance of the town centre and provide benefits for walking and cycling within the town.

LifeCycle Camborne scheme – connecting central Camborne to the Red River and the Great Flat Lode, this scheme will provide 3.7km of enhanced walking and cycling routes with the aim of encouraging pedestrians and cycle usage, cut down on car journeys and improve air quality in the town centre. These also include connections to Park Gerry (a Town Deal project) and improved links to Roskear School.

Camborne Renew scheme - this forms part of the Camborne Town Deal Board’s vision to regenerate the heart of Camborne and transform it into a visually appealing, accessible place to live, work, shop and visit.

The Camborne Renew project is about:

  • Enhancing the appearance of the Town Centre
  • Encouraging longer dwell time thereby supporting high street economy
  • Providing a welcoming and safe environment for all users of the town
  • Supporting and adding value to the other Town Deal projects

The Camborne Renew is not about:

  • Pedestrianisation and banning cars
  • Reducing the number of car parking spaces available to high street users

Delivered by Cornwall Council, the team leading on the Camborne Renew project, are working with community groups through 2024 to finalise the project designs.

About the Camborne Town Deal

Camborne has been allocated up to £23.7 million from the Government's Town Deal Fund to support 11 capital projects that will improve the town’s prosperity, infrastructure and sustainable economic growth.

The Camborne Town Deal programme is supported by a group of volunteers who help to lead the process of preparing and implementing the Town Investment Plan.

The board is composed of a mix of representatives from the private, public and community sectors who are committed to improving their local area. Members of the boards include local businesses, community stakeholders, Councillors from Cornwall Council and Town Council, and the area’s MP.

For more information about the 11 Town Deal funded projects please visit: Camborne Town Deal website

You can also follow the Camborne Town Deal programme on social media.





  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    A public exhibition was held on the 24th of April 2023 to present the concept designs for the Camborne Town Deal – Renew scheme. A public survey commenced on the 24th of April 2023 and finished on the 29th of May 2023.  Following the public survey, the project team have worked on amending the designs to incorporate the elements that had public support, including improved pedestrian crossings and removing elements of the scheme that did not have public support such as the proposed traffic flow alterations.


    £2.8 million of Government funding (Department for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities) is allocated to the Camborne Renew project. The funding is only available for the Town Deal approved capital projects and is available until March 2026. Should this project not have public support then no further optioneering will be carried out and the money will be returned to the funder.


    Privacy Notice 

    The Data Controller for the information you provide in this survey is Cornwall Council, New County Hall, Treyew Road, Truro TR1 3AY. Data Protection Registration Number: Z1745294. Once the survey has closed, your data will be held within Cornwall Council’s secure network and premises for up to 2 years. Where we ask you to supply personal data on this form, we will only make access to this data available to authorised members of Cormac and Cornwall Council staff who are required to process it for the purposes outlined in this privacy notice. Please note that other information you provide, such as responses to open questions, may be published in full.

    The survey results will be shared with Camborne Renew project partners.

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Page last updated: 14 Feb 2025, 04:41 PM