Consultation on the proposed Cornwall Devolution Deal

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This consultation closed at midnight on 17 February 2023.

The Government and Cornwall Council have negotiated a proposed Level 3 Devolution Deal (we will also refer to it as ‘the Deal’). If it is accepted, Government would give additional powers and funding to Cornwall Council. The Deal would give Cornwall Council more funding to invest in Cornwall’s future, and more control over the decision-making that affects Cornwall’s residents and businesses.

The Government has set an important condition: if Cornwall Council is to receive more powers and funding, it needs to change the way the Council is governed, from the current system of a Council Leader, elected by the 87 Cornwall Councillors every year, to a Mayor directly elected by the people of Cornwall every four years.

Before the Deal can come into effect, Cornwall Council will need to decide whether to accept the Deal and agree to change its governance model from a Leader and Cabinet model to an elected Mayor and Cabinet model. Those two decisions are ‘two sides of the same coin’. The Government have made it clear that the Council will not be able to secure the proposed Deal if it doesn’t change its governance model.

What were we consulting on?

We were consulting on a new proposed Level 3 Devolution Deal that Cornwall Council has negotiated with Government . The powers and funding that the Deal brings are intended to help deliver on the priorities set out in the Cornwall Plan 2050. We are also consulting on the proposed governance changes which are a requirement of the Deal.

The results of this consultation will be considered by Cornwall Council before any decisions are made to approve the Deal including making the required change to the Council’s governance. The results will also be shared with Government who will consider the outcome of the consultation to determine if the statutory tests are met to pass the additional powers and funding to the Council.

How do I find out more about the proposed Deal?

In our Consultation Document we explain the key powers and funding the Deal would bring and the governance changes we would need to make to secure the Deal.

You will also find more information about the Deal on this page.

What were the findings from the consultation?

A report on the feedback from this consultation was published on this page ahead of the extraordinary meeting of Cornwall Council's Cabinet at which the feedback was considered.

What decision was made following the consultation?

At this Cabinet meeting on April 5th Cabinet members agreed that Cornwall Council will not be accepting the proposed Level 3 Cornwall Devolution Deal that includes the requirement for a directly elected Mayor. Cornwall Council will instead pursue a Level 2 deal that seeks to retain as many of the elements of the Level 3 deal as possible.

On 22 November 2023 the Government announced the Level 2 Deal with Cornwall as part of the Autumn Statement. Details of this Level 2 deal (for which no governance changes are required) were presented to Cornwall Council's Cabinet for consideration on 28 November 2023. Cabinet approved the Level 2 Deal and it has since been formally signed and adopted.

This consultation closed at midnight on 17 February 2023.

The Government and Cornwall Council have negotiated a proposed Level 3 Devolution Deal (we will also refer to it as ‘the Deal’). If it is accepted, Government would give additional powers and funding to Cornwall Council. The Deal would give Cornwall Council more funding to invest in Cornwall’s future, and more control over the decision-making that affects Cornwall’s residents and businesses.

The Government has set an important condition: if Cornwall Council is to receive more powers and funding, it needs to change the way the Council is governed, from the current system of a Council Leader, elected by the 87 Cornwall Councillors every year, to a Mayor directly elected by the people of Cornwall every four years.

Before the Deal can come into effect, Cornwall Council will need to decide whether to accept the Deal and agree to change its governance model from a Leader and Cabinet model to an elected Mayor and Cabinet model. Those two decisions are ‘two sides of the same coin’. The Government have made it clear that the Council will not be able to secure the proposed Deal if it doesn’t change its governance model.

What were we consulting on?

We were consulting on a new proposed Level 3 Devolution Deal that Cornwall Council has negotiated with Government . The powers and funding that the Deal brings are intended to help deliver on the priorities set out in the Cornwall Plan 2050. We are also consulting on the proposed governance changes which are a requirement of the Deal.

The results of this consultation will be considered by Cornwall Council before any decisions are made to approve the Deal including making the required change to the Council’s governance. The results will also be shared with Government who will consider the outcome of the consultation to determine if the statutory tests are met to pass the additional powers and funding to the Council.

How do I find out more about the proposed Deal?

In our Consultation Document we explain the key powers and funding the Deal would bring and the governance changes we would need to make to secure the Deal.

You will also find more information about the Deal on this page.

What were the findings from the consultation?

A report on the feedback from this consultation was published on this page ahead of the extraordinary meeting of Cornwall Council's Cabinet at which the feedback was considered.

What decision was made following the consultation?

At this Cabinet meeting on April 5th Cabinet members agreed that Cornwall Council will not be accepting the proposed Level 3 Cornwall Devolution Deal that includes the requirement for a directly elected Mayor. Cornwall Council will instead pursue a Level 2 deal that seeks to retain as many of the elements of the Level 3 deal as possible.

On 22 November 2023 the Government announced the Level 2 Deal with Cornwall as part of the Autumn Statement. Details of this Level 2 deal (for which no governance changes are required) were presented to Cornwall Council's Cabinet for consideration on 28 November 2023. Cabinet approved the Level 2 Deal and it has since been formally signed and adopted.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    This questionnaire closed at midnight on 17/02/2023.

    In our Consultation Document we explain the key powers and funding the Deal would bring and the governance changes we would need to make to secure the Deal. Please read this document before completing the questionnaire.

    Privacy Notice 

    We will use the information you provide to help inform decisions in relation to the Cornwall Devolution Deal, including the decision whether or not to accept the Deal, including the change to an elected Mayor, which is a requirement of the Deal.

    The Data Controller for the information you provide in this survey is Cornwall Council, New County Hall, Treyew Road, Truro TR1 3AY. Data Protection Registration Number: Z1745294. Once the survey has closed, your data will be held within Cornwall Council’s secure network and premises for up to 2 years. Where we ask you to supply personal data on this form, we will only make access to this data available to authorised members of staff who are required to process it for the purposes outlined in this privacy notice. Please note that other information you provide, such as responses to open questions, may be published in full.If you are responding formally on behalf of a business or organisation, please note that your responses may be attributed to you and/or your organisation.

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Page last updated: 22 Dec 2023, 01:53 PM